"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" the old man shouted

"What's wrong?"

Ye Mo looked at him in surprise and asked.

Even the little girl next to him looked at the old man with some doubts and said:

""What's wrong, Grandpa? Shouldn't he be asked to unclog the sewer?

If he wasn't eaten by those people, then he should be eaten by Brother Red Prince!"

However, before the little girl could finish her words, the old man covered her mouth and quickly told her to shut up!

"Hehehe, you don't need to unclog the sewer, just go!

I can unclog the sewer myself, and I don't need to pay for the rent!"

The old man said with a smirk.

However, what surprised Ye Mo even more was that he couldn't see the old man's panel today! If he couldn't see the panel, it meant that the old man didn't want to be his enemy, or had no hostility towards him, so he wouldn't display the panel! It can only be like this...

But if you don't let me unclog the sewer, then I won't unclog it? I have to unclog it!

At this moment, Ye Mo waved his palm and said to the old man:

"No, we have to pay rent if we live in your house, and I don’t have the money to pay you, so I have to help you unclog this sewer!"

There is no other way. The task has been given, and I can’t not complete it, right?

At this moment, the old man was completely dumbfounded. He had seen stupid people, but he had never seen such a stupid person!

Is there such a person who rushes to unclog sewers for others?

"you you……"

The old man was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ye Mo thought he agreed, so he said to the little girl:

"Take us to the sewer, don't worry, I'm an expert at unclogging!"

Hearing this, the little girl glared at him, but still broke free from the old man's arms to lead the way for Ye Mo and his friends.

Soon, Ye Mo and his friends arrived at the entrance of the sewer, and saw that it was a huge manhole cover, five or six times larger than the others.

After opening the manhole cover, it was pitch black inside, with only one staircase leading down, and it was so dark inside that you couldn't see anything.……

"Go in, hehe, but I warn you, the Red Prince inside is very hungry, you'd better clear the entire sewer within 10 minutes, otherwise the Red Prince will come to eat you!"

The little girl's words sounded creepy, but Ye Mo didn't ignore her directly, but took the lead and walked into the dark sewer...

At this moment, the old man finally caught up with him. After seeing Ye Mo entering the sewer, his heart was chilled...

You know, the red-clothed female ghost who lived on the 17th floor last night was a famous entrepreneur in the next city!

Now that such a powerful person has died in his apartment, then he can't escape the blame, and he will definitely be punished and even his soul may be scattered! It

's okay if his soul is scattered, he still has a granddaughter to take care of...

But there is the Red Prince in this sewer.

The Red Prince is the son of the current mayor. He was locked in this sewer because he was disobedient.

If the mayor's son dies, then his whole family will be finished!

"It’s over! It’s over!

This guy is a bad guy! He will definitely kill the Red Prince, and then we’re done for, and there’s no need to open this apartment anymore!"

The old man howled miserably, and the little girl next to him seemed to have heard nothing, still expecting screams to come from the sewer.


At the same time, Ye Mo was moving forward in the sewer.

It must be said that the sewer was not as dirty as he imagined.

There was only some milky white stuff blocking it, and it did not smell bad, but instead had a faint meaty aroma.……

"Could this be the poop of a ghost? I have never seen a ghost poop.……"

Hades and Lucifer looked at each other in bewilderment at Ye Mo's words, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

However, they were somewhat suspicious of whether their master had any special fetishes...

At this time, as the three of them moved forward, they soon came to a huge reservoir.

The entire reservoir was filled with milky white stuff. Logically speaking, it was a manure pool, and the milky white stuff was all weird feces.……

"Gurgle Gurgle Gurgle……"

Just as Ye Mo was thinking, a strange sound appeared in the septic tank, and then a young man covered in red rushed out of the strange shit!

This way of appearance was simply jaw-dropping...

A brilliant debut from the cesspool, right?

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