Although it was a nightmare-level weirdness, it became somewhat insignificant after Ye Mo shared the attributes of Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta.

This was a one-sided massacre.

The super high attributes, coupled with the occasional burst of magic light killing cannon in Ye Mo's hand, made him invincible among the 10 nightmare-level weirdnesses, like a killing god!

Especially the Kanglong long sword in his hand, it made him like Guan Gong in the world, passing five levels and killing six generals!

The golden sword swung, and black blood was thrown!

Ye Mo's thundering methods were constantly magnified in the eyes of the ten weirdnesses, and even caused a trace of fear in their hearts!

Bloody streets, weird blood...

After 10 minutes, Ye Mo was gasping for breath, looking around with a somewhat crazy look in his eyes……

"Hehe... Nightmare-level ghost is just like this……"

After calming down his inner mania, Ye Mo looked up at the equipment that exploded after the death of these nightmare-level ghosts.

【Ghost Fang"Black Level": Speed increased by 10%】

【Blood Red Cloak [Black Level]: Defense increased by 15%】


These equipments are not that important to Ye Mo. After he looked at the two experience packs that exploded, his face looked better.

These two experience packs were exploded from nightmare-level ghosts. They should be very large. Ye Mo looked at them and found that one was a 4 million experience pack and the other was a 4.5 million experience pack... After thinking for a moment, his current level was 41.

These two experience packs plus the millions of ghosts he had killed before, the accumulated experience was enough for him to level up three times...

After the upgrade, he would be level 44.

You must know that after level 40, the attribute improvement obtained by each upgrade will be huge!

If you upgrade at level 10, the attribute will only be increased by 10 or 100 points for each upgrade.

But after level 40, each time the points are added, it will even remain above 2,000!

If Ye Mo now upgrades three levels in a row, then his attributes can increase by more than 6,000 again.

Not to mention his own summoned beasts,

Vegeta now upgrades by tens of thousands every time, and there is no limit of 2,000 points at all!

"Let's upgrade this time. I will maintain the level of 44 and accumulate all the experience later. I will upgrade after I go to Shuanglong Mountain!"

Ye Mo thought about it.

If he was still level 40 after going out this time, it would definitely arouse the vigilance of some people.

They would think that he had hoarded enough experience and did not upgrade. They planned to secretly upgrade and backstab them after going to Shuanglong Mountain.

But if he upgraded to level 44, it would indirectly show that he did not hoard experience, and the highest level was 44. This would make others relax their vigilance.

You should know that the people who went to Shuanglong Mountain this time were at least level 70, and the highest level was 80. There were many geniuses among them.

And the incident of his killing Bishop Dameng with one arrow had already spread all over Longguo and Jiangnan. Bei, everyone knows his name, those people must be very wary of him...

Just as Ye Mo was thinking, he suddenly found that the strange corpses he had just killed began to wriggle!

I saw these strange corpses wriggling constantly, and wisps of black air kept coming out of these corpses, which looked extremely terrifying! What's even more terrifying is that the directions in which these corpses wriggled are limited. It seems that all the corpses are wriggling towards one position, as if they are trying to combine together.

Soon, two of the corpses immediately merged together, forming a strange piece of meat, and it kept emitting black air, attracting other corpses to come.……

"What is this? Is the consciousness of the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother awakening?"

Ye Mo did not dare to be careless. He immediately ran to the flower shop, picked up a pot of flowers, and came to the corpses, placing a flower on each one!

The moment the flowers touched the corpses, the corpses stopped moving, and the black air slowly stopped.……

"Damn, I almost made a big mess!"

Ye Mo sighed.

Who knows what would happen if these corpses were merged?

If Huangquan Ghost Mother recovered her body, things would be a bit serious!

Fortunately, I reacted quickly... and at this moment, a message suddenly came from my phone. The voice was a little sharp, so Ye Mo couldn't help but look over:

【Glazed Ice:

「The opening date of Shuanglong Mountain seems to have been advanced. According to our calculations, there should be two inheritances in it.

You need to finish this Shenyuan as soon as possible. It would be best to go to Shuanglong Mountain within 10 days!」】

【Another thing is that there are some abnormal fluctuations in the Shenyuan where you are, which seems to be related to the Shenyuan of the pseudo-human world you have entered before.……】

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