At this moment, the sky and the earth changed color, and the face of the woman on the blood ball became clearer and clearer.

She just looked at Ye Mo quietly, without anger or sadness, as if everything was as it should be...

Soon, as one weird thing after another was sucked into the blood ball, the surrounding cities had long lost any weird life. Too many disappeared, almost completely extinct!

In contrast, the entire blood ball has begun to condense into the appearance of a woman.

And the speed of condensation is not very slow, it can even be said to be very fast!

A head of long black hair appeared first, followed by a graceful body...

The blood ball gradually disappeared, and the figure of the woman became clearer.

She has blue and white eyes, and her eyebrows are like the goddess in the myth.

"Hello, perfect little man."

Yellow Spring Ghost Mother said with a smile.

At this moment, Ye Mo's face did not show any fear. Instead, he calmly flew to the front of the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother, stretched out his left palm, and revealed the number 001 on the back of his hand!

"Hello 095, I am 001"

【You've conquered the spooky world!】

【You can choose to stay for 10 hours or exit Shenyuan after 30 seconds.

Hearing the prompt in his mind, Ye Mo paused and said:

"Exit after 30 seconds!"

【You choose to exit after 30 seconds, please be prepared]

At the same time, Huangquan Ghost Mother was stunned when she heard Ye Mo's words.

She looked at the number 001 on the back of Ye Mo's hand with an unbelievable look in her eyes, and even with some fear.……

"You are 001? How is that possible?"

"Oh, nothing is impossible. After all, a weakling like you is also capable of creating a world. Other things are more likely, aren't they?"

Ye Mo said condescendingly, with a calm expression, and even a bit of contempt in his expression!

His appearance made Huangquan Ghost Mother take two steps back, and then her expression became sinister and she said:

"You are lying. I'm afraid you don't even have the strength of Sequence 50. You are lying to me!"

Huangquan Ghost Mother said, but her figure was a little timid and she didn't dare to step forward.

"Idiot, I have no interest in arguing with a weakling like you.

You are not even qualified to talk to me!"

Ye Mo put his hands behind his back, raised his head high, and looked arrogant like a rooster, which looked quite intimidating.

The scene was slightly deadlocked at this time, but after a while, Huangquan Ghost Mother's body suddenly shook!

"So that's how it is! It was quite difficult for you to beat that kid Liu Tong, and you still dare to say that you are 001! ?"

The next second, Huangquan Ghost Mother roared and pounced!

However, to her surprise, Ye Mo's whole body was wrapped in a layer of white light and disappeared in an instant!


【Congratulations to the professional team"Summoner Team" for conquering the strange world of the Purgatory-level Divine Abyss!】

【The time to complete the game is: 39 hours and 55 minutes】

【Captain: Ye Mo (Summoner)】

【Rewards: Professional Experience +4500000, a Conqueror Gift Pack (a Weird World Conqueror Treasure Chest)

(Weird World Conqueror Treasure Chest),

「"Conqueror of the Mysterious World of Shenyuan"】

【Since this Shenyuan has been conquered, it is permanently closed!

At this moment, Ye Mo, who turned into a ball of white light, returned to the Shenyuan Hall.

If someone stood behind him, they would find that his entire back was soaked with cold sweat, and even his back muscles could be seen.……

"What a close call!"

Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief. This time he really took a risk.

He was sure at the beginning that conquering these ordinary weirdnesses might not be enough to pass the level. He could only conquer the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother.

However, the strength of the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother was almost the same as that of the 160-level Colin Xi. It would be difficult to conquer her by himself, so he could only resort to this last resort, using their identities as Sequencers to intimidate them and conquer them.

Although it only took a few seconds to conquer them, it was still a conquest!

Ye Mo really felt a little tired now. He hadn't even slept since entering the Divine Abyss and had been in a state of combat. Now he was really a little sleepy.……

"I don't know if Wang Lin and his brothers' Anaconda attack has been successful... Never mind.……"

Ye Mo shook his head, then quickly summoned a Dark Vegeta to take him out of the Great Dream City and head towards his home.

He didn't care whether his mother was at home or not, but entered the bedroom and fell asleep. After defeating the Dragon Tiger Club and Shen Yuan, he experienced the events of the Great Dream Bishop and the coming of Sothoth. Before he woke up, he went to the strange world again, causing him to lose some energy. So Ye Mo lay down and fell into a coma...

This sleep was so dark.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Mo woke up in a daze and felt dry mouth. He grabbed a bottle of water on the bedside and drank it before getting up.……

"Damn, I seem to have slept for a long time……"

Looking at the time, Ye Mo didn't realize that it was less than three days before Shuanglong Mountain opened!

There were more than 30 missed calls on his phone, all from Liu Libing.

Needless to say, they just wanted to urge him to go to Shuanglong Mountain, but Ye Mo didn't rush to call back, because he heard some other people's voices coming from the living room downstairs...

At this moment, he opened the door and looked up. There was a long-haired girl sitting in the living room, wearing a light blue dress, chatting with her mother...

Seeing him appear, the two people in the living room were stunned at first, and then laughed:

""Xiao Mo, why didn't you tell me that you were dating? This girl even came to our house!"

Mom said in a reproachful tone.

Ye Mo looked at the girl's face and it took him a long time to realize that this girl was one of the ones he had dated before.

Why did she come to him now?

Could it be that she wanted to rely on him?

Ye Mo had a bad idea in his mind. It seemed that he would have to spend a lot of money this time and send this girl away.

However, the further he went downstairs, the more he remembered something after seeing the girl's face. Now that he walked into the living room, he finally remembered that this girl was a little different from the other four he had dated before, because this girl was really very...……




So she is most likely a... virgin?

Then by some strange coincidence, she made a date with me, and by some strange coincidence, I became her first love?

What a ridiculous plot, what the hell is this author thinking!?

Ye Mo was a little helpless. He ignored his mother who was stunned, but grabbed the girl's arm and took her out of the villa, found a pavilion and sat down.

""Tell me, how much do you want?"

Ye Mo said unhappily.

Hearing this, the girl's face showed hesitation and uneasiness, her white fingers crossed together, and she said at a loss:

"I don't want money……"


Ye Mo laughed, and laughed angrily!

"You don't want money, so what do you want? Do you want me to marry you? Do you think I will marry you? Really?"

Faced with Ye Mo's aggressive questioning, the girl pursed her lips, with sparkling eyes.……

"I... No, I just want to see you.……"

"See me?

Do you think we are three-year-old children?

Send me your bank card number and I will give you 1 million. Don't come to my house to harass me in the future!"

The girl didn't speak, but kept crying...

She looked at Ye Mo's face, tears kept flowing in her eyes, and said incoherently:

"I really like I agreed to your request that day……"

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