Hearing Ye Mo's words, the young man's heart suddenly trembled. He looked around, but did not find the so-called second arrow...

The other people around were also full of doubts, because they did not find when Ye Mo shot the second arrow.

Seeing that everything was fine, the young man raised his head and said disdainfully:

"You are such a mysterious guy, I don't think you have the ability to shoot the second sword, and you are still bluffing here, I will kill you with one move!"

The young man released three blue swords from behind and flew up, ready to pounce on Ye Mo, but at this moment, his body suddenly froze, his eyes looked at his chest in disbelief, and he even opened his palm to check...

At this moment, he finally found out that the second arrow Ye Mo mentioned was not the second arrow in the true sense, but the secondary damage!

At this moment, he found that his breathing was becoming short, his chest was heaving violently, and even wrinkles appeared on his palms!

He was getting old!

"This! What is this!?"

The young man said in disbelief, because he found that his hand holding the knife was shaking a little, as if it was due to the discomfort caused by his old age...

The changes in the young man fell into the eyes of everyone. At this moment, the older professional even felt a chill on his back and wanted to leave this place quickly.

Everyone noticed that after taking Ye Mo's sword, the young man's life span was reduced a little, and he became old!

His attack can actually shorten people's lifespan!

This discovery made the faces of the people present tremble!

High-level professionals are not afraid of attacks, nor are they afraid of illusions. It can be said that they are all-round strong to reach this level. However, for life span, This is a sensitive spot, and the professionals on Blue Star have no effective means of defense. The means by which Ye Mo can shorten life spans hit everyone's heart like a dimensionality reduction attack, causing the fear in the hearts of some older professionals to overflow like water!

This is shortening human life, who can not be afraid? Who dares not be afraid!

In an instant, everyone scattered, no one wanted to offend Ye Mo again, even if they stayed with him, everyone had a feeling that their lifespan was about to be shortened.

At this moment, the young man who was hit collapsed from the air powerlessly, trying to adapt to his current physical condition.

Ye Mo put away the Zhuxian Demon Bow, just stood there coldly, looking at everyone with a calm expression

"Whirring whirring……"

The young man gasped for air, and it took him a long while to recover. He looked at Ye Mo with fear.

He didn't dare to say a word, but raised his head, clasped his fists in fear, and then quickly retreated.

Asking him to take revenge? He definitely wouldn't dare to do that. If Ye Mo shot another sword, he would become even older, and his life would be over!

The scene at the foot of the mountain also attracted the attention of many people in the camp on the top of the mountain. They looked at Ye Mo with a little curiosity.

"Is he Ye Mo? He looks handsome, but his mind is a little too vicious."

A middle-aged man with silver hair said calmly while drinking tea.

The servants beside him smiled and nodded in agreement:

"Yes, sir, this boy has a vicious mind, so it is better for us not to meet him!"

Hearing the advice of several people around him, the silver-haired old man smiled, just glanced at Ye Mo coldly and said:

""You are so vicious at such a young age, you are not worthy of my attention at all!"

However, at this moment, Ye Mo suddenly turned his head and his eyes met with the silver-haired old man.

At this moment, Ye Mo's lips moved slightly. Due to the distance, he could not hear clearly, but the silver-haired old man understood his lip language through his lips.……

"Very vicious? Then be vicious."

The moment he understood the lip language, the silver-haired old man immediately panicked.


He spat out a mouthful of tea and quickly stood up, but staggered back a few steps.

"You, you, you, what are you going to do? I am your senior, how dare you attack me! ?"

The silver-haired old man pointed at Ye Mo and shouted.

But Ye Mo did not show any reaction, he directly took out the Zhuxian Demon Bow and shot an arrow!

"Damn! Why is he so irritable!?"

The silver-haired old man roared in his heart. If he had known that Ye Mo was so difficult to deal with, he would not have said that just now, but now it was too late!

The next second, the huge black arrow had already shot in front of the silver-haired old man.

Helplessly, he could only stretch out his hand to block it, and then a red damage number appeared above his head!


The 85th level professional was so terrifying that only 5 million of the 20 million damage was inflicted on him.

You have to know that this was the hasty defense of the Silver Elder. If he was asked to defend with all his strength, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to deal with 1 million!

However, Ye Mo wanted him to defend. If the old man didn't defend and instead suffered 20 million damage, he would be in trouble.

At this moment, the silver-haired old man was filled with endless regret, because he had begun to notice that the wrinkles on the back of his hand were growing rapidly, breathing became more and more difficult, and he even felt sore in his waist and knees!

"Damn it!"

The silver-haired old man immediately squatted down, gasping for air, but he could not stop the reduction of his lifespan at all, as if there was a thief in his body constantly stealing his life, but he could not do anything about it.

This feeling of powerlessness devoured the old man's heart, and he was already in despair at this moment. The servants beside him also changed their expressions, and they did not dare to step forward or speak, for fear that the next arrow would shoot at them.

"Keep your mouth shut, maybe you can live another two years. If you can't, you can die now."

Ye Mo spoke coldly, and then walked to a place at the foot of the mountain, set up his own camp and sat down, silently waiting for Shuanglong Mountain to open...

At this moment, he showed the power of a demon!

Hundreds of heroes on Shuanglong Mountain all looked at him, but no one dared to provoke him, because no one wanted to be hit by the arrow that deprived him of his life!

"This boy is ruthless and decisive.���"Become a great man!"

A middle-aged professional of level 84 spoke calmly.

Although the others did not say anything, fear flashed in their eyes.

At the same time, Ye Mo also set up camp here. As long as he waited for two more days, Shuanglong Mountain would be opened.

Originally, according to his character, he would not start a massacre as soon as he came here, but there were too many strong people here. If he did not show some skills, it was very likely that these people would unite to bully him, a newcomer in his 40s.

After all, people always bully the weak and fear the strong.

Time passed quickly, and a day passed in a blink of an eye.

Everything was peaceful, and there were even few incidents of sparring.

But on the morning of the second day, an old man's shout suddenly came from afar!

"Who hurt my son? Get out here! I'm going to skin you alive and pull out your tendons!!!"

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