"This so-called Ye Tiancai is just like this. In the face of absolute strength, his tricks are completely useless!"

"Yes, Lord Chiyan Weilus is still very powerful. How can a mere Ye Mo be compared with these top three? There is a huge difference!"

"Okay, okay, everyone should hurry up and get into the mountain. We also need to seize opportunities, otherwise all the good things will be taken away by others!"

"OK, OK……"

While everyone outside the mountain was talking, Ye Mo's administrator portal had opened!

A cyan portal appeared next to the normal portal, which looked extremely gorgeous!

「"Admin portal, come in quickly, there are some unexpected good things here!"

Without any hesitation, Ye Mo entered the cyan portal directly!

The scene in front of him suddenly changed drastically, and he found himself in an underground cave in an instant, but it was very wide, at least 100,000 square meters!

At this moment, Ye Mo looked around and saw countless blue stalactites on the left side of the underground cave, which looked like a dream, and on the right side there was some magma, which kept coming out from the ground... and in the middle of these two scenes, there was an extremely wide mountain of swords and sea of fire that even reached an area of tens of thousands of meters!

Countless broken blades were inserted into the blazing fire, and they were already burned red, which looked a bit scary!

And the blades covered in this way were tens of thousands of meters wide!

A large amount of fire burned the blades, and once someone went up, they would be burned and scream for their mother!

Ye Mo looked a little chilled, so he looked elsewhere.

He found that there was another place that looked good, because there was a huge alchemy cauldron there!

After staring for three seconds, all the information about this alchemy furnace appeared:

「The Resurrection Pill Cauldron contains a resurrection pill that can bring people back to life, but it requires a large amount of human blood to be refined. It requires the blood of about 100 people. If other blood is used, it will not have any effect.」

"Interesting, the resurrection pill is in here, but it requires human blood, which is not easy to deal with.……"

There was no other way, so Ye Mo continued to research and soon found something similar to a console.

「The secret realm console can go to any trial site and control the trial warriors there! You can also adjust the difficulty of the trial, which is very useful!"

Seeing this information, Ye Mo's eyes lit up, and then he immediately began to use this console. At this moment, a series of illusory panels appeared in front of him, which were the scenes of breaking through each trial site.

Men and women professionals were constantly killing warriors in the venue, trying to pass the level...

The most powerful one among them had reached the 12th floor!

Ye Mo had some impression of this person. His name seemed to be Chiyan Weirus.

He was old, but he still liked to wear fiery red. He liked people to call him little brother. Once he was called old man, he would be beaten.

At this moment, Chiyan Weirus was fighting with two trial warriors who were emitting golden light.

The strength of these two trial warriors was extremely superb, probably around level 80.

"This person must not be allowed to stay any longer!"

Ye Mo said firmly.

At this time, he looked at the control console, locked onto the trial site of Red Flame Virus, and directly adjusted the difficulty to the maximum!


In an instant, the people of Verus who were fighting were dumbfounded.

They saw golden trial warriors appearing one after another around him, and the number reached 30 in an instant!

At this moment, Verus really wanted to cry but had no tears.

A golden trial warrior, but a real warrior is different from other monsters in the abyss and professionals.

They have perfect combat awareness, and even they themselves can't grasp it when they cooperate with each other. Now it has changed from two to 30. What should I do?

Verus was a little scared. He slowly retreated, but was directly caught up by the 30 golden trial warriors!

Soon a large group of golden warriors surrounded him and beat him. Even if he was a top professional, he had no power to resist in front of such a perfect team. Soon his legs were broken and he vomited blood...

Seeing this scene, Ye Mo was a little anxious.

Don't spit blood anymore, it's a waste!

But he didn't get too anxious, but stared at Verus for three seconds and got all his current information:

「A human professional with a special habit. His current state is so bad that he has almost no ability to fight. For more information, please expand and view……」

Ye Mo felt relieved and instantly teleported himself to the trial site. He grabbed Verus and was about to leave!

"Who are you!?"

Virus asked with difficulty

"Save your people!"

After hearing this, although Virus had doubts in his heart, he did not resist.

After all, if he stayed in this trial field, only death would be waiting for him. It would be better to follow this mysterious man, maybe there would be hope of survival!

At this moment, Ye Mo had just pulled Virus to the underground cave, but he opened the lid of the cauldron without saying a word and threw Virus in!


The entire cauldron made a dull sound, and the cauldron itself seemed to be aware of the incoming materials and began to refine them on its own!

"What did you do? You bastard!"

Virus yelled. He realized that he was in a sealed space, and the temperature around him was rising continuously!

""Bang, bang, bang!"

He pounded the cauldron frantically, but it was useless. The power of more than 80 levels was almost gone on the cauldron, and it was difficult to even vibrate it...

Soon, the sound of hammering gradually became smaller, and the sound of Virus's curse gradually disappeared...

At this moment, Ye Mo looked through the holes in the cauldron.

Virus' figure had disappeared, and turned into a red round bead in the center of the top. He needed to continue refining to produce the resurrection pill.……

"Good, who should I choose next?"

He came to the console again and selected the professionals who were going through the trial...

Previously, Virus was the biggest threat, but now there are only a few people left, only one of them is level 89, and the others are all above level 85.……

""Since you have become the No. 1, then I will choose you!"

Ye Mo said as he looked at the Red Cloud Monster who was trying to pass the level.

First, he adjusted the difficulty in the Red Cloud Monster Trial Field. The number of golden warriors instantly increased to 20, all surrounding and killing the Red Cloud Monster.

Ye Mo waited silently, checking the information of the Red Cloud Monster. Once his status showed that he was unable to fight or had no resistance, it was time for him to take action!

At the same time, the outside of Shuanglong Mountain had exploded.

The sudden disappearance of the strongest man, Virus, made many people tremble in their hearts!

"What happened? Wasn't Sir Virus ranked first? How could he suddenly disappear? Even his ranking disappeared!"

"I don't know, is there another secret realm that hasn't appeared yet? Or has the adult gone home?"

"Idiot! How can adults go home? I think they are in some danger!"

"Look! Lord Hongyun's ranking has also disappeared!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar, and everyone's eyes turned to the ranking list between the two peaks. Sure enough, the ranking of the old monster Hongyun also disappeared directly...

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