"You are a bunch of thieves. Shuanglong Mountain is an ownerless mountain in the wilderness. How come you, the Dragon Countrymen, have occupied it?"

"Do you have my consent to occupy this mountain?"

As soon as the words fell, endless pressure poured down from Kunpengzi.

The 89th level strongman plus his super high talent suppressed the hundreds of Dragon Country professionals below and they could not raise their heads. They felt like a mountain was pressing down on them!

"Kunpengzi, you have reached level 89!!"

The middle-aged man in the lead screamed.

The low-level professionals did not know the so-called Kunpengzi. Only those professionals who reached level 85 or above had a certain understanding of Kunpengzi of Kunpeng Country...

This Kunpengzi had SS-level talent and it was not an ordinary SS-level talent, but an extraordinary talent, which was even more frightening than Zhuquezi's double S-level!

After all, it would take time for Zhuquezi to grow up, but Kunpengzi had already reached level 89...

Facing the aggressive Kunpengzi, everyone took a defensive posture, and the middle-aged man walked out and spoke loudly:

"We didn't say that Shuanglong Mountain is the territory of Dragon Country, but your Kunpeng Country is a long way from here!

You want to take Shuanglong Mountain for yourself? No way!"

The middle-aged man said in a cold tone, his voice full of unquestionable.

However, Kunpengzi's face did not show any anger, but chuckled and said:

"Don't be so anxious. I really didn't fancy the two treasures of Shuanglong Mountain, but that doesn't mean I didn't fancy the people in Shuanglong Mountain.

Isn't there a summoner named Ye Mo who is very powerful? Everyone in the northern part of Blue Star knows about it, and even I am a little curious.

Today I want to see what ability this summoner of more than 40 levels has to kill Bishop Da Meng.

After all, Bishop Da Meng is half of my mentor. I can't just watch him die like this, right? If I do that, wouldn't I be accused of being unkind and unjust?……"

Kunpengzi spoke slowly, but his voice actually revealed that he and Bishop Dameng of Dragon Country seemed to have a master-disciple relationship, which made everyone at the scene pause for a moment...

But Bishop Dameng was already dead, and there was no point in dwelling on it, so the middle-aged man in the lead asked:

"Since you also want to find the murderer, let's join forces. He is 2 kilometers underground!"

At this moment, he thought that Kunpengzi was the most powerful person in Kunpeng Country. It would be very beneficial to join forces with him.

At least it could reduce large-scale damage to his side. Maybe he could reach 2 kilometers underground without any effort...

And Kunpengzi's next sentence made the middle-aged man want to join forces with him even more urgently!

"Of course, I will be responsible for blasting open the 2 km underground, and you guys just need to rush in after the blasting."

However, just as Kunpengzi finished speaking, he suddenly opened his palm, and an extremely huge palm print rushed directly to the ground!


Everyone exclaimed, could this guy want to kill them all together?

In horror, everyone fled, and Kunpengzi's huge palm print was directly printed on the ground, causing an unparalleled vibration, making the land within a radius of hundreds of kilometers tremble!

This scene shocked everyone and made them panic.

Although everyone present was a professional above level 70, their power could only cause a strong vibration in a radius of ten miles or at most 50 miles.

No one had been able to use a move like Kunpengzi's that could make the land of hundreds of kilometers tremble together, which was enough to show his terrifying strength!

At this moment, as the earth trembled, cracks continued to appear. On the ground, a large area of the ground began to collapse, just like a natural disaster, which was terrifying!

The earth cracked, and one after another, the huge rocks formed by the ground fell deep into the ground...

At this moment, the world was shaking, and many professionals in Longguo looked at Kunpengzi's destructive power with serious eyes, and their pupils shrank to the extreme...

The shock between heaven and earth could not be calmed for a long time, and it was not until 20 minutes later that it gradually settled down...

At this moment, an extremely wide hole appeared on the ground, and under this hole, there was a trace of magma, but the naked eye could see that there were pieces of black stones in the cracks of the magma that could be used for landing, and if you jump directly, you will not be burned to death……

"That guy should be down here. If he’s not here, don’t blame me for being angry~"

Kunpengzi said while looking at everyone with a smile, and then he floated lightly to the top of the big hole, ready to fly down slowly.

Everyone who heard this did not dare to step forward, as they were a little afraid of Kunpengzi’s power, and no one dared to touch him now…

However, just when Kunpengzi was about to fly into the big hole, a loud sound of an arrow suddenly rang out between heaven and earth!


This arrow was just like a black dragon, rushing out from the ground and heading straight for Kunpengzi's face!

At this moment, Kunpengzi's expression changed drastically!

Because he felt an unusual power from this arrow, and it was not right to hide or not hide!

"Damn, what is this! ?"

At this moment, the Dragon Country professionals who were watching recognized the arrow!

"This is Ye Mo’s life arrow, he is right below!"

"Hahaha, great, we must catch him and ask him clearly, he must have killed my father!!"

Different from the excitement of the Dragon Country professionals,

Kunpengzi only felt that the arrow rushing towards his face was full of a different kind of magic.

If he was shot by this thing, he would die or lose a piece of skin!

Without any nonsense, Kunpengzi lightly tapped his fingers, and a tough khaki small shield appeared in front of him, instantly blocking the arrow, and even a 4-digit damage number appeared above his head.……


"Hahaha, this so-called magic arrow is just so-so.

The damage number of a mere four digits is not enough to wreak havoc in front of me!"

Kun Pengzi laughed loudly, and then stretched out his palm to attack the black figure below.

However, the next second his body suddenly froze, and he looked at his palm in surprise.……

"What the hell is going on here?

Kun Pengzi's face immediately turned horrified, because he found that his palms were covered with dense wrinkles, and even his skin became loose!

At the same time, he suddenly felt a sore neck and numbness in his waist.……

"Aren't you very arrogant?

How about this four-digit damage? Tell me if you can take it."

Ye Mo's cold voice came from underground, like the pounce of the god of death, making Kun Pengzi's face turn cold...

At this moment, the professionals from Dragon Country did not move at all, and still stayed in place obediently. If you go up, you will be hit by that arrow, only a fool would go up!


"It is indeed an arrow that shortens your lifespan, but if I don’t care about my lifespan, how will you deal with it?"

Kun Pengzi said with a sneer, and suddenly two fangs grew out of his mouth, and dense hairs appeared on his body!

Then his whole body became extremely stiff, and in an instant he turned into a white-haired zombie!

"What!? Kunpengzi is actually willing to become a zombie!?"

Everyone was shocked.

It was said that Kunpeng Country once had a method to turn living people into zombies without fear of consuming their lifespans.

However, no one expected that even a top powerhouse like Kunpengzi would apply this method to himself.

This was simply incredible!

"Ye Mo, how are you going to deal with me next?"

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