"Brother Ye, why does this Saint Lady look so unfriendly?

Won't she attack us in ten minutes?"

Wang Lin said as he stepped back, his face full of fear.

"Vegeta, send us to the roof, quickly!"

Ye Mo gave an order, and Vegeta immediately used his Qi to send several people to the roof, and he faced the mad saint alone.

At this moment, the originally beautiful and holy saint's face was full of black stripes, her straight and thin waist became extremely thick, and a big lump grew on her back!

"Outsider! How dare you take out that dirty thing? Today is the day you die!!"

The saint's terrifying appearance frightened several people. Murong Yu even picked up his phone and frantically checked the guide.

"Why is there no record of a Saint like this? All the guides show an ordinary Saint!

There is no record of this monster!"

"No need to check, the Saint has gone berserk."

Ye Mo said calmly.

At this moment, the Saint's huge body was stuck in the door, but she directly crushed the door frame and broke out!

【Angry Saint】

【Level: lv.20】

【HP: 69999】

【Attack: 183】

【Skill I: Kindness: All enemy attributes decrease by 50% during combat」】

【Skill II: Blasphemy"The blasphemed saint is extremely angry, and each attack causes 240% damage」】

【Skill IIV: Anger: The enemy loses 5% of his health every minute.」】

"70,000 HP! ? ?

No, why did I lose HP! ? ?"

The three girls were shocked. They were standing on the roof without any attack, but 5% of their HP was lost for no reason.

Ye Mo was also a little confused at this moment. He knew that it would be difficult to fight after angering the saint, but this was too difficult!

All attributes of the enemy decreased by 50%? And 5% of HP was lost every second?

It really deserves to be the Purgatory level!

Looking at this moment, Vegeta has already flown high in the sky. He put his hands together and blasted out an energy wave!


The golden beam of light exploded directly on the Saint's face, but the damage was not satisfactory.


This damage made Ye Mo frown. The Saint of level 20 was already high, and with the skill of Compassion, the damage immunity was very high.

At this moment, the Saint felt pain, and she screamed, and sound waves spread towards Vegeta!

This kind of attack could not be avoided at all, not even Vegeta could do it!



"Not good! The damage is too high! Vegeta, turn into a Super Saiyan!"

What a joke, Vegeta only has more than 800 HP in total, these two hits have taken away more than half of his HP, wouldn't Vegeta be dead if he gets two more hits?

Hearing Ye Mo's order at this moment, Vegeta nodded and began to accumulate power on the spot.

Ripples appeared rapidly around Vegeta, and then his hair stood up slowly without wind!

Powerful pressure continued to emanate from Vegeta, and an extremely strong momentum burst out!


A lot of smoke and dust spread out, and wisps of golden light continued to radiate from the smoke and dust!

When the smoke and dust dispersed, Vegeta's tall figure stood up!

The muscles on his body were like dragons, and his black hair suddenly turned into upright blonde hair. A heart-pounding feeling appeared involuntarily!

【Summoned Beast: Vegeta】

【Grade: Myth】

【Talent:"Saiyan Prince Bloodline, all attributes increase by 30% after recovery from severe injury」

「Transform into Super Saiyan: All attributes of the player are increased by 500% for three hours, with no side effects」】

【Level: Iv.8】

【Strength: 456+1834】

【HP: 456+1824】

【Speed: 488+1952】

【Defense: 446+1784】

【Mental strength: 377+1508】


「Jie Ao: Every minute of fighting, increase 2% of attributes」

「War Frenzy: When the number of enemies reaches three or more, increase your own attributes by 50%」

「Racial Suppression: Any creature with lower attributes than Vegeta will have all its attributes reduced by 30% when facing him.」

「Single attack energy wave: Causes 1000% damage to a single target (consumes mental power according to power)」

「Group attack energy wave: Causes 500% damage to group targets (consumes mental power according to power)」

「Gigantic Ape Transformation: Increases own attributes by 1000%, lasts for 10 hours, and becomes weak for half an hour after the end」

「Qi Yuan Zhan: Cuts forward a golden Qi circle with the effect of breaking limbs, causing damage of 700% of the attack power」

「Broken Limb: Attack speed and movement speed greatly reduced」】

【Equipment: None】

"Yes, after transforming into a Super Saiyan, each attribute of Vegeta is almost over 2000, which is enough to kill this saint!"

"But I don't have much health left."

Because the Saint's third skill deducts health every minute, 25% of my health has been deducted, and the situation of others is not good either!

"Vegeta, hurry up and take care of this guy!"

""Yes, Master. Killing her only requires moving your fingers!"

Vegeta laughed grimly, and then a huge Qi Yuan Zhan emerged from his palm.

This time, Vegeta still did not fight from a distance, but picked up the Qi Yuan Zhan and flew in front of the Saint, directly slashing her head!


The Saint screamed, and bright red numbers appeared above her head.




Three consecutive damage flashed by, and everyone was stunned!

He could really deal five-digit damage!

The Saint's screams were weaker at this moment, because half of her head was chopped off by the Qi Yuan Zhan!

"Outsiders, you will pay the price!

My brother will kill you all, you'd better run away quickly, the faster the better!

Otherwise my brother will turn you into monsters, just like these villagers!!!"

The saint howled, and the next second, a burst of black light burst out from her body!

Vegeta's eyes condensed when he saw this scene, and then he retreated quickly!


A violent explosion sounded, and a 20-meter-wide pit appeared where the saint was!

All the surrounding houses were blown up, and even Vegeta lost half of his blood!

No one expected that the saint would choose to self-destruct after being defeated!

"Master! Are you okay?"

Vegeta flew to Ye Mo quickly, his eyes full of worry.

"It's okay, we are far away from that guy, but you are seriously injured, drink this quickly."

Ye Mo gave Vegeta two healing potions, and he looked at the place where the saint died with some worry.

"According to the mission, we should throw the body of the saint into the well, but now there is not even a trace of the saint left."~

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