"Damn it! The Wang family father and son are so brave!"

Ye Mo's heart was filled with anger. He wanted to find the Wang family father and son immediately and let Vegeta tear them to pieces!

At this moment, the phone rang. It was Shi Dalong calling.

"Hello, is there anything wrong, President Shi?"

"Uh, Mr. Ye, I’m Shi Dalong. I’ve taken your mother to a villa in the city, and her illness has been cured.

When do you think you can come over?"


Ye Mo was stunned, then he said:

"Send me the location, I'll get back to you in half an hour."


Soon, Ye Mo took a taxi and went directly to a villa area called Swiss Court. After finding the location, he knocked on the door of the villa.

Soon, the door was opened, and his mother was sitting on the sofa drinking tea and chatting happily with Shi Dalong!

"Hey, Xiao Mo is here, this is Uncle Shi, you should have met him, right?"

Hearing this, Ye Mo was speechless:

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming here? You scared me to death!"

Ye Mo complained

""Okay, okay, I almost died yesterday, but the assistant professional brought by your uncle Shi saved my life, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see your mother today."

Mom said gratefully.

After hearing this, Ye Mo was shocked. Shi Dalong saved my mother by chance?

Then I really have to thank him!

""Hahaha, it's just a small favor, Sister Liu, you're too kind."

Shi Dalong said cheerfully.

Ye Mo looked at the two people and felt something was wrong. Could they be together?

An ominous premonition lingered in Ye Mo's heart. Why did this mother seem to like Shi Dalong?

"Ahem, congratulations, friend Ye Mo! It has been more than 20 years since a perfect clearance of the Purgatory Level Divine Abyss happened in Qiye City.

I was right about you. You are a true genius!"

"Of course, Sister Liu, who taught such a genius, also played an indispensable role!"

Shi Dalong said with a smile looking at Ye Mo's mother

"Haha, you're too kind. This is the result of Xiao Mo's own hard work. It has nothing to do with me," said the mother with a red face.

Seeing that his mother and Shi Dalong were talking happily, Ye Mo's face became darker.

"Aren't you blushing like a bubble teapot?"

At this moment, Shi Dalong looked at Ye Mo's face and coughed dryly:

"Ye Xiaoyou, you and your mother can live in this villa first. If you need money, let me know."

"Also, I have informed my superiors about the Wang family father and son embezzling your resources. There will be a result soon. Believe me!

If you need anything else, you can send me a message."

Shi Dalong smiled and then left the villa.

He knew that now was not the best time to win over Ye Mo. He could not win over such a super genius by curing his mother and a villa. He needed to maintain the relationship slowly and get close to him.

So, the mother and son were left in the huge villa.

"Xiao Mo, Mom was right about you!"

Mom hugged Ye Mo and didn't let go for a long time.

Ye Mo patted his mother's shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, mom, I'm already the strongest summoner, and we'll have plenty of money in the future!"

Hearing this, the mother became even more excited, tears streaming down her face, and kept saying that her son had made great progress...

After eating the breakfast made by his mother and chatting with her for a while, Ye Mo opened the forum to see the posts about himself.

【Shocking! A summoner dragged four people through the Purgatory-level Divine Abyss alone. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?】

"I don't know who posted a questioning post before, but now I see that he has cleared the Inferno level and is being questioned again! It's so funny!"

"Who washed it? I have always supported Ye Mo, it is those 8U who have been questioning his ability!"

"Haha, this is so funny, you must be 8U, right?"

"What’s wrong? We at 8U are just like this!"

【I have seen people who don't know their own limits, but I have never seen anyone so overconfident.】

"This is so funny, is the OP still here? Don't you think you can do it?"

"I guess the OP doesn't dare to go online. A tough guy who has cleared the Infernal level perfectly dares to say that he is overestimating himself. What kind of strength do I have?"

OP:"Haha, it's awesome that he cleared the level. You and I are almost the same. Why do you say that I am weak?"

"Yes, I guess those tough guys don't play Tieba, they can't see these posts at all, otherwise they will definitely laugh to death!"

At this moment, Ye Mo, who was holding his phone, was really laughing to death.

It was quite interesting to see others discussing their own things online. It was a wonderful feeling!

But at this moment, a strange phone call suddenly came in.

Ye Mo frowned and clicked to answer.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, and then a male voice sounded:

"Ye Mo, I didn't expect that you actually cleared the Purgatory level. I can return your equipment to you, and we are even now!"


"Not Wang Teng? Are you out of your mind? You can give me the equipment or not!

It has always been you, the Wang family, who have been making things difficult for me. Now you can return the used equipment and we'll be even? Who do you think you are?

The son of the chief of Longguo?"

Ye Mo cursed repeatedly. This Wang Teng is so funny!

Wang Teng on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and he suppressed his anger and said:

"I tell you, Ye Mo, my Wang family is very powerful! If you don't know what's good for you, don't even think about getting the equipment!"

After saying that, the phone was hung up.

At the same time, Ye Mo found another post from the Eighth Middle School in the forum:

【Congratulations to our school student Ye Mo for successfully passing the Purgatory-level Divine Abyss. This is a historical moment for the entire Seven Nights City. Here I sincerely congratulate Ye Mo!

Ye Mo's success has a lot to do with his unremitting study, and it is also inseparable from the careful teaching of our school, especially the principal Wang Anlan who takes good care of Ye Mo!

But recently there have been bad voices on the Internet saying that a certain leader of our school embezzled the national funding of Ye Mo, but Ye Mo's national funding has long been successfully distributed to the student!

So this is simply a slander against my Eighth Middle School! Our school will severely crack down on this rumor-mongering behavior and has reported the case to the Internet police! The Internet is not a lawless place! 】

The various discussions under this post have different voices.

Some praise the Eighth Middle School, while others are skeptical. After all, many people know that the principal Wang Anlan embezzled Ye Mo's resources.

At this moment, Ye Mo, who was browsing the forum, frowned tightly. This Wang family is really shameless!

At this moment, he thought for a moment, and then called Shi Dalong:

"Uncle Shi, is there any way to prevent my post on Tieba from being deleted or buried?"

Shi Dalong was overjoyed when he heard this. He was waiting for Ye Mo to ask him for help!

"No problem, Xiao Mo! Who is your Uncle Shi? I run the Professional Center of Qiye City!

It's just a post, it will definitely not sink! Don't worry about posting, I'll have someone lock your IP!"

After hearing Shi Dalong's assurance, Ye Mo posted directly after hanging up the phone:

【Regarding the willful principal's embezzlement of resources and subsidies for poor students】

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