"Brother Ye, do you really want to go in?"

Wang Lin said hesitantly.

"Of course, but wait a minute."

Ye Mo pointed his finger and a dark Vegeta appeared.

"You follow him first, in case of any accidents."

Hearing this, Wang Lin quickly hid behind Dark Vegeta.

Soon, the three of them came to the gate of the yard and opened it.

The yard was empty, and at first glance, nothing seemed wrong.

But who knew that Ye Mo had just stepped in with his left foot, and his eyes suddenly began to spin!

The gray mist blurred in front of his eyes, and Ye Mo lost consciousness instantly!

Just as he gradually lost consciousness, a woman's murmur kept ringing in his ears, as if she was telling something, but he just couldn't hear it clearly!

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Mo's consciousness suddenly woke up!

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around, but found that the small courtyard was still the small courtyard, but Qingnv and Wang Lin beside him were gone!

And Ye Mo wanted to summon Vegeta and Hades, but there was no response, no sound at all!

"No, I should be in a dream or nightmare now! I must find a way to break out!"

Ye Mo narrowed his eyes, and then used his innate Chaos Emperor!

【The summoned beast attributes have been shared!】

【Strength: 999+1200+15999】

【HP: 888+1200+15999】

【Speed: 666+1200+13999】

【Defense: 666+1200+13999】

【Spirit: 1299+2999+13999】

"Fortunately! The talent can still be used!"

Ye Mo was relieved, and then began to look around the small courtyard.

There was a withered peach tree in the middle of the courtyard, and under the peach tree was a pile of burnt yellow paper, but nothing else.

At this moment, Ye Mo's eyes flashed, and he came to the main door, opened the door and looked over.

At this moment, even Ye Mo's heart skipped a beat, because this small courtyard was so weird!

Unexpectedly, the room was in ruins, but there was nothing scary, just a thick layer of dust.

Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief, but just as he was about to leave, a sharp scream suddenly came from behind him!


Ye Mo got goose bumps all over his body in an instant.

He looked back and found that it was just a black cat. It must be in heat, so it screamed.

Ye Mo picked up a stone and drove the black cat away, and then came to the door of the east wing.

At this moment, he slowly pushed open the door of the east wing and slowly scanned the whole room.

However, there was only a bronze mirror in the room and nothing else.

But just when Ye Mo was about to leave the room, a woman's leisurely voice came, and at the same time, Ye Mo felt like falling into an ice cave!

A woman in red appeared in front of the bronze mirror.

She sang a leisurely ballad and slowly combed her hair with her back to Ye Mo.

"A sad song to send off Liu Lang, the son-in-law of the dynasty is known to the world.

The red woman is sad at Liujiapo, and ten thousand gold is given to dogs and wolves."

The song was long, but Ye Mo's brows were getting tighter and tighter.

This woman in red was extremely weird. The word"囍" on the back of her clothes was composed of four"苦" characters. Her long black hair was draped down, hanging straight to the ground and spreading five or six meters away.

What was even weirder was the face of the woman in the bronze mirror. She had no facial features!

No eyes, no nose, no organs!

But her singing was very beautiful, like a lark.

At this moment, Ye Mo did not act rashly, but slowly backed out of the room.

But the moment he took a step, the woman suddenly spoke:

""Child, come and help me comb my hair."

As she spoke, the woman stood up and slowly turned her face without any facial features.

"I'll comb your mother's hair! Demonic light cannon!"

Ye Mo roared, and a beam of energy shot out from his fingertips and directly penetrated the woman's chest!

The next moment, the woman fell to the ground and her life or death was unknown.

Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly left the room, fearing that the woman would come back to life.

But the moment he left the room, the small courtyard in front of him no longer existed, and he returned to the east wing!

The same furniture, the same dust, the same woman in red.

But this time it was a little different, because the woman and her dressing table were closer to him! Only about eight meters away.

"Child, come and help me comb my hair.

The woman stood up again, revealing her face without any facial features.


Ye Mo sneered and then left the east wing again.

As expected, he still couldn't get out this time and was still in the east wing.

The same furniture, the same dust, the same woman.

And this time the woman was getting closer and closer to him, only five meters away!

There was no number on the woman's head, just a blank.

She stood up slowly, combed her hair with the wooden comb, and said slowly:

""Why don't you comb my hair? Am I not beautiful?"

She turned around, her eyeless face seemed to be staring at Ye Mo. She raised her dry arms and grabbed Ye Mo!

Without hesitation, Ye Mo turned around and left again.

But this time was no exception. He returned to the east wing again!

The difference was that this time the woman and the dressing table were directly in front of him! As long as he stretched out his hand, the woman could touch him!

Ye Mo knew that he could not retreat this time.

If he retreated this time, he would probably go directly into the woman's arms next time!

At this time, the woman slowly stood up and turned around.

At this moment, Ye Mo was less than half a meter away from the woman, and he could see everything on the woman clearly.

Her face without facial features was not so smooth, but there were traces of burns and some red spots, like a meatball.

The woman's head twisted slowly. She had no mouth, but she could speak:

"Child, come and help me comb my hair. I want to be the most beautiful bride today."

However, Ye Mo remained unmoved. He just looked at her calmly and said:

"Of course, but I want to comb your hair, so get out of here!!"



Ye Mo roared, and his right fist smashed into the mirror on the dressing table!

The next moment, a red figure was pulled out by Ye Mo and thrown to the ground!

With a scream, the woman in red turned into ashes, and the one who was thrown out looked at Ye Mo with horror.

At this moment, a series of panels appeared above the woman's head:

【Nightmare Daughter】

【Level: lv.30】

【HP: 530000】

【Attack Power: 1211】

【Skill I: Nightmare: Creates a nightmare to kill the enemy」】

【Skill II: Dream Kill: The defense of the enemy in nightmare is reduced by 20%」】

Looking at the faceplate of the woman in front of him, Ye Mo sneered:

"You're playing tricks on me, I thought you were invincible, but it turns out you have a health bar too?"

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