My name is Qing Hongxue.

I was an orphan since I was young. I was sold to Liujiapo and lived with my grandfather since I was young.

My grandfather was very kind. He let me go to a private school and gave me money to buy delicious food.

When I was a child, I often played with children from the same village, but they always bullied me and said that I was an orphan without a father or a mother.

Fortunately, brother Liu Min helped me. He always helped me to block those children who bullied me, and also shared the food at home with me.

At that time, he was my best friend and my only friend.

Later, we both grew up.

He became more handsome, but I was still just a yellow-haired girl.

This made me feel very inferior, and sometimes I didn't even dare to take the initiative to find him.

But Liu Min didn't seem to dislike me very much. On the contrary, sometimes he would stare at me with an inexplicable look, which made me very shy...

Gradually, we began to have contact again, but this time we didn't seem to be such simple friends.

Yes, he seemed to like me, and I almost liked him a little bit.

Brother Liu Min and I would often share cakes under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village. I think that was the happiest time of my life. It was very innocent and romantic... and it was from this time that I completely fell in love with him, Brother Liu Min.

But one bad thing was that there was a young man named Liu Hu who always harassed Brother Liu Min and me, and he didn't like to see us together.

Sometimes we shared cakes under the locust tree, but Liu Hu would hit us with sandbags and said it was an accident.

But it didn't matter, he could only harass us for a short while, and I could stay with Brother Liu Min for the whole day!

Every day with Brother Liu Min was very happy. I gradually felt that he was everything to me, because my grandfather who adopted me had passed away. Now Brother Liu Min has become my real support...

But happy times are always so short.

Soon, all the Liu children in Liujiapo had to go to the capital to take the exam.

Brother Liu Min, of course, had to go, and that Liu Hu also had to go, and there were many others.

Of course I supported Brother Liu Min to go to Beijing to take the exam.

I heard that his family sold all their belongings for his career, just to support him to go to Beijing to take the exam, but I couldn't help, I really felt guilty...

Not long after, a few months later, the news came that Brother Liu Min passed the exam. His article seemed to be appreciated by the current emperor.

I heard that the emperor valued him very much and liked him very much.

I was really happy for my brother. He will definitely become a high-ranking official in the future, right?

If he becomes a high-ranking official and marries me in the future, then we can be happy for the rest of our lives!

I thought happily, I really hope that day will come soon. I haven't seen Brother Liu Min for a long time.

But after that, I also heard that the guy named Liu Hu also passed the exam.

Cut! Anyway, he is not as good as Brother Liu Min!

But unlike what I imagined, my brother did not return home immediately after passing the exam, but stayed in the court, as if he was going to do something.

It doesn't matter, I'll just wait!

But the facts are always unsatisfactory. A few days later, Brother Liu Min sent a letter

【Hongxue, I am Liu Min. Long time no see. I really miss you, but the court wants me to work for them now, so I have to stay here.

One more thing I want to ask is if you have any extra money, can you mail it to me? My finances are tight and I can't keep up. If I don't manage the relationship well, I'm afraid I will be kicked out of the court.

Looking at this letter, I know my face is complicated, but I sold all the furniture and pots and pans in my house without any hesitation, exchanged them for silver notes and mailed them to Brother Liu Min.

I hope these can help him. When my brother becomes a high official in the future, we can be together forever.

Time passed day by day, and Brother Liu Min wrote again a few months later.

I couldn't wait to open this letter, but like the previous one, he still said that he missed me very much, but the finances were still tight, and he hoped that I could give him some money.

I had no choice but to work as a laborer in the town. It took me 10 days to collect some silver bills and mail them to Brother Liu Min...

I knew I was his only support.

Brother Liu Min was alone in the court and had no power. He needed a strong supporter to rely on, and I would become such a supporter and devote myself to Brother Liu Min!

I did this not because I was stupid, but because I was smart!

I would continue to help him. When he became a high-ranking official, he could marry me, and then we could be together forever, hehe... I really look forward to the days ahead...

The long wait began again, but soon my brother wrote to me again, hoping that I could mail him some money.

But this time I really had no money, because my right hand was injured when I worked as a laborer last time, and I couldn't work anymore.

And there was nothing left at home to sell. The furniture and pots and pans left by my grandfather had been sold out long ago, and now I was the only one left...

But if I didn't mail money to Brother Liu Min, he would definitely be excluded in the court. What if his future was ruined?

I didn't want that to happen.

But I really have no other choice. I am so poor that I am left with only myself...

Yes, I still have myself!

I heard that the Hongyue Tower in the town is recruiting courtesans. I am not bad looking, so I should be able to give it a try!

And I heard that courtesans make a lot of money, so I can give Brother Liu Min a lot of money!

That day, I went to the Hongyue Tower in the town with a nervous mood.

It was that day that I finally understood what courtesans meant...

I was dirty.

But the good news is that I have a lot of money. I mailed all the money to Brother Liu Min, hoping to help him!

But unfortunately, I was dirty. I felt that I was no longer qualified to accompany Brother Liu Min...

I am not worthy of him marrying me, but it doesn’t matter, as long as I can help him!

From now on, I no longer look forward to Brother Liu Min marrying me.

I just keep receiving customers, and mail the money I make to Brother Liu Min, hoping to help him!

Ha, maybe I am really stupid.

Only I, Qing Hongxue, would do such a stupid thing for a man I haven't seen for nearly five years...

Time is slowly flowing, and I have completely turned into a lowly person...

Among these men who look down on me,

Liu Hu comes the most often, but Liu Hu doesn't do anything to me. Instead, he books me for a few days and stays with me...

Every time he comes, he looks at me with pity, trying to persuade me to leave Hongyue Tower...

But every time he belittles Brother Liu Min in front of me, as if this is the only way to vent his unhappiness...

I don't know if what I did is right or wrong, I am really helpless and confused...

Until another year later, Liu Hu booked me for three whole days again.

He sat in the room, looking at me with gloomy eyes, and said with a sigh:

"Hongxue, I know you have deep feelings for Liu Min, but you have to understand that he has already become a high-ranking official in the court!

He used all the money you gave him for gambling, do you understand?"

Hearing his words,

I sat in the room at a loss, my hands intertwined and rubbed, with an indescribable feeling in my heart……

"Impossible... Brother Liu Min is not that kind of person.……"

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