Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 134 A Rich Harvest

Next, it’s time to divide the spoils!

First of all, there are excellent items, one "ally scroll" per person, five "storage boxes" per person, the stone lion returns to Zhong Maiyun, and the orange tree returns to Qi Yuan.

There are many rare items, including

"Dimensional Backpack"


"Any migration scroll" × 2,

"Scroll of Sanctuary Transformation"

"Small Maker"

"Bloodline Potion (Big Horned Bull)"

"Sun Concentrate"

Qi Yuan chose a "Scroll of Random Migration", "Bloodline Potion" and "Sun Concentrate".

As for the identification device and the small manufacturing device, the two agreed that they would be shared property.

Qi Yuan keeps the identification device, and Zhong Maiyun keeps the small maker.

Since Qi Yuan took one more item, in terms of the distribution of spirit coins, Qi Yuan only took 5,000 spirit coins, plus 100 spirit stones.

In this way, all the harvest is distributed.

The last thing to do is to transfer the "Sun Concentrate" back to the shelter.

Behind the shelter, Qi Yuan found a black-red mine covering an area of ​​50 square meters and more than 5 meters high.

[Name: Sun Concentrate (Rare Grade)

Function: An ore containing extremely strong solar spiritual power.

When the total amount remains above 95%, 5% of the Sun Concentrate can be restored every seven days. The lower the total, the less Sun Concentrate is recovered.

When the total amount is below 60%, recovery will no longer continue. "

Introduction: Ore containing magical natural power! it! It’s the sun! 】

Seeing the information about the Sun Concentrate, Zhong Maiyun was filled with envy. She smacked her lips and said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm so at a loss! How much is such a large piece of rare ore worth? If I had obtained it before the cold snap..."

Qi Yuan was also very excited and said with a smile: "Don't worry, if there is still a cold wave, I will share it with you."

With that said, Qi Yuan opened his dimensional backpack, took out the "Mountain Moving Scroll", and directly selected the sun concentrate.

A map appeared in front of him, which was a map near Qi Yuan Shelter.

The location of the Sun Concentrate does not require any hesitation, it is placed directly next to the Sun Thorn.

In the blink of an eye, "Mountain Moving Scroll" and "Sun Concentrate" disappeared at the same time.

Qi Yuan couldn't help but sigh: "The harvest this time is really great."

"Indeed, if converted into spiritual coins, it would be worth at least 50,000 yuan." Zhong Maiyun nodded in agreement.

"But..." Qi Yuan looked around Mie and said, "The biggest gain this time should be the ruins of this shelter with a radius of 3 kilometers!"

Hearing this, Zhong Maiyun's eyes also lit up.

Level five shelters will not disappear when survivors die.

Therefore, they bought a fifth-level shelter for nothing, with an area of ​​three kilometers in radius, a hidden location, and sufficient aura.

Whether you are growing a large number of crops or raising a large number of livestock, it is a very good choice.

Moreover, there is a sun in the sky made of solar concentrate, which continuously provides sunlight.

This sun is very magical. Even after such a long time, the energy inside has not been exhausted and it can still release sunlight.

Qi Yuan estimated that this should be a prop with special effects made from scrolls.

"But, how does this sun always maintain energy?" Qi Yuan was a little confused.

At this time, Zhong Maiyun suddenly said: "If we estimate based on the area of ​​this shelter, there should be a special small lake above the position of the sun."

"A special little lake?"

After saying this, Qi Yuan suddenly understood.

Convex mirror focuses light!

Use a small artificial lake to collect sunlight and continuously replenish energy for the artificial sun.

Qi Yuan also had to marvel, what an ingenious design!

But why do you say it is a special small lake?

Qi Yuan looked at Zhong Maiyun strangely.

Zhong Maiyun explained: "The water in that lake is called Crystal Prism Liquid, which cannot be drunk. It has strong light transmittance and light concentration, and even has the effect of amplifying light."

"When I discovered this lake before, I was very surprised as to how there could be a lake with such a function. I didn't expect this to be the reason!"

Qi Yuan nodded: "I see, that makes sense."

Qi Yuan couldn't help but sigh, this shelter underneath was simply a small space isolated from the world.

Artificial sun can provide sunlight and ensure the growth of animals and plants.

The continuous aura also supports the sustainable development here, and there is no need to rely too much on external aura.

If you add the "rain" at the entrance of the shelter, the water source problem is completely solved!

This is to build a completely self-reliant paradise!

And it almost worked.

Qi Yuan asked: "What do you plan to do with this shelter?"

After Zhong Maiyun thought for a long time, she said, "How many crop seeds do you have? Can you plant them all here?"

Qi Yuan thought for a while and shook his head.

With a three-kilometer radius of good-grade soil, even if half an acre of winter wheat were fully matured and harvested, it would probably not be enough.

Three acres of excellent-grade soil must be used to grow excellent-grade crops.

However, the quantity of crystal rice is also seriously insufficient.

Not to mention Zhong Maiyun, she mainly grows mushrooms.

Seeds may not sound precious, but to be honest, few people actually sell them.

Almost all survivors have the idea of ​​developing a farming industry, and they will keep the seeds after they obtain them.

Especially after the cancellation of the trading market, it is very difficult to obtain seeds.

And high-quality, outstanding seeds are hard to come by!

Qi Yuan said: "This underground shelter is too large. If it is managed by just the two of us, it will take too much energy and the utilization rate will not be high."

"How about leasing it to other people in the alliance?"

Qi Yuan thought for a while and said: "Okay, the high temperature is coming. It would be great for everyone to have such a large and hidden granary."

After making a decision. Qi Yuan directly contacted others in the alliance group.

Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe, and Zhao Cheng's first reaction when they heard the news was that Qi Yuan was joking.

Three kilometers in radius? Level 5 underground shelter? Lots of good grade soil? And sunshine?

Isn't this talking about the Book of Heaven?

In desperation, Qi Yuan had to ask them to come and take a look in person.

five minutes later.

Five people gathered in an underground shelter.

Looking at the bright sun light above my head, the vast land under my feet, and the rich aura around me.

The other three people all showed incredulous expressions.

"Qi Yuan! Are you cheating?"

Zhao Cheng's eyes almost looked at Qi Yuan naked.

Yang Zhenghe was the most excited, his palms trembling as he looked at the fertile land.

The foundation of his sanctuary is farming.

He has almost planted all kinds of crops within the shelter's light shield.

However, he is still limited by soil and space and cannot continue to expand his planting industry.

The land in front of him almost made his mouth water.

Qin Zhenjun, on the other hand, looked at Qi Yuan and Zhong Maiyun in surprise: When did these two people... have such a good relationship? We were exploring the ruins together and you didn't even call me?

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