Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 229 A Bold Idea

He currently owns only a few props, and for the rest, he really doesn't know what he can sell.

He couldn't help but wonder, which stores are more popular and easy to develop and operate?

Especially in the special environment of the foggy world, can it bring greater benefits to other survivors?

As a result, Qi Yuan's mind began to turn over and over, and various shops that he had often visited appeared in his mind.

Bathing shops, massage parlors, bars, private cinemas, hair salons...

The more Qi Yuan thought about it, the more excited he became. It seemed to be a very good idea indeed.

But...can this be opened? !

But then I thought about this foggy world! A place where even killing is legal! What happened to opening a store?

When I think about it, the situation opens up instantly!

What other physical goods are sold? Emotional value is the most important!

Once this idea appeared in my mind, it was out of control and completely occupied all inspiration.

Qi Yuan also began to seriously consider the actual operation possibilities of this kind of special store, and found that it was indeed worth trying!

If you have the conditions in the future, you can give it a try.

But for now, Qi Yuan is still focusing on creating "communication spirit patterns" and opening the gathering place in a few days.

Two days later, it was the 10th day that the "Super Teleportation Array" was successfully deployed.

It is also the first day that the gathering place is officially open to all survivors!

Today, almost all survivors are holding the "Mist Survival Manual" and paying attention to the situation of the teleportation array.

Without any surprise, it was close to 12 noon.

The talkers of the seven official forces, who are also the controllers of the "Super Teleportation Array", jointly opened the authority of the teleportation array!

Also open at the same time is the "Large Teleportation Array" on the other side.

Everyone's attention was gathered at the same time, and the two gathering places were instantly placed under the spotlight!

Almost at the moment the teleportation array opened, a large number of survivors with bright eyes used "teleportation scrolls" to teleport over quickly.

Nowadays, although the number of all survivors has been greatly reduced, there are still more than 400 million left.

This number is still a very large number for two relatively small gathering places.

If everyone were teleported over at the same time, it would definitely not be able to be fully accommodated.

Therefore, after consensus, all parties took the initiative to close the "Super Teleportation Array" when the number of people reached 3 million.

And through the forum, explanations were sent to all survivors.

Although such an unexpected situation aroused verbal criticism from all the survivors, all the forces chose to ignore it.

No matter how noisy and noisy, is it possible that you still won’t come?

After scolding, weren't you already waiting eagerly to be teleported?

However, even after restrictions, 3 million people are still not a small number!

The swarm of people made the entire gathering place very crowded and even caused a small area of ​​chaos.

However, this situation is also expected by all forces, and they have already been prepared for it.

All forces directly mobilized excellent combat forces and began to maintain order in their respective regions.

The same goes for District 7.

Considering that too many survivors might cause riots, preparations were made.

Yang Zhenghe transferred all five excellent level puppets over.

The main reason is that the guardian thorns and excellent beast puppets are too large. Although they have a full shock effect, they are very inconvenient to move.

On the contrary, it is a guardian puppet, which is relatively "petite" in size. While maintaining its intimidating power, it is also more suitable for the internal management work of the Seventh District.

Survivors entering the seventh area can see at a glance that there are five guardian puppets more than 6 meters high standing on both sides of the road.

I was suddenly frightened to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat, and I didn't dare to make a mistake easily.

Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe, and Zhong Maiyunzhong stood aside indifferently, controlling the order of the entire venue.

The three of them stood here with enough confidence to not worry about anyone causing trouble.

Because in addition to the 5 guardian puppets, there are also 5 guardian thorns and 2 excellent beast puppets stationed at the border.

A total of 12 excellent-level combatants!

In the face of absolute strength, no one can challenge the majesty of District 7.

Even if there are survivors who are powerful enough and can produce combat power comparable to that of the elites, they don't have to worry too much.

Let's not talk about it, who can produce 12 excellent combat power in one breath.

Even if there is, then there is still Qi Yuan!

Just for everyone to guess, why Qi Yuan is not here today?

Will a big guy suddenly teleport over?

Maybe Qi Yuan will also let everyone guess.

Is it possible that what was teleported was not one big guy, but two?

It has a spirit turtle and a giant guardian tree, but I really want to come out for a walk!

Qi Yuan did not come today, but chose to stay at the shelter and wait for the situation in secret.

It's just...Qi Yuan's current condition is not good!

If you want to ask why, you have to mention that Zhao Cheng is also not at the scene!

"Brother Qi Yuan! I have a bold idea and need your support!"

Qi Yuan looked at Zhao Cheng, who was holding his thigh at his feet, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

After several attempts, he failed to pull his leg out.

He already regretted it now!

Why didn't he choose to refuse when Zhao Cheng teleported him? !

It's fine now, I'm completely entangled and I can't even drive him away.

In desperation, Qi Yuan was exhausted and slumped on the ground helplessly: "Tell me what you want me to do for you!"

"Hey! Brother Qi, I..."

Seeing Zhao Cheng advancing even further and rushing towards him excitedly, Qi Yuan was so frightened that he rolled over and barely managed to escape.

"I'm warning you! Just say what you say, don't use your hands or feet!"

Qi Yuan patted his sleeves and sat back on the table.

Zhao Cheng also sat down and began to describe his grand idea!

"Brother Qi, did you get three resource seeds at the last auction?"

Zhao Cheng leaned forward and asked in a low voice, it seemed like he had some secret.

"Well, what's wrong? I don't have a network disk, so I can't use it."


Zhao Cheng choked for a moment, but this time he did not come back, but said: "Brother Qi, listen to me, if that kind of seed grows in a perfect environment, can it breed perfect resources."

Seeing Zhao Cheng's serious expression, Qi Yuan stopped playing around and answered seriously: "Indeed, but this kind of environment is difficult to create."


Zhao Cheng chuckled and took out a strange white stone from his dimensional backpack.

Qi Yuan didn't pay attention at first, but after feeling the strong spiritual energy, his eyes widened in shock.

"Perfect level? What is this?"

Zhao Cheng put the perfect stone directly on the table without making any secrets.

Through the identification device, the information appeared in front of Qi Yuan's eyes.

As the introduction appeared, Qi Yuan's expression became more solemn, and a bold idea appeared...

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