Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 331 Ghost-Backed Dragon Ape

It did not surprise him that this was indeed a bottle of blood potion, but it was not a giant horned bull, but another powerful creature - the ghost-backed dragon ape.

This is a name for a ferocious beast that Qi Yuan has not only never seen, but also never heard of.

Judging from the information on the identification device, this is an ape-like creature with extremely high physical strength, strong fighting instinct, and high intelligence.

Judging from the information alone, this is definitely a very powerful beast.

Qi Yuan couldn't help but feel lucky: Fortunately, he acted quickly, otherwise such a good thing would have been ruined by this piece of shit like Okamoto Yan.

Putting away the blood potion, Qi Yuan turned his eyes back and continued to look at the battle in the field.

Having learned from the past, both sides of the battle were very cautious, for fear of provoking another Qi Yuan.

So the last game was almost unspectacular, and the game ended calmly at 3:2, ending the game amicably.

Qi Yuan, on the other hand, was chatting with Zhang Zhongyue and said speechlessly: "Mr. Zhang, what do you think this is? Just because I occupy the seventh district, why do people always make trouble for me? You don't care about me. .”

Zhang Zhongyue rolled his eyes and said coldly: "Isn't this normal? You don't even look at it yourself. How many spiritual coins have you gained since you occupied the seventh area? At least seven to eight million, right?"


Hearing what Zhang Zhongyue said, Qi Yuan also scratched his head in embarrassment.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Zhongyue hated the iron and said: "Don't think that today's spirit coins are becoming less and less valuable! I tell you the truth, it's not that the spirit coins have depreciated, but that most of the spirit coins have been used by us like this High-level survivors restrain themselves.”

"For ordinary survivors, they had no spiritual coins before, and now they have no spiritual coins, and they have even become poorer."

"More and more survivors are forced to abandon their shelters and come to gathering places to earn spiritual coins by doing things for us."

"Do you know how much wealth it means to own an entire region? At least hundreds of millions! It's enough to support hundreds of thousands of people. It's normal for some people to be jealous."

After hearing this, Qi Yuan nodded in agreement: The huge wealth of spiritual coins made him somewhat forget the preciousness of spiritual coins.

A well-fed man does not know that a hungry man is hungry, and other forces are poor.

Zhang Zhongyue patted Qi Yuan on the shoulder, looked at Qin Zhenjun and Yang Zhenghe on the side, and said a meaningful lesson: "Since I have guaranteed the seventh district to you, you must manage it well. Don't fish for two days, and fish for three days." Show the net.”

Qi Yuan and the other three lowered their heads in shame. They really didn't spend much effort on the development of District 7. Just thinking about making money and not considering future development.

Now that Zhang Zhongyue said this, it really needs to be paid more attention to.

Finally, Zhang Zhongyue comforted him: "You don't have to worry too much. Liu Yueheng and Okamoto Yan have learned from the past. Xiao Qi and Xiao Qin have shown their rare combat power again. There should be no one who is not discerning. Come again." I’ve provoked you.”

The three people from Qi Yuan also nodded obediently.

During the conversation, the nine forces that had successfully advanced have all appeared.

The second round of competition is also officially underway. This time, everyone was kinder and no one deliberately caused trouble.

Qi Yuan did the same, letting Han Dong, Zhang Yuan, and Hei Gui compete with others normally.

This time the opponent is the tenth district, a super gathering place.

District 10, like District 7, is not controlled by official forces, but is jointly controlled by three survivor forces, and their overall strength is also very strong.

In fact, the strength of the entire region is much stronger than ordinary official forces.

The five people sent by the opposite side were five outstanding survivors. They were considered a very strong team.

But fortunately, Qi Yuan was not weak either. Ni Gui and Zhang Yuan won respectively, but what was surprising was that Han Dong overturned.

It's not that he's not strong, it's that his opponent is too strong!

His opponent was a tall, muscular man wearing dark green armor. Judging from his movements during the fight, he should be a professional boxer.

His physical fitness has reached the late excellent level, far better than Han Dong's.

Although Han Dong tried his best to display the half-step rare-level strength of the Si Snake Armor, he was still unable to match it.

However, the opponent's attack was very measured. After being injured, he politely stepped back and did not continue to attack.

He even glanced at Qi Yuan secretly.

This left Qi Yuan quite speechless.

In the first three games, the score was 2:1, but in the next two games, Qi Yuan and Qin Zhenjun did not take action, and the opponent simply admitted defeat.

They believed that they were incapable of solving Qi Yuan's trouble. Instead of fighting to the death, they might as well take a step back and make friends along the way.

The battles between other forces are also on point.

Finally, according to the order of ranking, the various forces took away the corresponding number of psychic deadwood.

Qi Yuan also received 50 excellent psychic fallen trees again, which was an unexpected blessing.

After the distribution, there are still many psychic sunken trees growing in this spiritual land, and there are 5 rare trees.

In any case, this is definitely a treasure land with extraordinary significance and value.

After discussions between all parties, everyone finally decided that the 18 forces present would jointly manage this spiritual land.

Each force has an excellent combat force stationed here together.

However, Qi Yuan made a request for the excellent combat forces stationed here: they must be survivors, not beasts.

After all, beasts have no intelligence, and even if they have been tamed, they cannot be completely controlled.

Moreover, if encountering special circumstances, survivors can solve problems more flexibly.

This proposal was supported by the vast majority of people, except for one person who looked very ugly...

Okamoto Hiko looked gloomy. He looked to the left and saw a headless corpse; to the right he saw a pile of rotten meat; and to the back he saw that the brother who had cut off half of his shoulder had fainted.

By coincidence, Qi Yuan just said another sentence: "If there is any force that really cannot produce outstanding combat power, then don't force it and just quit!"

After the words fell, many powerful people around them all turned to look at Okamoto Yan.

Under the spotlight, Okamoto Hiko's face turned as red as a pig's liver. He opened his mouth several times, but could not say a word.

Although he wanted to refute, he had no reason to refute.

There are three outstanding subordinates! Thinking about it now, he felt like his heart was bleeding.

Cultivating an excellent level survivor is inherently very difficult and requires a lot of time, energy and resources. Especially for excellent level survivors, the cost is even greater.

Even though everyone present was a top-notch survivor, most of the number of outstanding survivors in their shelter was only one or two.

Finally, under Okamoto Hiko's murderous gaze, the remaining 17 forces stationed here together to exclude him.

No one spoke for him, and many people even added insult to injury.

At this time, Sai Yuan didn't care about Okamoto Hiko at all, but found Tim.

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