Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 779 Cleaning

When he turned around and left, no one could be seen behind him, only the flat powder covering the ground.

After understanding the situation clearly, there was no need to investigate further. Qi Yuan did not bother to hide his figure and walked out openly.

There was a lot of movement here. Although there were sound-receiving spiritual patterns, the final burst of momentum directly destroyed the entire house.

Qi Yuan walked towards the research room step by step with heavy steps. Under the pressure of the powerful momentum, the luminous bulbs flickered a little.

Light and shadow are intertwined, giving off a depressing atmosphere.

It wasn't until he was almost at the entrance of the laboratory that several researchers came towards him.

"Who is there? What just happened in the accommodation area..."

Before the visitor had finished speaking, a figure walked out from the flickering light and dark. His eyes were cold and emotionless, and his casual clothes were stained with very small blood stains.

"Lord...lord, why are you here?"

Qi Yuan did not speak, and walked all the way to the laboratory door under the unnatural gazes of the two people.

The moment they passed each other, a power that had never been used before burst out. The authority from the special land deed instantly covered the two researchers.

Deprived of life!

In the blink of an eye, the appearance of the two of them aged rapidly, and they quickly changed from 30-year-olds to octogenarians.

The body functions are weakened, age spots appear in skin folds, bones age, the spine is bent, and the body becomes uncontrollably limp.

The hair turns white quickly, then dries up and falls out, and the teeth also fall out within a short period of time.

The body that was originally full of life became completely dry in just a few seconds.

Qi Yuan looked at the absorbed life, and an inaudible sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: This was his first time to use life deprivation on members in the shelter!

And from just these two people, he actually gained more than 200 years of life energy.

The vitality and energy derived from life span are far from being comparable to ordinary energy, and are even much more powerful than the pools of life, pond water, and the roots of the Wanshou tree!

With the rapid influx of energy into the body, even a perfect body is still as if it is nourished by a sweet spring, and its condition has never been better.

But what shocked him even more was that the two of them actually had a life span of 200 years.

Both of them are about 35 years old, which means that their original life span can reach 135 years.

They only have excellent strength. Even if their lifespan is increased, it is absolutely impossible to increase it so much. Qi Yuan will never believe that they have not used medicine to increase their lifespan.

The two people who fell down due to old age looked at their hands in disbelief and let out sharp and hoarse screams!

Qi Yuan did not completely deprive them of all their life span, but gave them a few months to temporarily suspend their vitality.

Without stopping, he walked all the way into the laboratory.

This is an external laboratory, with a total of seven researchers working there, seemingly conducting some research.

Qi Yuan just glanced at it lightly and didn't say a word. He didn't care at all whether he would be killed by mistake or who would lead the matter. All lives would be taken away!

Just like the god of death harvesting souls, dull footsteps passed by, and everyone fell to the ground. Their old bodies were crawling on the ground like worms.

Fear and helplessness spread throughout my body, and I didn't even know what was happening.

These people were all little brats who followed orders, and Qi Yuan didn't want to tangle with them anymore, so he just kicked open the deep laboratory.


The metal door made of perfect materials was deformed by one kick, and then kicked open with two kicks.


A short and angry voice sounded, and the middle-aged man inside turned his head sharply and met a pair of devilish eyes.

"Lead... lord?!" The anger on his face quickly subsided, and he quickly put on a smile.

Qi Yuan walked in and calmly looked at the situation inside. This was a very high-end laboratory, using top-quality materials and the most high-end technology.

In a large number of nutrient pools, various top crops are cultivated, as well as various sprouted seedlings and seeds that are still being cultivated.

Qi Yuan remained silent, his eyes slowly scanning the items in front of him, which were all the most cutting-edge items in the shelter.

At the end of this laboratory, there was a hidden secret door. Although it was very hidden, Qi Yuan could see through it at a glance.

Because inside, there is a very weak, but very high quality breath flowing out.

If it were an ordinary person, he might not notice it at all, but he is spiritually friendly and can detect any subtle breath.

"Lord, why are you here? You didn't even say hello to me!"

Professor Jin, who looked about fifty or sixty years old, followed Qi Yuan and whispered.

He had clearly seen the situation outside as soon as the door was kicked open, but even so, he still held on to a faint hope.

Qi Yuan glanced at him, then used his right leg to kick the protruding wall.

This scene made Professor Jin's pupils shrink slightly, his body couldn't help but tremble, and he slowly took a step back.

Fear gave him the urge to run away.

But before he could take action, Qi Yuan just said calmly: "Do you dare to run?"

Professor Jin's legs weakened and he fell to the ground. He looked at the researchers who were already in their twilight years and couldn't help swallowing.

Easily kick open the wall, and a hidden laboratory appears. The moment it is opened, the breath of life rushes into the face, and it is so rich that it is unimaginable.

Walking in, the laboratory is small, with only a workbench and a small amount of high-quality materials.

The exquisite glass bottle contains more than 10 kilograms of life pool water, and it is completely undiluted!

Qi Yuan used it by himself before and rarely took out such a large amount at one time. He didn't expect that there was so much hidden here.

In the brown box on the other side, five or six sections of root tentacles made Qi Yuan's blood surge and his anger soar.

Looking at Professor Jin behind him, Qi Yuan did not hide the anger in his eyes at all. Just with his gaze and momentum, he was almost torn apart completely.

When things got to this point, Professor Jin gave up all extravagant hopes, his body completely collapsed, and he lost his will to survive.

There was no escape for him.

In the plant world, he didn't even have a chance to leave a way out for himself.

All the people in the institute have used the spirit control pattern. As long as Qi Yuan has a thought, life or death is not up to them.

"Lord...lord, I..."

Qi Yuan looked at him indifferently, with extremely complicated emotions in his heart when he saw the existence of one of the top professors in the institute.

In terms of professional ability, how can someone who can be named a professor, lead a laboratory alone, and be responsible for a large type of experiments, be a simple existence?

In terms of plant attainments, he was able to overtake Luo Linsong and become the leader of the plant laboratory, which is enough to prove his strength.

At least in some aspects, he is stronger than Professor Luo Linsongluo!

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