The blood-stained demon bats were scattered all over the place.

As the noise caused by Qin Mu's Blood Bat Dance skill became louder and louder, it was not only the fourth-level professional here who felt this terrifying and boundless beast tide.

In other directions, many professionals also noticed these monsters running wildly and the terrifying blood cloud chasing after the beast tide.

The blood-stained demon bats released by Qin Mu's Blood Bat Dance skill all radiated around him.

All of them spread out in a circle.

A large number of monsters in the 360-degree angle were alarmed and fled in fear.

If this continues, it is inevitable that a huge beast tide will sweep across the entire monster planet.

Naturally, when the beast tide broke out, more than one person and one direction noticed the movement of the beast tide.

In a short period of time, the base also received intelligence from no less than a hundred people.

Soon, a rapid alarm sounded in the base on the alien planet No. 9527.

"Warning, warning! An unprecedented large-scale beast tide has occurred on the alien planet No. 9527. All professionals are requested not to go out any further!

Warning, warning! An unprecedented large-scale beast tide has occurred on the alien planet No. 9527. All professionals are requested not to go out any further!"


As the alarm sounded, a large number of base garrisons boarded the outermost steel fortress of the base.

Countless high-tech artillery on the fortress, various powerful automatic firepower weapons built by mechanics and gunners have entered combat readiness.

The professionals who were about to gather their teammates to go out to hunt monsters stopped in shock. Everyone looked at the tense base garrison and the activated defense system, and looked at each other.

"Extraordinary beast tide? Unprecedented?

What level of beast tide is this that will cause the base to broadcast such an urgent alarm?"

"I don't know. Anyway, we will listen to the arrangements of the base now and stay in the base.

There is a seventh-level strongman in the base. As long as we are in this base, even if all the monsters on the alien planet riot, we can be safe!"

"That's right, it's better to stay in this base to ensure your own safety! Level up and kill monsters, and wait for the beast tide to pass."

"That may not be the case. If these beast tides rush to the base, we can still help the base kill monsters and get good experience rewards."


All the professionals who stayed in the base started discussing at this moment.

Of course, after the initial shock, they quickly stabilized, and not many people felt fear and nervous about it.

After all, there is a seventh-level strongman in charge here, and the entire base was built by the Federation with a lot of effort.

The defense is very strong and the firepower is extremely powerful.

As long as they are in this base, they don't need to worry about their safety.

Not only in the base, but also outside the base, those teams of professionals who had just left the base turned around and returned to the base.

Professionals who were farther away from the base also basically received the news.

After receiving the news of the super-large beast tide, these professionals, no matter what they were doing, immediately gave up what they were doing and rushed to the base at a high speed.

This is a super-large beast tide. Without the protection of the base, even if a fifth-turn strongman encounters the impact of the super-large beast tide on this planet, he may not be able to save his life.

What's more, most of these are only second-turn and third-turn professionals.

If they encounter the impact of the beast tide, there is only one result, that is death!

There will definitely be no second solution.


"Captain, all the monsters behind us are dead!

Those blood-colored bats are too scary. Any one of them can kill a monster of more than 200 levels in one second.

These guys are getting closer and closer to us!

The speed of my flying technique has reached its limit. If it continues like this, we will be caught up in no time.

What should we do, Captain? What should we do?"

In another place far away from the base, a group of five people were madly speeding in the air.

A woman holding a staff looked back in horror at the situation behind her, and asked another woman beside her in panic.

The leading woman heard this, but her face was also helpless and desperate.

The five of them were all female professionals of level 180 and above.


They teamed up to level up in the monster area of ​​about 200 levels.

They never expected to encounter such a terrifying beast tide. At the front of the beast tide, there were a group of monsters of more than 300 levels running madly.

Monsters of more than 300 levels are powerful monsters that even the fourth-turn masters need to be careful to deal with. They are not something that the five third-turn masters can handle at all.

Fortunately, there was a third-turn wind mage among them. Through the flying technique, they all flew up, so that they could barely keep up the speed of escaping with the powerful monsters of more than 300 levels below.

It was not until they flew high that all of them knew how huge this beast tide was.

The ones in front were the most powerful monsters of more than 300 levels. The further behind the beast tide, the lower the level and strength of the monsters.

After they flew up, they also saw a truly terrifying scene.

The blood-colored bats at the end of the beast tide were the most terrifying monsters. The reason for the outbreak of the beast tide was all due to the pursuit of these blood-colored bats.

The strength of these blood-colored bats was far beyond their imagination.

So far, they had witnessed countless monsters of more than 200 levels who were stronger than them being killed instantly by the blood-colored bats.

If they were caught up by these blood-colored bats, they would definitely die.

"What else can we do? These blood-colored bats will kill even a fourth-level expert.

When they catch up, we will be finished.

The only way now is to run as far as we can. Every second we live is a second."

The leading woman could only say this about the current situation.

She was the backbone of the team. Even she had no hope of survival. When the other four heard this, their faces were suddenly extremely desperate and lonely.

As Qin Mu's strength became stronger and stronger, the speed of the Qi and Blood Demon Bats also increased.

In less than a minute, the endless blood cloud had caught up with the five people.

"It's over..."

When the five people saw the endless blood-colored bats attacking them, they had only this thought in their minds.

Even the wind mage just now closed his eyes in despair, welcoming his own death.

However, after a few seconds, she was not attacked at all.

"Eh? What's going on?"

With a hint of doubt, she slowly opened her eyes, and almost the moment she opened her eyes, she was stunned.

"It, why don't they attack us?"

Looking at the countless blood-colored bats, whether they continued to chase or turned around and flew back, they all bypassed them.

She also unconsciously asked a question, with a puzzled face.

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