In a blink of an eye, the battle between the two sides lasted for ten minutes.

During this time, Qin Mu specifically attacked the abdomen of the Wind Wolf King.

A strong man with a strong body.

This is basically the case for any wolf monster.

And now with the size difference between Qin Mu and the Wind Wolf King in front of him.

He couldn't easily attack the head of the Wind Wolf King and attack its eyes.

He could only target the abdomen and limbs of the Wind Wolf King.

The ten-minute battle also left the Wind Wolf King with scars.

The abdomen and limbs were covered with sword wounds left by the Fire Fox Long Sword.


After enduring another blow from Qin Mu, the Wind Wolf King roared again.

He once again mobilized all the wind-attributed power around him, condensed a series of wind blades, and rushed towards Qin Mu.

Facing the attack of the Wind Wolf King, Qin Mu had already prepared.

He dodged most of the wind blades very skillfully, and blocked another wind blade with his weapon.

Only 200 damage points appeared above his head.

He only endured a sewing attack.


Seeing that his five consecutive wind blades could only hit Qin Mu once, the Wind Wolf King roared in anger.

A pair of wolf eyes stared at Qin Mu closely. After a big battle, it had long lost its original power.

The hundreds of wounds on its body caused by Qin Mu continued to ooze out bright red blood. At first glance, it was more miserable than Qin Mu.

In the battle with the Wind Wolf King, Qin Mu was almost never hit by the opponent's claws and bites.

When facing the Wind Wolf King's wind blade attack, even if he endured the last wind blade attack, he was protected by the Wind Wolf Armor on his body.

Although he was hurt by the wind blade and felt a lot of pain, he did not have any significant injuries.

His overall condition was much better than that of the Wind Wolf King.

At this moment, the Wind Wolf King watched Qin Mu once again withstand his wind blade attack and then raised his sword to kill again.

The initial contempt in his eyes had long disappeared, and now only deep horror and a trace of confusion remained.

It really couldn't understand why a tiny human like Qin Mu could have such a powerful strength.

He could actually fight with a lord-level boss like him until now!

Even if Qin Mu could dodge most of his attacks.

But in these ten minutes, the opponent also endured dozens of wind blades from him.

Even if each attack only caused 200 points of damage to him, the cumulative damage of these dozens of attacks reached nearly 10,000 points!

A level 10 professional, even an S-level professional with strong talent, could not have such a high amount of health during the Novice Village Trial!

How could the Wind Wolf King have thought that Qin Mu was not an ordinary professional.

He awakened the super-limited origin talent? Even those SS-level talented professionals are far from being comparable to him.

After two days of killing, Qin Mu's overall health is now more than 20,000 points more than it!


Boom! ! !

Another five minutes passed, and Qin Mu finally knocked down 90% of the Wind Wolf King's health after a battle!

At this time, the Wind Wolf King, who was left with little blood, suddenly let out a loud roar.

The rolling blood swept through its body in an instant, and a pair of eyes that were dark green at night suddenly turned blood red.

The overall momentum has doubled!

Under the powerful momentum, a sharp claw quickly attacked, and Qin Mu had no time to react, and was hit in the chest by a claw.


"Ahem! Such a strong force! Such a fast speed!

This guy's speed and strength have at least doubled!"

Qin Mu's Fire Fox Long Sword was inserted into the ground, and he retreated seven or eight meters before he stopped.

The powerful impact made his chest, which had just been hit by the Wind Wolf King's claw, surge with blood.

Resisting the sweet smell in his mouth, Qin Mu immediately turned his eyes to the Wind Wolf King in front of him.

Suddenly, a line of small words appeared in front of him.

[Ding... The current HP of the Wind Wolf King is reduced to 10%, and the skill is activated. All attributes are increased by 150%! Duration 60s! ]

Sure enough!

Looking at the prompt in front of him, and taking a look at the attributes of the Wind Wolf King after the rage, Qin Mu sighed lightly.

With the violent 150% increase in all attributes, the Wind Wolf King's attributes have now reached

A whole new height.

All attributes broke through three digits, even the lowest agility attribute, which reached 138 points!

The strength attribute reached 200 points!

This is why Qin Mu didn't have time to dodge the sudden attack of the Wind Wolf King.

He was slapped seven or eight meters away by the opponent.

If Qin Mu didn't have the Wind Wolf Armor, he would have a lot more resilience and defense.

The attack of the Wind Wolf King just now was enough to deal thousands of damages, and it might even blow Qin Mu away!


The Wind Wolf King succeeded in one blow, without any pause.

With a roar, the huge body turned into a whirlwind and rushed towards Qin Mu again.

It knew that its current state could only last for one minute.

Therefore, it had to completely crush the human in front of it who forced it to go berserk in this short one minute!

The speed of the Wind Wolf King in a violent state was so fast that Qin Mu's eyes widened immediately.

"What a fast speed! I can't dodge at this speed!"

Facing the attack of the Wind Wolf King whose agility attribute has reached 138 points, Qin Mu could not dodge at all.

Now his agility attribute is only 54 points, which is not comparable to the Wind Wolf King.


Qin Mu, who had just raised his sword to block, was immediately attacked by the Wind Wolf King for the second time.

With one blow, his figure was blasted back several meters again.

And this time, even with the Fire Fox Long Sword to block, he suffered 500 points of damage.

The hands that raised the sword to block were also shaken by the 200 points of strength attribute of the Wind Wolf King, and the tiger's mouth was also painful.

Qin Mu felt that if he was hit by the Wind Wolf King a few more times, even if his blood volume was bottomless, his bones around him would be shaken to pieces!

"It's impossible to escape. I only have over 30,000 HP left.

With the current state of the rampaging Wind Wolf King, if I continue to passively take the beating within 60 seconds, I may die here!

In that case, I'll sacrifice my 1% HP and kill it directly!"

Looking at the Wind Wolf King charging at him again, Qin Mu raised his eyebrows and made a decision immediately.

"Blood Sacrifice Judgment!"

A roar came out, and a strong blood force surged out of Qin Mu's body.

Then, this blood force immediately locked onto the rampaging Wind Wolf King, and in a flash, a blood-colored giant blade fell from the sky.


A loud noise came out, and the arrogant Wind Wolf King's body was immediately pressed against its neck by the blood-colored giant blade, pinning it to the ground.

Puff! ! !

Without any surprise, the moment the Wind Wolf King was pinned to the ground, the blood-colored giant blade directly slashed across its neck, beheading its huge wolf head.

"Kill the Wind Wolf King and gain a lot of experience!"

"Kill the Wind Wolf King, life limit +1500!"

As the Wind Wolf King was beheaded, Qin Mu immediately gained a life limit of 1500 points, and his health bar became much thicker again.

Although the use of the 'Blood Sacrifice Judgment' requires the sacrifice of 1% of Qin Mu's current health, as long as he rests for a while, he can fill up his health bar in no time with his own recovery.

When fighting with the Wind Wolf King, Qin Mu's total health reached 56,000 points.

And now, after killing the Wind Wolf King, his total health has reached 57,500!

However, after Qin Mu killed the Wind Wolf King, he did not care about his current health. Instead, he looked at the headless corpse of the Wind Wolf King with expectation.

"Killing the Wind Wolf King, this time I should have an epic explosion!"

Looking at the corpse of the Wind Wolf King, Qin Mu thought so in his heart, and even ignored the dozens of Wind Wolves surrounding him for the time being.

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