The explosion was over, and the explosion was over.


Just after the upgrade light on Qin Mu's body flashed, a series of colorful lights rose from the body of the double-axe orc foreman he killed.

"Fuck, so many treasures! This time I'm rich!"

Looking at these treasures that burst out, Qin Mu's eyes lit up and he exclaimed.

Before, he complained that he had only dropped some ordinary quality equipment and some ore materials after killing the orc miner.

There was no equipment of excellent quality or above.

But now after killing this orc leader, the treasures that appeared in front of him made his previous complaints disappear.

[Beast Soul Iron Armor (Armor·Rare): Lv.30, Strength +80, Block +100, HP +25000, HP +200 per second! ]

[Tearing Axe (Weapon·Rare): Lv.30, Strength +200, Critical Hit +20%, Attack has a 20% chance to cause bleeding effect, reducing the enemy's HP by 20% of the attack per second, lasting 30s! ]

[Fine Steel Long Sword (Weapon·Excellent): Lv.30, Strength +100, Critical Hit +10%]

[Fine Steel Leggings (Shoes·Excellent): Lv.30, Agility +100, Movement Speed ​​+10%]


[Big Life Potion x10: After taking, HP 2000 per second! Lasts 60s! ]

[Refined Copper x100: Excellent material for making weapons and equipment! 】

"I didn't expect that this lord-level boss would not only drop two blue rare quality level 30 equipment, but also four green excellent quality level 30 equipment!

In addition to the six pieces of equipment, there are also 10 bottles of large life potions and 100 refined coppers.

Just the things dropped by the half-orc leader are worth at least one million federal coins!"

After taking all the spoils back into his backpack space, Qin Mu quickly counted the spoils he got from killing the half-orc leader this time.

He couldn't help but say with surprise, and his smile became brighter and brighter.

"The half-orc miners and foremen in front have been killed,

Now it's time to prepare to hunt down the last layer of mine guarding wolves and their king!"

After calming down his slightly excited mood, Qin Mu looked at the severely deformed iron door in front of him.

Through the gap in the iron door, he looked at the mine guarding wolf entrenched on the bottom of the large flat floor behind the door.

He restrained his smile and showed a murderous intent on his face.

Having experienced the combat advantages brought by high agility attributes, Qin Mu also added all the 80 free attributes he had just upgraded to agility as usual.

Combined with the 250,000 HP limit he had just obtained by killing the Orc leader, the 25-point agility attribute increase.

His current agility attribute is as high as 1152 points!

Such a high agility attribute has exceeded most of the assassin professionals at the peak of the first turn!

Even facing more than 200 mine guarding wolves wandering behind the iron gate, Qin Mu is not afraid at all!


Take a deep breath, Qin Mu stretched out his hand to open the iron gate in front of him that had been unrestricted.

He stepped into the territory of the mine guarding wolves.


As soon as he stepped into the territory of these mine guarding wolves, he immediately attracted the hatred of all monsters.

More than 200 huge mine guarding wolves roared and rushed towards him.

The speed of these mine-guarding wolves far exceeded those half-orc miners Qin Mu had encountered before.

At the same time, a series of high-speed rotating wind blades quickly condensed and bombarded Qin Mu.

[Mine-guarding wolves (enhanced elite monster)]

Level: Lv40

HP: 15w

Magic: 25000

Strength: 500

Constitution: 500

Agility: 500

Intelligence: 1000

Skills: Spiral wind blades, tearing claws, bloody roar

"These mine-guarding wolves are all intelligent monsters, I really can't tell!

No, rather than saying they are intelligent monsters, it's better to say that these wolves are both magic and martial arts, but their skill attacks are more powerful!"

Looking at the large number of spiral wind blades that were overwhelming and killing him, Qin Mu narrowed his eyes and instantly understood the attributes of these ordinary wolves.

After seeing the opponent's intelligence attribute as high as 1000 points, Qin Mu did not dare to let these guys release the spiral wind blade to attack him.

With a thought, his legs suddenly

He exerted force on the ground, and the whole person shot out directly, crossing a distance of more than 100 meters in the blink of an eye.

The speed was so fast that all the attacks of the ferocious wolves were in vain.

Not only that, Qin Mu did not retreat at all when dodging.

He swung his fists at the ferocious wolves one after another.

Qin Mu's agility attribute is twice as strong as these ferocious wolves!

Strength and physique are even more incomparable to these ferocious wolves.

Facing these ferocious wolves that stood up taller than him, Qin Mu dodged to the abdomen of these ferocious wolves.

He punched these guys in the abdomen with an uppercut.


A dull sound was accompanied by the screams of pain from the mine wolf that was hit in the abdomen by Qin Mu's punch.

The ferocious wolf was directly blasted to a height of dozens of meters by the repulsion effect of the King Kong Ring triggered by Qin Mu.

"Can the forced repulsion effect of this Vajra King Ring be used like this? Okay, okay! Then let me send you guys flying!"

Looking at the ferocious wolf that was blasted dozens of meters into the air by his punch, his eyes showed a look of fear.

Qin Mu was stunned at first, and then he immediately showed a deep smile, ignoring the ferocious wolf that was blasted into the air.

His figure flashed among the many ferocious wolves at a fast speed, and without hesitation, he punched them hard in the abdomen before they could react, and blasted them away!

After a while, under his attack, due to the effect of the Vajra King Ring.

A shocking picture appeared in the space at the bottom of the mine.

One after another, the huge ferocious wolves were blasted away by Qin Mu.

Qin Mu's speed was extremely fast. Some ferocious wolves were even hit by Qin Mu's heavy punch again before they had time to stand up again just after hitting the ground.

The huge body flew up again, and even the attack could not be released normally.


Seeing that the situation was not right, an angry roar that shook the entire mine was heard.

The roar was accompanied by a dizzy mental shock, which made Qin Mu feel slightly dizzy.

His figure could not help but pause, and the continuous attack rhythm was completely interrupted.

After his mind was clear, Qin Mu looked at the bottom core with a serious face.

Over there, a huge figure as tall as three stories came slowly with a majestic momentum.

Wherever it passed, even those fierce wolves that had just fallen from the air did not care about the pain on their bodies, and retreated to both sides in fear, making way.

[Mine Guarding Wolf King (Enhanced King-level Boss)]

Level: Lv40

HP: 1500w

Magic: 120w

Strength: 1500

Constitution: 1500

Agility: 1500

Intelligence: 2000

Skills: War Roar, Mental Shock, Scarlet Storm, Boiling Blood

"Is the Wolf King losing his temper so soon? This guy is actually an enhanced King-level boss!

All his attributes are much higher than mine! It seems that challenging this guy at level 11 is a bit ill-considered, and this is troublesome..."

When Qin Mu saw the attributes of the Wolf King, his heart tightened and his face became more solemn.

The boss ranks include Beast General, Lord, King, Emperor...

A level 40 King-level boss is definitely an invincible existence in front of most first-level professionals!

What's more, the one in front of Qin Mu is a strengthened King-level boss!

Facing such a monster, in a one-on-one fight, I'm afraid only a talented professional of the same level above SS level would be able to fight it!

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