The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

In a villa in the center of Yuncheng City, Qin Mu looked at the two Blood God clones that looked exactly like him.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that the condensation of the Blood God clones would be easier than I thought.

It only takes one minute to condense a clone with all my strength except for the equipment and title blessing."

With a faint smile, Qin Mu dressed one of the clones and let him stay in this villa that he had just bought from the Housing Bureau of Yuncheng City at a huge cost of 200 million yuan.

In this way, he would follow Ye Xinyao to Xingchen Academy and encounter any danger.

He could also directly perform the shape-shifting and exchange positions with this clone to save his life.

After arranging his own clone, Qin Mu moved his mind, and the other clone turned into a drop of blood and merged into his body.

As long as he wanted, he could instantly summon this clone to help him fight together.

After doing all this, Qin Mu returned to his room, took a hot bath, and had a good rest.

Although the vitality apple relieved his physical fatigue when he was frantically killing monsters this afternoon.

But the mind was inevitably a little tired, which the vitality apple could not restore.

After a good sleep, Qin Mu got up early in the morning, ate a quick breakfast, and rushed to the outside of Yuncheng City.

When he talked to Ye Xinyao about going to Xingchen Academy yesterday, Ye Xinyao had told him that he could contact each other within a week.

As long as he was willing to go to Xingchen Academy, he could contact Ye Xinyao and go to Xingchen Academy with her.

As for now, Qin Mu still had six days anyway.

In these six days, Qin Mu plans to improve his level and health.

As for the goal of monster hunting in these six days, it is naturally the newly appeared secret realm more than 80 kilometers away from Aurora City!

Yesterday, he had learned about the dungeons around Yuncheng City in the Adventurer's Guild in Yuncheng City.

The highest-level dungeons can only be entered by levels less than level 90.

In these dungeons, although the levels of monsters are high, the number is not large.

Compared with the level increase, what Qin Mu needs most now is to increase his health.

Only after increasing his health can his strength be further improved.

Moreover, now he has such a powerful talent as the Blood God Clone.

The more blood he has, the more Blood God Clone he can have.

This is undoubtedly his greatest means of saving his life.

As long as there are enough Blood God Clone, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it will not be easy to kill it!

The assassination attempt by the Netherworld Clan that he encountered before killed him directly in the void channel of the interstellar transmission array.

He knew that he had become the target of the other races in the universe.

He also had a deep understanding of the severe environment of the talented professionals.

He had a clearer understanding than any genius who had not grown up in the entire human federation!

After all, who among the geniuses in the entire human federation had experienced the same experience of resurrection as him?

It was for this reason that Qin Mu realized more deeply the importance of life-saving means.

Only by condensing more blood god clones can his safety be more guaranteed!

With a hint of eagerness, Qin Mu rushed out of Yuncheng City and rushed all the way to the direction of the previous secret realm.


“Fortunately, this secret realm is still there!”

“Although this secret realm has not yet stabilized, I have the innate skill of shapeshifting.

Even if the entrance to this secret realm collapses after I enter it, I can use this skill to swap my position with the clone in Yuncheng City!”

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Mu rushed more than 100 kilometers and arrived at the entrance of the secret realm.

He smiled faintly and looked at the entrance of the secret realm in front of him without much hesitation.

After setting the timer for five days, he plunged into the entrance of this secret realm.

The secret realm is a world of its own. Qin Mu cannot feel the specific passage of time in this secret realm.

In order not to delay his plan to go to Xingchen Academy with Ye Xinyao, he naturally has to set the timer.

When the time comes, he should come out of the secret realm and contact Ye Xinyao to take him to Xingchen Academy together.




When Qin Mu first entered the secret realm, his first impression was desolate.

There was no vegetation around, only an endless expanse of desolate land.

"Looking at the traces on the ground, the previous beast tides should have gone deeper into the secret realm.

Let's follow the footprints left by these beasts and see if we can find this batch of beasts!"

After looking around, Qin Mu did not find any monsters.

He had no choice but to follow the traces under his feet.

After the previous beast tides attacked Aurora City to no avail, they fled back to the secret realm. The footprints left by a large number of monsters on the ground were very conspicuous.

He believed that as long as he followed these footprints, he could easily find these guys.

Even if these monsters hid deeper, they would eventually be discovered by him.

The fact was just as he expected. After running for nearly a hundred kilometers.

A large number of monsters finally appeared in his sight.

As he went deeper into the secret realm, the surrounding scenery became more numerous, and the vegetation gradually became dense.

It was no longer the endless desolation that he had seen when he first entered the secret realm.

And not far ahead, a few kilometers away, there was an endless river that stretched from east to west.

It was around this river that there were traces of monsters.

With just a glance, Qin Mu saw that there were no less than thousands of monsters of various kinds on both sides of the river.

At the same time, because there was no boss like the Titan Giant Ape and the Thunder Flame Griffin that attacked Aurora City before.

These monsters were also playing the game of the jungle.

When Qin Mu scanned the area around the river, he could occasionally see some powerful monsters attacking some weak monsters and driving them away from him.

Some even killed the weak monsters directly and devoured their flesh and blood.

"Finally I found you! The clone is out to work! Kill all the living creatures I can see!"

Looking at the monsters in the distance, Qin Mu showed a relieved smile on his face and exhaled lightly.

The moment he finished speaking, a stream of blood flew out of his body and instantly condensed into a blood god clone.

With Qin Mu's order, this clone rushed out as soon as it appeared.

Killed the monsters in front.

"Successfully killed the level 55 elite bloodthirsty lion and gained a small amount of experience!"

"Successfully killed the level 55 elite bloodthirsty lion, life limit +4000!"

"In addition to being my own life-saving trump card, this guy is also a good thug! Tireless, strictly follow my orders!

And the monsters killed by the clone can also increase my life limit!

Not bad! Not bad! Hahaha!"

Looking at the clone rushing to the monster in the blink of an eye and killing the monster, Qin Mu was overjoyed.

After saying this, he no longer hesitated and joined the battle.

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