The young man was so angry that he was about to die.

"Who is that? How could he be so powerful!"

At the front, the mechanic headed by the Creation Academy also showed a look of horror on his face.

Watching Qin Mu, whose speed was so fast that his figure was blurred, quickly catch up and disappear more than ten kilometers away in almost the blink of an eye.

He just felt that his whole head was confused.

"Mu Chunfeng, did you see the figure of that guy clearly?"

Just when he was stunned, a figure quickly rushed to the mechanical creation under his feet and said to him.

This person was another SSS-level talented professional in the Creation Academy, Wang Lan.

At this moment, his face was also filled with incredible horror.

"No, the opponent's speed is too fast. Even a fifth-turn assassin may not be able to reach such a speed.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the opponent is not only fast, but also has unprecedented combat power.

This level 125 elite stone giant, my mechanical creation also needs to hit the vital point to kill it instantly.

But you can see that all the stone giants exploded wherever he passed.

This strength is far beyond yours and mine!

With such a terrifying strong man, you and I, even if we add everyone in our academy, may not have the chance to get the first kill of the boss."

Looking at the person coming, he heard Mu Chunfeng also took a deep breath and said with a sense of loss.

It seems that he has lost something extremely important.

After hearing his words, Wang Lan, who came up from the side, was silent, watching Mu Chunfeng's mechanical creation below leading the team of the Creation Academy step by step.

Although the speed is fast and the pace of advancement is rapid.

Among all the student teams, they are in the leading position.

But compared with the speed of the blurry figure just now, it is far behind.

Not worth mentioning at all.

"Hey, this time, we are afraid that we will disappoint the dean and others.

This person is so powerful, is he really a second-level professional?"

In the end, Wang Lan, who is also an SSS-level talented professional, had to sigh at this moment.

After Qin Mu's commotion, their previous arrogant and domineering momentum had long disappeared.

What was left was only a deep blow and an incomparable shock.

They couldn't figure it out, they were already SSS-level talented professionals.

Their strength was the top among the students who entered the dungeon.

The unknown strong man was so powerful that he completely crushed them.

What level of talent was the other party?

It can't be that he broke through the boundary of the highest level of original talent that has appeared in tens of thousands of years, right?

SSS-level origin talent is already the highest level of talent, which has been recognized by all human races in the experience and history of tens of thousands of years.

Not only human race, but also other intelligent races in the universe generally believe that this SSS-level origin talent is already the limit of professional awakening talent.

Qin Mu is so powerful, they really can't imagine the reason.

Not only Wang Lan and Mu Chunfeng from the Creation Academy are two SSS-level talented professionals.

Those SSS-level talented professionals in the top higher education institutions in other star fields are also in a huge wave of hearts at this moment.

They were shocked for a long time.

In addition to being shocked, they were all confused.

It is impossible to imagine what kind of terrifying talent Qin Mu has.

The 14 SSS-level origin talent professionals in the 18 star fields are now in deep shock.

With this indescribable shock, they could only work harder to kill the stone giant blocking their way.

In addition to them, others also formed hundreds of teams of different sizes, and rushed to the depths of the dungeon.

Although everyone already felt that there was a genius as powerful as Qin Mu.

Killing the boss was no longer theirs.

But since they had already entered the dungeon, they had to see what the situation was in the dungeon. What was the final boss?

In such a large dungeon, even if they could not kill the boss.

They might have unexpected gains by exploring in this dungeon.


For the whole world caused by the noise they made,

Qin Mu was not aware of the strong shock of the Federation's genius boy.

But he could also guess what kind of shock he would cause after such an outburst.

Everyone would probably be shocked by his sudden burst of strength.

But he had no interest in knowing whether it was shocking or not.

Now he had only one goal.

That was to find the final boss in this large copy as soon as possible and kill it as soon as possible.

Get the first kill of this boss and get the opportunity to practice the second profession.

The blood mage with his talent would undoubtedly allow him to burst out with more powerful power.

Similarly, with the large-scale blood magic damage of the second profession blood mage, he would be able to clear monsters and improve his strength faster!


Thirty seconds later.

Qin Mu, who was running fast, paused, and a stream of hot white mist suddenly gushed out from his mouth and nose.

It was because of his rapid burst in a short period of time that the blood in his body boiled, causing his body temperature to rise rapidly, bringing a burning breath in his nose.

"Thirty seconds, it took me thirty seconds at my speed just now.

The territory of these stone giants is at least one thousand kilometers.

With a territory of more than one thousand kilometers, the number of stone giants is estimated to be hundreds of millions.

With these guys blocking them, even the students of the Creation Academy will not be able to break out of the territory of the stone giants without a day or two.

I have enough time to explore the entire secret realm, find the final boss in the secret realm, and kill it!"

After stopping and calming his slightly rapid breathing, Qin Mu looked back and said in a low voice.

Hundreds of meters behind him, there were densely packed stone giants.

The stone giants around him were roaring at him crazily.

But they did not dare to cross the line.

It seemed that there was some mysterious power that restricted these monsters to a specific area.

Qin Mu knew that this was the rule of the copy.

Just like the first dungeon he had played outside Aurora City.

Before killing the half-orc foreman of the mine, he could never open the iron gate to the bottom of the mine.

Here, these stone giants would never step out of the restricted area.

Facing Qin Mu who had already left the stone giants' territory, these stone giants could only gather together and roar at Qin Mu from a distance, furious and helpless.

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