The old man was in a hurry to get out of the dungeon.

"Where is Cai Kun? Why didn't he come out!"

"Did he meet with a disaster in this dungeon?"

"It's impossible. I know his strength. He can easily break through the defense of those monsters over level 200 on Monster Planet No. 3.

Even if his strength is not as good as those SSS-level genius students in several top universities, it is definitely not much different.

How come everyone else came out of the dungeon without any problems, but he didn't show up?"

Not finding Qin Mu, Ji Hanwu was completely confused.

He had sensed that there were not many casualties among the 200,000 professionals who entered the dungeon.

Because Mu Chunfeng and other geniuses from top universities joined forces with all students to fight against those 125-level elite stone giants.

With the power of all the genius students gathered, almost no one died in the dungeon.

And Qin Mu did not come out. In Ji Hanwu's opinion, he could only die in the dungeon.

After all, even with his perspective as a ninth-level professional, he could not imagine that someone could avoid the rules of the dungeon and leave the dungeon in advance.

It was precisely because of this that he thought that Qin Mu might have died in this dungeon.

When he thought that Qin Mu might have really died in this dungeon, Ji Hanwu felt sad and regretful.

What made him sad was not that he had not gained anything from his efforts on Qin Mu these days, but that it was a pity that a genius like Qin Mu fell so easily.

This made him really unacceptable.

Whether it was that he personally took Qin Mu to hunt monsters and upgrade on Monster Planet No. 3 a week ago, or that he gave Qin Mu a set of 100-level epic quality warrior suits.

For him, it was nothing.

"Why did such a genius fall like this? No, I must find out what happened here!"

After taking a deep breath, Ji Hanwu began to ask the geniuses who came out of the dungeon alive about the situation in the dungeon, just like the leaders of other top colleges.

However, Qin Mu did not do as he guessed, but actually killed the final boss first.

And now he has returned to the villa he bought in Yuncheng City, Lanshuixing, which is very far away from here.

Lanshuixing, a luxurious villa in the center of Yuncheng City.

Qin Mu looked at the surrounding scenes and smiled.

"This teleportation between the Blood God clone is really useful. I didn't expect that this SSS-level skill can really allow me to ignore the obstacles of space and directly exchange the main body and the Blood God clone from the dungeon and return to Yuncheng City!"

Qin Mu muttered with a faint smile.

Soon, he tried to contact the Blood God clone that had changed shape with him.

Soon, he sensed that his Blood God clone had lost all contact.

In this case, it is very likely that after the copy was closed, his Blood God clone was annihilated by the copy rules due to the restrictions of the copy world.

"It seems that after the copy is closed, no foreign objects are allowed to live in it.

It's a pity for my Blood God clone, which was lost without doing anything.

However, I can use a clone to exchange for this mythical quality professional rune stone, so that I can practice a second profession.

This is definitely a sure-win business! Haha!"

After not being able to sense the connection between himself and the Blood God clone, Qin Mu also smiled helplessly.

Then he looked at the mythical professional rune stone quietly placed in his backpack, and the pity in his heart for losing a Blood God clone instantly disappeared.

Now his total blood volume has exceeded 5 trillion.

It is enough to condense more than 50,000 Blood God clones. This is just the loss of one clone. Compared with his more than 50,000 Blood God clones, it is really nothing.

"Now my strength level has reached the peak of the second transformation of level 100.

In this case, I will complete the third transformation first, and then I can continue to upgrade after the level limit is lifted.

I will then use the teleportation array or star battleship of Blue Mercury to go to some nearby monster planets to obtain the second profession!"

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, Qin Mu immediately arranged what he needed to do next.

Now that he has obtained the mythical professional rune stone, since

Of course, he wanted to use this career rune stone impatiently to obtain the second career of the blood mage.

However, in the novice trial before, he and other newcomers entered the novice village and began to become professionals.

When awakening talents, a beam of light will emerge from the body of each person who awakens talents.

He now uses this mythical career rune stone to obtain a second career, according to the introduction above.

This mythical career rune stone will help him obtain the qualification of practicing the second career while also allowing him to awaken the second origin talent again.

For this reason, he did not know what would happen when awakening the origin talent outside the novice village.

Before this, whether it was Ye Xinyao or Ji Hanwu, they only said that after taking the first kill of the boss of the dungeon, they would get the opportunity to practice the second career.

But how to obtain it, and whether there will be the awakening of the second origin talent, these are what they did not mention to him.

In order to ensure that he would not attract too many people's attention when using this god-level career rune stone.

Qin Mu then decided to go to the monster planets in the surrounding star fields to obtain the second profession.

"Blood God clone, one will continue to be placed in the villa we bought in Yuncheng City.

If I awaken the second origin talent on the nearby monster planet and make too much noise, it will attract the attention of other strong people.

I can also use the shapeshifting to come back here again, so that I can get rid of a lot of unnecessary troubles!

Well! It's decided!"

Before leaving, Qin Mu thought about it again, and after his consideration.

A trace of blood emerged from his body, and a brand new Blood God clone quickly appeared beside him.

"You stay here, don't go anywhere!"

After giving orders to his Blood God clone, Qin Mu rushed directly to the Job Transfer Temple in Yuncheng City.

When he arrived in front of the Job Transfer Temple in Yuncheng City, Qin Mu also deliberately manifested the 100-level epic temple suit that Ji Hanwu gave him.

He used the Temple Helmet to cover up most of his facial features.

Although Yuncheng City is stronger than the neighboring Aurora City, it is still a small city, and the most powerful professional is only a second-level professional who is less than level 100.

He is now going to the third level in Yuncheng City, which will definitely cause a big sensation, so it is safer to cover his appearance.

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