"How can this be?"

The priest girl couldn't believe her eyes.

She actually saw... the body of a dragon?

How could such a scene appear in front of her?

"Obviously...just now everyone was helpless against these monsters..."

The priest girl murmured to herself.

She found that the professionals around her were also looking at the battlefield ahead with shocked expressions on their faces, and they seemed to have no idea what was going on.

Everyone had doubtful expressions on their faces, as if they felt they were hallucinating.

"Wait, did you see... one of those monsters... died?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Ah! Damn it, why are you pinching me?"

"Ah, I just wanted to give it a try to see if it was a dream. It would hurt... but it doesn't seem to be the case..."

"Damn it, why don't you suit yourself? It's your uncle's fault!"

......…In the end what happened?"

After a slight pause, the others also reacted.

Except for the purple eyes behind them, what they cared about most at the moment was the killed Yalong corpse.

How come the Yalong Tribe, which was so powerful just a moment ago, had one of its members directly killed?

The previous attack was obviously not enough to tickle these monsters, but this time he directly made one?

"Is there still a big boss in our strategy team?"

"Are you thinking too much? What kind of boss can kill such a perverted monster in one go..."

"Wait... you said that..."


Someone around said this, and suddenly everyone thought of a terrifying possibility.

It stands to reason that this dragon, which is comparable to the fifth level, has extremely high attributes. Even if a big boss of the same fifth level comes over, it is impossible to kill it instantly.

Even for higher-level professionals, handling these sub-dragons is the same as playing.

But it is still very difficult to kill such a powerful dragon when there are so many people around them who have no time to react.

And to be able to kill Yalong so easily...

Could it be...a demigod?

At this moment, everyone immediately thought of the space demigod Lin Ruoxian who was guarding the copy.

But then I thought about it and realized that this guess was wrong.

Because the demigods themselves spend a lot of energy sitting in the dungeon. If they help them at this time, aren't they afraid that it will cause chaos in the dungeon?

Everyone is doubtful.

"No, look at that dragon...it seems to have thunder!"

I don’t know who mentioned this.

The priest girl also looked over, and saw that the body of the dead Yalong was indeed as the person said, covered with twinkling things.

If you look carefully, it looks like... electric light?

The priest girl was stunned.

Why is there lightning on the corpse?

As far as she knew, the high-level bosses in this strategy group did not have super bosses who could use the lightning system.

Of course, there are many professionals who can control the power of lightning.

However, she could conclude that there was absolutely no one who could kill the Yalong in one blow.

"It's those purple eyes!"

At this time, there was a commotion among the crowd.

A wounded shield warrior separated the crowd and limped over.

But the priest girl could feel the powerful power from his body.

At the same time, look at the opponent's level.

Level 290!

This is a high-level warrior who is about to break through the fourth level!

It is precisely because of this that the opponent's attack on Yalong was not directly knocked out of the copy like others.

"Boss, the purple eyes you are talking about are the ones behind us?"

This time, everyone was immediately confused. Someone in the crowd asked impatiently.

"Yes..." The senior soldier had a ghostly expression on his face, "I can't believe my eyes..."

Recalling the scene that just suddenly appeared in his mind, even he, who had experienced it personally, could not believe it, let alone their assistants who were staying behind.

"Then...what happened just now?!!"

At this time, everyone gathered around the senior warrior and started asking questions.

Among them, the most concerning thing is the answer to this question.

Because this group of people, including the priest girl, are members of the rear.

There are really too many members in the strategy team.

They had no idea what was happening ahead.

This is not a movie or TV show. There are tens of thousands of professionals in front of them, and they can't see the edge at a glance.

So it is naturally impossible to know what is happening ahead.

At best, you can barely get a general view, such as intermittently obtaining the picture ahead through the field of vision shared by certain reconnaissance professions.

That's why they don't know what happened.

0......Please give me flowers......

In addition, another issue that everyone is also concerned about is.

What does this have to do with purple eyes?

“It’s the lightning released from those purple eyes.

"I can't explain it clearly." The senior soldier shook his head, "That scene, I would like to call it... a miracle!"

"The superiors have allowed the investigative professions to fully share the [Eagle Eye] perspective. See for yourselves."

The senior warrior did not reveal the answer to the question.

But the words he said were even more heart-wrenching.

Ahead...what exactly happened?

The priest girl was also very curious.

But at the same time, for some reason, she suddenly had an illusion.

"Could it be that...my prayer to the gods has been fulfilled?"

She suddenly had this dreamy idea.


And then, suddenly, she suddenly received the view ahead.

She was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was the [Eagle Eye] skill used by the detective professionals on her.

Can directly have the vision of an eagle.

The people around her were also stunned. It was obvious that they had obtained Eagle Eyes just like her.

Now she can directly know the battle situation on the front line!

"What happened..."

The priest girl looked forward.

I saw a few more corpses of sub-dragons appearing in the large area vacated by the high-ranking knights.

Unlike before where she could only use [Eagle Eye] briefly for a few seconds, this time she could use this skill all the time.

It seems that the higher-ups have spoken, and the detective professionals have directly used the skills to suppress the situation.

So at this moment, she could no longer only take a glimpse, but had to switch back to her original field of vision.

"Why are there three more corpses of monsters?"

The priest girl asked.

She had no idea what was going on.

In such a blink of an eye, three more sub-dragons died?

Monsters that they couldn't even break through their defenses before were now being killed as easily as low-level monsters?

This is too exaggerated!

Suddenly, the priest girl opened her eyes wide.

She just seemed to hear something.

"That's right, I won't hear you wrong..."

After a brief moment of sluggishness, she shed tears.

She heard something.

These words were never forgotten by her for the rest of her life.

"I decree that the thunder in the worlds in the ten directions will subside [May you sleep peacefully tonight."

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