"Xiaoyu, you shouldn't say so much."

When Lin Chu saw this, he said helplessly.

Originally, only a few people should know about this matter, and it should not be publicized in such a big way.

But Lin Chuyi thought that this time not only the official professionals followed Chu Mo into the dungeon, but also many people witnessed Chu Mo's transformation into the God of Thunder. Therefore, this important matter should not be hidden in general.

After all, so many casual cultivators taken in by Chu Mo have seen it, and it is impossible to hide it at this moment.

However, this matter is not a particularly big secret. Anyone who has been in contact with Chu Mo for long enough generally knows about it.

What's more, it's not just this. Chu Mo usually shows the professions of Thor and Jin Shining to his teammates when he downloads dungeons, but these songs are spread in a small area.

Moreover, these matters were not kept secret. Although Lin Chuyi could not get the news from the official level, she basically understood everything about Chu Mo through contact with Chu Mo's former dungeon teammates these days.

"Sister, I just want to pretend in front of them." Lin Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue cutely, "After all, we have such a powerful fairy lady in our ancient eastern country, but it is our honor."

Lin Xiaoyu spoke very skillfully, linking the power of the fairy lady with the honor of the ancient Eastern country.

This makes it sound like there's no problem.

As expected, Lin Chu nodded as soon as he heard this and said nothing more.

Seeing her sister's reaction, Lin Xiaoyu became more sure of her thoughts: "The relationship between my sister and Miss Goblin is indeed very unusual!

Chris's reaction was completely different from that of the Lin sisters.

After learning that Miss Goblin turned out to be the lightning general who split open the island guarded by Sakura Kingdom, Chrissy's face was stunned.

Originally she only wanted to challenge Miss Goblin.

But he didn't expect that Miss Goblin's other identity turned out to be General Thunder.

If she still feels a little confident in dealing with Miss Goblin.

Then she was a little shocked to deal with General Thunder and Lightning, who almost showed the power of a god.

Because in her impression, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the monster Miss Goblin dealt with could still be defeated by ordinary professionals.

But General Thunder and Lightning is different. When General Thunder and Lightning was born, he came with the power of God, displaying almost the power of a god.

To say he is the God of Thunder is not an exaggeration at all.

She has also seen the video of General Thunder and Lightning's "milk-scented knife" uploaded on the Internet.

Others see it from the perspective of an ISP.

Only she knew that the power of General Dian's sword that split open the island was comparable to that of a god.

Facing such an existence, she had no confidence to challenge at all.

The gap, this is the gap.

Of course, if Chu Mo knew her thoughts here, she would probably laugh out loud.

Because the power of her divine equipment is based on her basic attributes, there is no difference at all whether it is powerful or not.

It's just a divine outfit, each with different uses. The skills and basic damage between each other are all based on her basic attributes.

Therefore, there is no saying that Thor's divine costume is more powerful than Alicia's divine costume.

But it's a pity that Chu Mo is not here, so Chrissy doesn't know this either.

When she learned the answer from Lin Xiaoyu, Chris first doubted her life, and then suddenly thought, why did she believe the other person said he was the God of Thunder?

Chris looked at General Thunder in the picture.

Chris likes General Thunder very much and thinks she is a strong person worthy of being surpassed as her goal.

Therefore, when the figure of General Thunder and Lightning appeared in the projection on the screen, she was extremely familiar with it. This person was the General Thunder and Lightning whom she admired.

But she immediately wondered, why would General Thunder appear in such a place?

She originally didn't believe what the other party said about Miss Goblin being General Thunder.

It's just that I'm a little unsure now.

Because it seems that the other party has no reason to lie to her.

After all, such a clumsy lie is too easy to see through.

As the granddaughter of Lin Ruoxian, the other party should not be stupid enough to tell such a lie.

This is of no benefit to the other party at all.

Even if it is revealed that this is not the case in the future, it may become a laughing stock.

So when Chris thought about this, he was confused and conflicted.

And she was like this, not to mention the reactions of the awakened people from other countries around her.

Let’s leave aside the other awakened people from the Ganges Kingdom or the Bangzi Kingdom for the time being.

The most eye-catching one is the awakener of Sakura Kingdom.

This time, three awakened ones came to Sakura Kingdom.

The three sentences are all representative of the warrior profession.

A young man and two older professionals, one tall and one short.

The short professional among them was the one who made rude remarks to Lin Xiaoyu in the front yard before.

The little warrior looked unruly until he entered the backyard.

But when he came to the backyard and saw the legendary Thunderbolt General projected in the sky, his fat face showed an expression of disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost during the day.

It is better than Chris's entanglements and contradictions, even far beyond.

When he saw the appearance of General Chu Mo Thunder and Lightning, he took several steps back with a thump, staggering and looking quite embarrassed.

"is her!"

"is her!"

He kept repeating such words in his mouth.

Even his eyes were full of fear.

It was as if the Thunderbolt General in the projection spell was not a good-looking beauty, but more like a wild beast that wanted to devour people and was about to devour him.

"Mr. Miyamoto, what's wrong with you? Mr. Miyamoto!"

Next to the short samurai named Miyamoto, was the young samurai who came with him. He quickly supported him and asked.

"It's her! I won't admit it."

Miyamoto continued to say such inexplicable words, his eyes filled with fear.

"What on earth are you talking about!"

The young samurai suddenly became confused when he saw his usually arrogant elders become like this.

And when others heard that Miss Elf was General Thunder. They all had shocked looks.

But when they saw Miyamoto's exaggerated performance, they all looked at the projected Thunderbolt General in surprise.

Although the general Thunder and Lightning in the picture has a cold face, he gives people the feeling that he cannot be approached easily.

But at least in terms of appearance, there is nothing to say. She is definitely one of the best beauties. It is no exaggeration to say that she is many times more beautiful than the many beauties that most people here have seen in their lives. degree.

People don't understand what such a beauty has to be afraid of.

Even if the other party had shown the strength of a god, it wouldn't have caused such an embarrassing reaction.

The tall and thin samurai who had been silent next to him stood up and patted the young samurai on the shoulder and said, "Yamamoto, don't worry about him."

After a pause, he continued: "He once stationed on that split island."

As soon as these words came out, everyone took a breath.

What? It turns out that this is a person who has personally experienced the thunder and lightning general, a person who has experienced it in a way that has created a new world?

Everyone understood why the little warrior had such an exaggerated reaction.

Put yourself in their shoes and think about it, if they were also professionals on the split island.

Experienced such a terrible "miracle" personally.

Everyone can develop PTSD.

After all, the strength displayed by General Thunder and Lightning at that time was really terrifying...

The knife that opened up the mountains and opened up the land directly split the entire huge island in half. If it was not under the official constraints of the ancient Eastern country at that time, but developed into a war, the consequences would be simply unimaginable.

No one thought that their opponent would be such a terrifying existence.

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly understood why the little warrior was so miserable.

Originally, other countries that did not have good relations with Sakura Country, such as Bangzi Country, originally wanted to ridicule them, but when they thought of this reason, they suddenly found it difficult to speak.

The voices of the few warriors here were talking loudly. Lin Xiaoyu and Lin Chuyi looked at each other, but neither of them expected that there was such an inside story.

"Hey, how scary must the Fairy Lady be when she transformed into General Thunderstorm?" Lin Xiaoyu thought.

Even such a arrogant little warrior has such a miserable expression. Is this the fear that comes from the soul after personally experiencing Wuxiang's sword?

This made Lin Xiaoyu's curiosity about Chu Mo even deeper.

Although depending on the situation, the telegraph general may actually be here. "

"But the fact that the Fairy Lady you are talking about is General Thunder is still too ridiculous."

Kris shook her head as she spoke: "In order to save face, your ancient Eastern country actually came up with such a funny reason."

"It seems that your ancient Eastern country is nothing more than this."

"I thought before that you were able to take out a super copy and open it to all the public. But now it seems that there are not even awakened ones who can take action. Or we think too highly of you."

0……Please give me flowers…………

"In order to show off my true heritage, I can force myself to say that Lord Thunder God is the same person as Miss Goblin. This is simply ridiculous.

Chrissy's words were like pearls, and her attack power was full.

This is also true for her. After all, the statement that Miss Goblin is Lord Thor sounds too false.

But after she finished speaking, no matter it was Xiaoyu. Even Lin Chuyi showed a strange expression.

"What's wrong? Am I right?"

Chris is very confident in his judgment.

Lin Chuyi, who had been silent next to him, couldn't stand it anymore.

"Just keep watching."

She said these words coldly.

After all, Lin Chuyi witnessed Chu Mo's transformation from Alicia to General Thunder, so he firmly believed in it.

But when someone questioned Chu Mo's identity at this time, for no reason, she felt a little unhappy inside.

I even have the urge to say something, why do you question it?

It seems that someone questions Miss Fairy, which is very unacceptable to her.

Lin Chuyi's status and strength are quite high.

Not only is she the granddaughter of a demigod, but her own outstanding talent is no secret.

Even foreigners like Chris already knew about Lin Chuyi's existence.

It can be said that Chris regarded Lin Chuyi as an opponent.


At this time, Lin Chuyi said such words, which made Chris have to pay extra attention.

"Then I'll wait and see."

Chrissy stopped being provocative.

It doesn’t matter whether the Thunderbolt General in the picture is his true self or not.

Facing such a huge army of souls is not easy to deal with, and may even be life-threatening.

This is the best way to experiment with its identity.

Dozens of people, including Chris and Lin Ruoxian, turned their attention to the image projected in the sky.

The garrison points of various forces outside the dungeon.

Either big bosses from various parties, various old monsters who have lived in seclusion for many years, or many long-established masters.

These people all used their own methods to obtain the images in the copy.

Without exception, the focus is on Chu Mo.

It can be said that among the millions of people in the entire dungeon, Chu Mo is the one who deserves the most attention.

It can even be said that Bachu did not enter the dungeon.

It has already attracted the attention of all parties.

At this time, we finally encountered the first crisis, and we were very concerned about Chu Mo, the new genius awakener.

Many people are looking forward to Chu Mo's next performance.

However, being caught in a crisis like tens of thousands of soul monsters, even the big guys from all parties were worried about Chu Mo.

Good guy, if you play like this, it will be a life and death crisis.

Thinking about it from another perspective, these bosses put themselves into Chu Mo's role and felt that the situation was very difficult.

Including Lin Ruoxian felt so.

And when these people focused their attention on the picture again, they were slightly stunned.

"Wait a minute, why is it so different from the life and death crisis I thought?"

"What the hell...why does it look like you're on vacation?"

While reflecting on all parties.

In the copy, Chu Mo's side.

The difficult situation expected by the leaders of all parties did not appear.

Everyone who originally observed this place through projection and other reconnaissance skills thought that this would be a fierce battle.

Whether it is the number or level of souls, or the existence of the soul master, it has greatly increased the crisis level of this battle.

Even the official professionals who follow Chu Mo think so.

Except for Xia Wanxing and others who trust Chu Mo's strength the most.

Everyone else felt that this battle would probably kill or injure more than half of the professionals in the team.

But such a scene did not happen.

at the moment.

Almost all the professionals had corpses of souls piled up next to them.

The soul that was full of threats just now is like a toy at this moment, lying motionless on the ground.

The hundreds of official professionals present were stunned.

Many people are afraid to look at their hands with confidence.

A few minutes ago, they had used their own attacks to cause an unknown type of lightning damage.

Easily tear the soul into pieces.

"What the hell is this power that I can control?"

Such emotions spread in everyone's psychology. .

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