Everyone: Transform Into Alicia, And The Country Will Take Me Flying

18. Scientific Research Leader (Thank You Boss For The Reward)

Gu Shan was confused for a moment.

On Li Yan and Xia Wanxing's side, the description of Chu Mo is clearly that of a 'young man'.

And during the conversation, I often couldn't hide my inner love for 'him'.

to this end,

On the way here, she also tried to imagine what Chu Mo looked like...

after all,

Forget about Li Yan's carefree character.

Unexpectedly, even Xia Wanxing, a girl who is a bit weary of the world, actually has a "soft spot" for Chu Mo.

This made Gu Shan extremely curious about all aspects of Chu Mo's personal information.

There must be something special about it.

Looking at the results now...

Standing here turned out to be a girl with long black hair and straight hair. She looked so amazingly cute and had a clear temperament, like an angel!


Are you sure you're not kidding?

The reason why the principal was confused was that he did not expect that the old leader's attitude would be so enthusiastic.

What an honor to meet Chu Mo?

What is going on?

The atmosphere in the whole office was indescribably weird. Everyone looked different and was thinking about different things.

Chu Mo was stunned by the kind old man in front of him.

But you can tell from the reactions of people around you,

This old man's status seems to be higher than that of Liu Yongjie, the former deputy director of the Education Department.

Why would such a person be so polite to him?

At this time,

Gu Shan stood up from his seat, and then introduced to Chu Mo: "Little Chu Mo...sister, cough, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Fang, the leader of the highest scientific research project team in our ancient oriental country. "

"Almost all the scientific research weapons in our country are built by Mr. Fang, who is a leading figure in the scientific research community."

Hearing this, Chu Mo suddenly stood in awe.

Unexpectedly, this ordinary-looking old man turned out to be the famous ‘Father of Scientific Research’ in the ancient Eastern country!

"Hello, Mr. Fang..."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect such a handsome little girl. I thought she was a boy at first. Come on, come on, come and talk to me." Mr. Fang was approachable and took Chu Mo aside to chat about family matters. People are left alone.

Seeing this, Gu Shan shook his head helplessly, knowing that Mr. Fang was excited at this time.

She still remembered that when she first went to the scientific research center yesterday, Mr. Fang was completely crazy.

after all,

The magic storage project that has troubled many scientific researchers for many years,

Because of the combination of several crystal materials, a major breakthrough was achieved overnight!

How could this make him not excited?

Judging from Mr. Fang's current state, he seems to be dozens of years younger than yesterday.

Mr. Fang's speech and behavior were without any airs.

He's the kind of ordinary old man who doesn't have any distinguishing features even when walking on the road.

Chu Mo gradually relaxed and started talking and laughing.

She quickly understood the issues about ‘materials’ that were mentioned from time to time.

The materials dropped from the exclusive dungeon he developed seem to be of great use in scientific research.

When he mentioned this, Fang Lao's eyes couldn't stop being excited, and he also looked grateful when he looked at Chu Mo.

The principal and teachers sat aside, not daring to come forward and disturb.

But the principal was very happy,

The face was obviously grinning almost to the back of the ears.

At first he thought,

There has been no official news for so many days, which means that there is probably no further story about Chu Mo awakening his hidden profession.

But I didn't expect that such a heavyweight would come to the school today...

And judging from this situation, Chu Mo is already well positioned to take off.

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

There are figures like Mr. Fang, a leading scientific researcher, who lead the way. As the principal, he also has the highest honor.

When I think of this,

He looked at Chu Mo with even more fondness, thinking that he would wait until she left and then give her a bonus privately.

As for the head teacher, Teacher Zhang, she was even more delighted.

It seems that in this year's selection of teaching directors, I am as stable as an old dog and there is no suspense.

After chatting for a long time,

Mr. Fang finally got down to business. He looked at Chu Mo and said, "As for the 'mining plan' I just mentioned, you have to discuss it with Xiao Gu later. We will have professionals analyze your abilities. , and then create the perfect plan and schedule.”

"Of course, only you can open the independent dungeon, and everything will change according to your own situation, so if you have any requests, feel free to make them, and we will do our best to achieve them without leaving any worries."

Chu Mo nodded without much worry.

This is a win-win plan for both parties, and I have no reason to refuse.

With their own strength alone, the monsters in the independent dungeon are absolutely impossible to fight against.

If you want to become stronger, you will inevitably have to rely on the country's energy and take the shortest and fastest shortcut.

in addition,

Since the materials in the dungeon are of great benefit to scientific research and weapon creation, then I should fully cooperate with them.

Nowadays, Beautiful Country and Neon Country are very dishonest. They are always testing the bottom line of the ancient Eastern country, and they might jump at some point.

If we could create high-end weapons in batches and arm every knight and soldier, we could even create a star-destroying weapon with the power to kill gods.

Then the future hegemony of the ancient Eastern country will be determined!

The two sides had a very pleasant conversation and shared a common general direction.

Mr. Fang beamed with joy and loved Chu Mo even more. He insisted on letting her attend his 80th birthday in two months.

Chu Mo couldn't resist his enthusiasm, so he had to agree verbally.

In addition, regarding Chu Mo’s university destination, they explained that she can choose as she pleases and go wherever she wants.

Chu Mo decided to think about it for now and make a decision later.

After a long time, Mr. Fang left the school.

Gu Shan looked at Chu Mo, and then asked in a low voice: "Can I go in and take a look at your copy later?"

"Of course, Sister Yan and Sister Wanxing should still be waiting there." Chu Mo said.

Gu Shan's face suddenly brightened, and he leaned down, revealing a hint of spring, showing off his charm, "I'm not very good at fighting, so you have to protect me."

Her voice has a special magic that makes people feel numb.

Chu Mo felt that he couldn't handle this woman, so he hurriedly said: "It's not too late, Sister Shan, let's go there quickly."

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