The battle breaks out!

Boom boom boom!!!

Magic missiles struck from a distance, focusing their fire on the Lighthouse Country's defenses.

Under the blessing of holy objects.

Even the defensive formation of the city of Lighthouse Kingdom soon saw cracks and was about to collapse!

People outside would never even think of it.

The ancient Eastern country would attack so decisively and launch such a fierce offensive.

Some people even feel like they are in a dream and they haven't realized it yet.

The whole process took place in less than an hour!

Could it be that….…

This battle, which can be called a decisive battle, is going to be born here in advance?

This directly disrupted everyone's expectations for the game.

But I have to say...

Very exciting!

Under the concentrated fire of hundreds of holy objects, their defense was simply fragile and was quickly wiped out, forcing them to defend the city.

The two sides were extremely jealous during the meeting. They didn't say much at all and just went on the offensive.

The battles between truly powerful countries are by no means comparable to the petty fights of other countries.

As soon as he came up, he attacked the weak point without any mercy.

Where is the present Sakura Country and Ganges Country, the initial battle has evolved into a battle to capture each other's female knights.

In front of everyone, they were ravaged in their most perverted ways, and it was almost impossible to watch.

Especially the Ganges River Kingdom, once again set a low limit. Instead of catching Sakura's knight king, he kept his war horse.

As a result, the war horse was brutally bullied by more than a dozen big men, which can be called the most abnormal situation in history.

The outside audience watched with gusto, and even though the fight had already begun, they were reluctant to look away.

After all, this kind of live broadcast spectacle is not easy to see...

"Fake! Their equipment is so outrageous that my weapon cracked just by touching it!"

"What? Forced repel, their weapons actually have enchantment properties!"

"Ah! I'm frozen by the passive properties of their weapons. I can't swing the sword. Come and help me!"

"What's going on, what's going on! Even if all members have sacred objects, why do they all have attributes!"

Just a face-to-face battle, everyone in the Lighthouse Country was already terrified.

How to fight this?

Abuse in every sense of the word.

Everyone's levels are about the same, and their strengths are basically on the same level.

However, the equipment is far behind, and it is completely unable to withstand the power of the holy objects.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized how terrible the oppression of the ancient eastern country was.

And at this time.

Chu Mo has quickly found Smith's location.

His level is too high, and his strength is far beyond the level of lv.99. Even if other knights are equipped with holy objects, they will hardly be able to match him.

The two looked at each other, and there was an invisible exchange of breaths.

In terms of momentum, no one can be an opponent in the golden shining form.

The contempt that comes from the depths of the soul cannot be replicated.

The majesty of the tyrant emperor cannot be looked upon directly and desecrated by ordinary people.

Smith's expression was solemn, and he could hardly see the possibility of winning.

A charming smile appeared on Chu Mo's lips.

"This time, I won't let you run away again."

"Hmph, I still don't know who will win and who will lose. I'm going to impose a holy judgment on you!"

Without any hesitation, Smith mounted his horse and came with a gun. The elemental magic power rose like a burning flame, and its richness was evident.

Facing the powerful offensive, Chu Mo retreated rapidly.

Three golden ripples appeared behind him, like three suns.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

The precious phantom appeared from it and shot out.

Smith had quick eyesight and quick hands, and swung the spear in his hand to block all the attacks.

His expression became more solemn...

Just three attacks made his fingers tremble uncontrollably.

If he continues to receive several rounds like this, he may not even be able to hold the weapon.

Must be resolved quickly!

After realizing the seriousness of the situation, Smith immediately made a decision and launched a particularly fierce attack.

"Are you just going to hide behind and not dare to fight me head on?"!

He attacked like a wild beast, and also used relatively low-level provoking methods.

However, Jin Shining's soul and will still insist on doing this.

Chu Mo's eyes narrowed into a slit, with a slight flash of darkness.


"Since you want to change your way of death, then I will make it happen for you!"

Although she speaks harsh words, she also has the appearance of an imperial sister.

But there is still something endearing about talking about this.

After hearing Chu Mo's words, many viewers couldn't help but dilate their nostrils, as if they had been poked into some kind of fetish, and they immediately became excited, as if they were saying "go fast, fast, fast."


When several rounds of Noble Phantasms were shot out, Chu Mo's figure quickly approached.

She stretched out her arm wrapped around the Heavenly Lock, and pulled out an ax engraved with patterns from among the golden ripples.

Knocked it out on the head!

Sparks burst out and made a deafening golden roar!

Although this Noble Phantasm looks like an axe, its core is actually a staff.

In the shape of a smaller version of the Ax of Marduk.

She held the weapon in one hand, transformed into the Uruk Ax King, and began an extremely intensive slashing attack.

The shooting speed of both sides was so fast that afterimages appeared, and phantoms flashed around the body, making it difficult to see through the movements with the naked eye.

Such a fierce battle directly dumbfounded many viewers.

Under the shining golden form, although it is not as gorgeous as the sword skills of King Da Mao, it is full of violent aesthetics.

Chu Mo's gaze at this moment was still so condescending.

When wielding the Ax of Marduk, he always showed a joking expression, as if he was not using his full strength at all.


"The holy soul is immortal!!"

Elemental Break!!"

Smith was angered and could not accept that he was despised by such a girl, so he broke through the limit and frequently released skills to attack.

The battle between the two was fierce.

Every collision of weapons can cause a visible impact on the air.

Chu Mo is so powerful that after the ax falls, the ground will instantly crack and collapse.

Everyone couldn't help but doubt that even a mountain standing in front of them could be turned into ruins by the air waves generated by their confrontation!


With the differences in levels, Chu Mo felt a little pressure.

But this is not because Niangshan's dimensional divine outfit is not strong enough.

It's because the items that can be synthesized from the materials are limited and cannot be used to their full potential.

If the Lock of Heaven could be used, then Smith would have been killed by himself long ago!


The person who should be anxious at this time is not himself, but Smith.

If the battle here is not resolved as soon as possible, the city he wants to protect will be blown up.

Thinking of this, Chu Mo's eyes became even more playful.

Smith subconsciously turned back to look at the progress of the battle in the city, but was hit in the shoulder by Chu Mo with an axe, causing blood to pour out!

Before he could speak, Chu Mo said with a cold face.

"When you are fighting with me, you still have other things to worry about...Are you looking down on me?"


Chu Mo slammed the ax down, and Smith panicked to resist. The terrifying force almost squeezed his chest, and a fishy sweetness surged in his throat.

His legs sank to bear the huge force, but the war horse under his crotch fell directly to the ground, and his bones were deformed under the pressure.


Smith's eyes almost burst into flames.

The outside audience has been completely silent, and even the discussion is no longer so intense, but looks confused.

Chu Mo's fighting ability is certainly very strong.

But what impressed everyone more was obviously the lighthouse man who had performed outstandingly in three consecutive knight wars.

But now.

The once glorious and high-spirited Smith was beaten by the girl to the point where he was almost unable to fight back.

This really feels like a dream!

How can you be so strong?

At this time, the minister of the Lighthouse Country also gritted his teeth and his eyes were full of coldness.

And when he looked towards where Emperor Jiang was, the old man with the goatee was making faces in this direction.

He was so angry that his teeth itched and his lungs were about to explode!

The ancient Eastern country deceives people too much!

But soon, his cold expression became calm, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Damn the ancient knights of the East, you will never win. He still has the last trump card!"


Half of Smith's body was soaked in blood.

Although the bleeding had stopped, his face was still frighteningly pale.

His arm holding the spear trembled.

Very clear in my heart.

If he receives the same blow again, his weapon will shatter or his arm will break.

That would be a fatal situation!

His eyes were red, full of endless murderous intent, as if he was about to go crazy.

Although I don't want to admit it, the strength of the person in front of me is indeed beyond common sense.

Can't drag it out any longer...

You must go all out, even if your trump card is exposed early and you are cast aside by everyone, you still have to win this battle!

Black energy floated in Smith's palm, exuding a malicious aura...

The object was like a beating organ, with red blood threads flashing red. It was extremely strange and evil.

This is………

Chu Mo suddenly frowned and felt a familiar aura from it, which was exactly the same as the devil's apostle!

Jiang Ning from the outside world was also shocked.

"Demon cells!"

"Is he planning to fuse the demon cells?"

Not just her, everyone else who recognized this thing was shocked, their eyes full of resistance and disgust.

This kind of thing is obtained from the physical 'familiar' creature in certain copies.

Possessing extremely violent and evil power, it can be said to be the most powerful 'drug' currently known!

It is said that after merging the power within it, you will acquire the characteristics and power of the demons, and you will never be able to return to your original form!

"`What's going on with the players from Lighthouse Country! Why are there such things as demon cells!"

"Humans and demons have been inseparable since ancient times. Do your players want to become demons?"

"Damn it! This is cheating, this is cheating!"

"Lighthouse Country, you are so shameless that you even dare to bring out such a thing. Don't you want to get involved in the international community?"

"Despicable! So baby!"

Audiences from many countries immediately started to criticize and criticize, and even their saliva could drown the initiator.

However, in the face of everyone's accusations, the minister of the Lighthouse Country said what he should have said.

“If you have free power and don’t use it, that’s what a truly stupid person would do!”

"It is reasonable for our lighthouse country to use this kind of power. Which international law has it violated?"

"Hmph, if you don't like it, just go and use it yourself. Why do you need to be morally kidnapped here? It's ridiculous!"

The minister of the Lighthouse Country spoke so grandly that he really frightened them for a moment.

But then came the more intense insults, which were as unpleasant to hear as they were.

In war space.

Smith showed a sad and somewhat crazy smile.

"I will torture you to death in exchange for the glory of the knight I lost today!"


He swallowed the demon cells into his stomach and reacted quickly, his heart beating like a drum.

Then blood-red lines flowed all over the body, the skin and flesh cracked, and the bones were visible deep down!


Smith roared in pain and knelt on the ground struggling.

The blood in his cracked body was flowing like hot magma, and then evaporated quickly.

Two tears of blood flowed from his eyes, his pupils turned black, and his face was hideous and terrifying.

Immediately, his body swelled visibly to the naked eye, his muscles became knotted, and two tumors appeared on his back. His white bone wings spread out, and they were as bloody as a big net!


His voice turned into a low roar, and his whole body developed in the direction of a humanoid beast. His height reached three meters, and the black and red magic power around him burned like a flame, covering his whole body!

Seeing this scene, the knights in the city all showed horrified expressions.

I can clearly feel the extremely evil aura, which makes people tremble with fear!

"what is that?"

The faces of the outside audience were also very pale, frightened by the terrifying power of the demon god clan, and reminded of the fear that their ancestors had been dominated by them.

Chu Mo's expression was still calm, but his eyes were much colder.

"It's so disgusting..."

It was really hard for her to have any favorable impression or interest in the power of the Demon God Clan.

But it has to be said that after Smith swallowed the demon cells, his power was extremely sublimated.

The strength has exceeded the limit, and is infinitely close to the level Iv. 100 professional who has already turned three.

But if that's the only way...

She sneered.

Without the support of powerful skills, if you want to quickly determine the outcome, Niang Shining's dimensional divine outfit is obviously not enough at the moment.



"I have a tongue too."


The next second.

Chu Mo's whole body was also shrouded in an evil force, forming a pillar of light that shot straight into the sky.

The extremely dark color cannot even be compared with the night sky.

That's the smell of the abyss!

Feeling this power, everyone's hearts instantly sank to the bottom, as if they had been driven into hell.

Fear breeds!!.

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