The dragon turned into a girl...

Chu Mo suddenly remembered that Mo Ningning, whom she met before, seemed to be a dragon girl, but she seemed to be a sub-dragon.

She jumped several times in succession and held the dragon girl in her arms.

Wei Wei felt her current state. She was already very weak and might die at any time.

Chu Mo hurriedly found a relatively high-quality healing potion from the system space and sprinkled it on her body.

Several other people's throats rumbled as they clearly recognized the high value of the potion. It might be a high-end product that they could never afford to use in their lifetime.

But Chu Mo didn't feel any distress when using it, just like using an ordinary potion.

Rich people can’t be offended…

But in order to save the lives of demigod creatures, this is indeed a relatively basic thing.

When the healing potion took effect, the girl's complexion really improved, and her vitality gradually became stronger.

Everyone then breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to fight against the emperor.

After she transformed into a human form, she was about 1.65 meters tall, with red and blue hair that was separated from the middle.

There are a pair of dragon horns on both sides. The sensitive parts of the body are covered with red scales, and the skin is incredibly white.

Her appearance is also extremely cute, with cherry lips and fangs, giving her the image of a fifteen or sixteen year old girl.

It's just that the grandeur of the chest... is obviously beyond the size that should be expected at the age of 830.

Chu Mo pulled another random piece of clothing from the system space and covered her body, covering her snow-like skin.

However, Fang Rou and others were shocked again after seeing the appearance of that dress.

"The Robes of the Erudite...the Erudite!"

"Iv. A mage's divine outfit below level 100!"

"It seems to have an enchanting effect!"

"Holy crap, this is the first time I've seen such top-notch fashion props!

"It's outrageous. You can come up with so many good things at your fingertips."

After listening to the words of several people, Chu Mo tilted his head.

I obviously just picked out a random item from a pile of props. I didn't look at the properties of this fashion prop at all. I didn't expect them to recognize it.

It seems that the things the official has been giving away seem to be relatively top-notch items.

Seeing Chu Mo's cute and puzzled look, several people seemed to have thought of something, and they suddenly became suspicious.

Chu Mo obviously doesn’t know he has this kind of thing……..

And if this fashion item called the 'Erutologist's Robe' were placed in the hands of an ordinary mage profession, they would probably treat it like a family heirloom.

The gap between people is really too big...

at this time.

Chu Mo has returned to the cute king. Niang Xingxin's sense of alienation is too obvious and is not suitable for social interaction.

Even if you don't have any extra thoughts, you will subconsciously cast contempt and disgust on others.

The influence of the soul is still more or less present.

If you accidentally curse the word 'bastard' to the people around you, the situation will become very embarrassing.

"Momo, this dragon girl..."

Chu Mo did not hide anything and said directly: "We seem to have made a contract, and there seems to be a connection in our souls.

"The contract between demigod-level creatures..."

Several people looked at each other, recalling the scrolls that had been unfolded in mid-air, as well as the mysterious runes and formations.

Even if they have never seen it, they all know that it is the pattern of the contract.

But there is no doubt that those who can contract with such a level of existence must be among the most top-notch contract scrolls.

They have slowly begun to accept Chu Mo's wealth.

If you don't accept it, you will be shocked and frightened by the treasure she takes out in a few minutes.

Chen Wan searched around and finally found the required materials.

But her expression was happy for a while, and then she soon became sad again.

"Momo's reward..."

She originally wanted to pay a certain amount of money, but when she thought of Chu Mo's family background, she suddenly felt a little ashamed of herself.

Even if I take off everything on my body, I'm afraid I won't be able to get into Chu Mo's eyes at all (agfh).

I felt a little overwhelmed for a while.

Chu Mo was meticulous and naturally knew what she was thinking, so she smiled softly.

"Sister Chen Wan, we were teammates in the same team. You collected the necessary materials, and I also completed a contract. Besides, it is a demigod-level dragon creature. In the end, I made the profit."

Hearing this, several people were slightly startled, and the smiles on their faces became brighter. The more they looked at her, the more they liked her.

It is true that they will not be stingy with precious materials, but they really don’t know how to give things away, and it is really difficult for them to ask.

"But Momo, since you have a servant, you may have to find a special place for her, at least a space that can accommodate her huge body, because she can't always maintain her human form." Uncle Zhang said.

Fang Rou also nodded, "Yes, the hard work required to take care of such a mythical creature must not be comparable to other situations.

Han Dong said: "But if the outside world knew that someone had contracted a real dragon clan, it would probably cause a huge disturbance immediately."

Chen Wan: "There is no doubt that even the official government will be shocked. No one will turn a blind eye to the appearance of demigod-level creatures as servants in the outside world. This is a huge thing.

Because they had seen too many outrageous things along the way, even if they saw the girl's contract with the dragon with their own eyes, they didn't stir up too much excitement in their hearts.

But I have to say that what they experienced today has been the most exciting thing in their lives. It is simply terrifying!

But Chu Mo held his chin, looking thoughtful.

Generally, people who have followers take the contracted creatures with them, or keep them in captivity somewhere.

Once it is needed for combat, it will be teleported to itself through the contract formation.

Similar to the spiritualism of a certain country.

However, Chu Mo obviously didn't want to do this because it was too much trouble.

However, props such as space rings cannot contain living creatures. This has been common sense since ancient times.


I don’t know if there are such obstacles and settings in the system space.

Thinking of this, Chu Mo's mind moved, and his soul and system space intersected.

The next second.

The weak body of the dragon girl was decomposed like game garbled code, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared into nothingness.

Chu Mo was restrained and saw her sleeping figure in the system space.


"It works!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Rou and others subconsciously opened their mouths, and their outlook was once again severely impacted. .

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