The changes in Chu Mo are incredible.

She was different from the inside out.

Leaving aside the change in hair color,

Because he has a profession similar to that of a berserker, and his hair color changes when he goes crazy, they are not surprised.

But what about turning into elf ears?

Even Oppai...

If you hadn’t witnessed the whole process with your own eyes,

They will definitely think that she simply changed someone midway!

And judging from the current image, there is no way this is a younger brother.

Chu Mo is just a girl!

Li Yan and Xia Wanxing looked at each other and saw the surprise in their eyes, so they silently confirmed this fact in their hearts.

After putting on the Dimensional Divine Costume,

Chu Mo's career panel has also undergone corresponding changes.

【Chu Mo】

[Level: lv.20]


[Normal attack: Arrow of Flowers and Birds - The bow and arrow cause four damage, and each damage will apply a crystal flower seed to the enemy, up to four can be applied. 】

[Charged Attack: Oath of Wind and Moon - You can charge up and release multiple arrows of love continuously, greatly increasing the power and detonating the crystal flower seeds on the enemy]

[Evasion Skill: Heaven and Earth Technique - Rapid displacement, can dodge twice in a row, extreme dodge returns the starting time and space rupture effect. 】

[Nirvana: The Beginning of You and Me - Create a flawless dome, which greatly strengthens one's own abilities, and allows for ejection of charged attacks. 】

This profession will be endowed with unique skills based on the characteristics of the dimensional divine equipment.

On this basis,

Chu Mo can improve all career points on his own thinking attributes, and no longer has to waste points on skills.

So from this point of view alone, she already has an absolute advantage.

Below the same level,

Whether it is strength value or mental value, it is a height that is difficult for others to reach.

Chu Mo stretched out his palm,

A pink light appeared in the palm of his hand, and a gorgeous bow and arrow appeared in his hand.

"Flying flowers from the past life."

This is a bow and arrow that is nearly life-long, with a black bow body and white embellishments.

The end is inlaid with purple crystals, which has a gorgeous appearance and is full of unique beauty.

The ability of this weapon is also relatively strong, with powerful control regardless of level.

【Crystal Thorn】

The crystal barrier generated by the explosion of crystal flower seeds during attack will reduce the movement speed of enemies within the range by 70%, and has a chance of 'imprisoning' them for one second.

【Fairy Love Song】

When using this weapon, the attack power and critical hit rate are increased by 20%, and the charged attack will be increased by another 15%.

Chu Mo’s keen discovery,

The ability of 'Flying Flowers of the Past' will not be limited to the settings of the original world game. Instead, more attributes and abilities can be added through the enchanters in this world.

To make it the truly most powerful weapon, the help of top enchanters and blacksmiths is indispensable.

It seems that walking with the country and seeking support from powerful officials is the most correct choice she made.

"That weapon..." Li Yan looked over.

Xia Wanxing nodded, "It looks like a very high-grade weapon. It may be more than one grade higher than our equipment."

Li Yan sighed: "I have to say, brother...sister Chu Mo can really give people too many surprises."

As the young strong men trained by the official, all the equipment of the two women must be the best among the best.

The reason for this judgment is that

Because it can be clearly seen that the bow and arrow in Chu Mo's hand seem to have mottled light spots floating,

It contains divinity and is like the blessing of an elf.

They could clearly feel the sacred nature of that bow and arrow.

Once it is enchanted, it becomes a precious weapon of national treasure level.


Chu Mo's pink pupils were extremely charming, and she winked lightly at the two women, looking cute and cute.

Immediately, she immediately set her sights on the cat demon who was watching eagerly.


One of the cat demons swooped forward, seemingly planning to test it first.

Chu Mo took a light step and drew the bowstring.

The magic power condensed into arrows and shot out quickly.

call out!

Pink crystal arrows shot out of the air, too fast to catch.

The body of the cat demon froze in mid-air, penetrated by arrows, and blood spattered!

Whoosh! !

After a few more rounds, the cat demon's health bar completely bottomed out, and it was nailed to a dead tree, never breathing again.

After the monster in the dungeon dies, the corpse will be kept for a period of time. It will not disappear completely until the adventurer collects all valuable items, or when the specified time is reached.

"The blood volume of these cat monsters is very low, and Sister Li Yan is indeed very powerful." Chu Mo said heartily.

As a level 101 dragon knight, being able to use small skills to control the blood volume of mobs so accurately shows how powerful she is.

A certain king once said,

It is difficult to control the force of stepping on ants without crushing them to death.

But even if it is a cat demon with residual blood that can be instantly killed face to face,

The two women could not help but be extremely surprised.

Because before that, they were already ready to take action at any time.

The difference is more than 40 levels,

Most attacks will have a Miss effect, and even if they hit, they will not cause damage.

Due to the level difference here, even if it does cause damage, it will probably only have the effect of scratching an itch.

Considering this situation,

They really have no reason to think that Chu Mo can defeat these cat monsters with low health.

But her action just now changed this idea.

Shooting more than a dozen arrows in a row, not only did they all hit, but they also caused extremely high damage!

If we look at it this way,

If Chu Mo's agility is enough, he can use the 40 level difference to complete the full-health kill!

This is really shocking and unheard of!

If those martial arts idiots who like leapfrogging challenges knew about it, they would be extremely shocked.

Just when the two of them were stunned,

A lurking cat demon suddenly appeared, its scarlet eyes were filled with murderous intent, and its claws were approaching, and it was about to cut Chu Mo in half.


Chu Mo also felt the approaching death, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Xia Wanxing suddenly exclaimed, raising the staff in his hand, wanting to intervene in the rescue.

Once such an attack lands, Chu Mo will definitely die!


Just at the critical moment.

There is a breath of crystal rising around Chu Mo, as if it is forming a space.

Immediately she held her bow and arrow and ducked sideways,

this moment,

The space seems to be twisting, time seems to be slowed down, more like being stopped, only Chu Mo is dancing!

"I go!"

Seeing this scene, Li Yan's jaw dropped in shock.


PS: Equipment and weapons will not completely borrow the settings of the game. Also, I’m asking for a wave of data. Thank you readers and dads. The humble author kowtows!

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