"No, rather than saying it swallowed a giant dragon, it would be more appropriate to say it was a giant dragon itself..."

Fang Rou was also stunned. This was her first time seeing this scene.

When she was brushing the game before, Chu Mo could kill a group of monsters instantly with small skills, so she didn't see the upper limit of Chu Mo's strength.

All I know is that he is very strong, ridiculously strong.

At this time, Chu Mo used a Dragon Breath Technique, and she was stunned by its power.

"Is this the Dragon Breath Technique that humans can use?"

"Isn't this spell a toy? How can it have such power?"

"I have every reason to suspect that Momo is cheating! The increase is even more than a hundred times!"

"Xiaoya, what do you think of this Dragon Breath Technique?"

Everyone in the group was shocked, and then Xia Wanxing reacted.

The girl turned around and looked at Tia, who had been behind everyone.

It doesn't matter how shocked other people are, they are laymen after all.

"Isn't there a real dragon here? Wouldn't it be better to ask me directly?"

When Xia Wanxing said this, others also reacted.

"Yeah, it's more direct to ask Xiaoya!"

"Why didn't I think of this key point!"

"The main reason is that Xiaoya is too shy and always makes me think she is a cute little girl..."

Fang Rou said awkwardly.

Everyone looked at Tiya. This dragon girl was watching Chu Mo spawn monsters with admiration.

There are even stars in his eyes...it would be no exaggeration to say that he is a fanatical believer of Chu Mo.

When asked by Xia Wanxing, Tiya realized that the group of humans around her were looking at her, and she shrank back in fear, but when she saw Chu Mo, she once again put on that expression of admiration.

"Momo...very strong!"

"Dragon Breath Technique is amazing!"

There was even a sense of pride in his eyes, and his words were as spirited as celery soaked in water.

Just two sentences.

Be concise and to the point.

Li Yan and others were shocked.

This means that even an orthodox dragon like Xiaoya recognizes the power of this dragon breath technique?

Numb, Li Yan was completely numb.

Chu Mo is like a natural protagonist in various TV series. Is this kind of talent and strength only human beings can have?

"Damn it, I will definitely find an opportunity to bully little Momoye when the dungeon comes out."

"We can't let things go too smoothly for her."

Li Yan thought with envy.

This is not to say that she is jealous, she is just happy for Chu Mo's strength.

"You can actually increase Dragon Breath Technique to such an extent..."

As a mage, Xia Wanxing was the most shocked one in the team.

When she saw that Chu Mo had used such a terrifying Dragon Breath Technique, she opened her small cherry mouth in a daze, as if it could hold a universe of shock.

"Why is Dragon Breath so powerful? Is it because of the slime? Or is it something else?"

Xia Wanxing couldn't understand it anyway.

She doesn't understand, really doesn't understand.

Why can someone use this ordinary Dragon Breath Technique to such an exaggerated level?

Is this still human?

"If it weren't for the confidentiality regulations, I would really like to record it and send it to the mage."

Xia Wanxing thought silently.

Mage's Hand is a communication forum for magic professions on the Internet.

It is a powerful communication website recognized by almost all mages in the world.

There are various mage papers in it, which are very professional. Some are even written by more than 300 level mage. It can be called the Qingbei Academy in the mage world.

But Xia Wanxing felt at this time that even if it was the hands of a mage, seeing such a scene would cause an uproar.

Chu Mo didn't know how shocked the others were.

She maintained her slime appearance, looked at the goblins that had all been reduced to charcoal, and murmured:

"It seems that Rimuru's spell enhancement is still very strong."

On the ground at the scene, the charred bodies of the monsters were lying scattered. It was obvious that they were dead and could no longer die.

And the reason why Chu Mo said this.

It's because what she cast was just the lowest level of spells.

But Rimuru's slime form has terrifying spell amplification.

It was as if an ordinary spell was suddenly raised to S level.

For example, it is like shooting a nuclear bomb with a shotgun.

Although it's a bit exaggerated.

But that's the effect.

"But it seems that the strongest ability of the cute king is to devour..."

"This seems to be the Goblin Prophet."

Chu Mo's slime form jumped up and down like a cute little kangaroo next to the charred body of the Goblin Elite.

She identified it, and then discovered the charred body of the Goblin Prophet.

She looked at it carefully for a while, with all kinds of thoughts fighting in her mind.

“Damn it, let’s forget it, I can’t say it anymore…

Chu Mo still gave up.

The most important ability of the cute king is that he can gain the power of others through swallowing.

The increase in the hidden profession of Goblin Prophet is quite astonishing. Even among human awakeners, it is estimated to be a top-notch profession.

Chu Mo can completely swallow the Goblin Prophet.

Then you can obtain all the attributes and skills of the opponent's profession.

That's why Chu Mo's slime form's spell amplification is so high.

And as long as she wants, she can continue to improve.

But after thinking about it, Chu Mo decided to forget it.

It's disgusting to think about eating goblins.

Moreover, her current strength is completely sufficient, and she is not in a hurry to use such extreme methods to improve herself for the time being.

"Momo, is this the power of your new fashion?"

"What an exaggeration."

Just when Chu Mo's thoughts were wandering, Li Yan and others who were watching the battle not far away came over and greeted her.

Everyone had a look of incredible surprise on their faces, and they were obviously frightened by the spell she had just cast.

Xia Wanxing hugged Chu Mo's small slime body to her chest and asked curiously: "Momo, can your slime form increase the power of your nose?"

As soon as he said this, everyone who came over looked at Chu Mo with curiosity.

This is also a question they have always been curious about. (okay okay)

"Well, the main ability should be this."

There is no artifact in the form of the cute king, so this spell amplification should be the weapon that comes with it.

It's probably something like Alicia's Flying Flowers from the Past, and Thunder God's Rice Light.

Although it has no form, it is a divine disguise that comes with it from birth, and it is surprisingly useful.

"My ability is like this, I'm so envious!"

Xia Wanxing showed this emotion for the first time. Holding Chu Mo's little slime body, she felt like she was holding a true god.

The true magician!

Before, she was shocked that the Goblin Prophet had a terrifying mage boost, which allowed the Goblin to have 75% of the group's spell resistance.

However, compared with Momo's new magical costume, this is not good at all.

Goblin Prophet's little hidden profession is not too cheap compared to Chu Mo's terrifying spell amplification!

"Momo, you are the mage's god now!"

Xia Wanxing said seriously. .

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