The next day, after yesterday's two-person world with Wu Tian, ​​Bai Xianxian liked to laugh even more.

She seemed to have become a gentle sister overnight, and she was more energetic.

She pulled a few people up early in the morning and said she wanted to start leveling!

This was almost impossible before!

She is a few years older than Wu Tian.

In the extraordinary world, a few years of life is nothing. There are people who get married a hundred years apart.

But the age of life is not important.

What is important is that it can be seen that Bai Xianxian's talent is not good!

In fact, she is just a blue talent!

It's called"Sapphire Tears", which adds mental attributes, but on the other hand, it can strengthen the body and has a magical ability called"Gem Body".

According to the classification of legal civilization, she is a"magic swordsman" or a"immortal cultivator", both of which are excellent!

Unfortunately, the tools for cultivating immortals to change their profession are extremely rare and not that cheap.

In the year Bai Xianxian changed profession, the Bai family gave up on purchasing the tools for cultivating immortals to change their profession and instead bought her the"Magic Swordsman", so Bai Xianxian Now he knows magic and warrior skills. combat effectiveness......

It can only be said that he is quite decent, the kind that Wu Tian can knock over a hundred with one slap.

Moreover, she is only level 47!

Before that, Bai Xianxian had been helping the family handle business for several years.

She almost gave up on her path to transcendence and focused solely on escaping from the family's control, including expanding the family's business, including wooing Wu Tian, ​​trying to get Wu Tian to marry him, etc.!

Therefore, until yesterday,

Bai Xianxian had never taken the initiative to mention that she wanted to upgrade!

But today!

"I want to go on!"

Bai Xianxian's pretty face was determined. She looked at Wu Tian, ​​her beautiful eyes full of heat.

"Alas, love can make people go to their heads!"


Wei Hongyi pursed her lips, her charming face full of speechlessness.

Her best friend had changed, and she was very sad.

From then on, there was one less salted fish in the world!

"This is the vitality that God’s wife should have! Helena had different opinions, her eyes narrowed, and she said solemnly:"I will use my life to do things for my wife and the temple!""

"You idiot, I'm done with it."

Wei Hongyi rolled her eyes.

Lidya stood aside, very calm.

Aaliya had a grimace and wanted to object, but she felt that her family status was negative and she should have no right to speak.

"Okay, I just have nothing to do in the past two months."

Wu Tian shrugged and looked at Wei Hongyi,

"What about you, do you want to come together?"


Wei Hongyi was stunned for a moment, turned her beautiful eyes, and pointed at herself,

"Can I mix too?"


Wu Tian glanced at her speechlessly and said,"Fuck your sister! Don't even think about lying down and not working!"

"I know, I know, if the boss takes me, I will definitely agree, hehe!"

Wei Hongyi immediately smiled, and she looked like the same person as the cold one just now.

Bai Xianxian was a little speechless when she saw her best friend like this, and said helplessly:"Hongyi, aren't you afraid of a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth?"

"Don’t be afraid~! You can empty him out, what should I be afraid of!"

Wei Hongyi showed a connotative smile.


Wu Tian.

He has the urge to use his legendary skill"Ascension of the Queen"!

Good guy, men find this intolerable!

"I don't care about little girls!"

Wu Tian snorted and looked at Bai Xianxian,

"Let’s go to [Barbaric Bone Realm again]】?"

When it comes to leveling up, first of all, there must be many target monsters, and then there are world tasks, which cannot be missing!

Wu Tian’s early upgrades were almost all done through world missions, which was a great experience.

"let me see! Bai

Xianxian pondered for a moment, then said:"It is not advisable to travel randomly. Most professionals don't have special world coordinates. Go to the Adventurer's Guild to buy world coordinate props. Husband, you are not short of money, so that's no problem."

"Finally, it’s time to go to the [Barbaric Bone Realm] and open up wasteland!"

Three choices.

The first one, except for Wu Tian, ​​is regarded as a poor choice by most people.

Purchasing coordinate props and opening up the [Barbarian Bone Realm] have become their only choices!

"My husband is rich, so it is not difficult to buy good coordinate props, and he can also understand enough information, so he is unlikely to encounter danger! This choice is relatively stable, but again, the rewards you get will definitely be less than opening up wasteland!"

"And when you open up the [Barbarian Bone Realm], you have a chance of encountering danger, but the rewards will be more!"

Hearing this,

Wu Tian thought to himself.

If it were him, he would probably travel through time immediately.......

After all, constantly saving and loading files feels like a gambling dog.

Once the bet is successful and you enter a treasure plane, you will make a fortune directly!

However, his main purpose is to upgrade, so don’t mess around.

"Just open up wasteland!"

Wu Tian smiled and secretly saved a file.

"Overwrite archive bit 3!"

"Archive successful!"

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