After exiting the"deified" state,

Wu Tian was a little tired and lay beside a stone, enjoying the breeze and looking at the treasures he had exploded!

Legendary level, and there are three of them at once!......

【Demon King’s Noble Phantasm]

Quality: Legendary level.

Usage level: Level 40.

Effect: Demonize a skill, greatly enhance its effect, and add a side effect!

Introduction: Due to your low participation, the level of the Noble Phantasm has dropped from level 110 to level 40.......

【Demon King’s Bloodline Crystal】

Quality: Legendary.

Usage level: Level 40.

Effect: Obtain 1% of the Demon Flame King's bloodline crystals.

Introduction: A warm reminder from the Law Civilization. To obtain demon-related bloodline, please go to the professional guild to process it before using it!......

【Inheritance Scroll]

Quality: legendary level.

Usage level: Level 40.

Restrictions on use: Heirs of the Demon Flame King's bloodline.

Effect: Get 1 legendary skill exclusive to Demon Flame.

Introduction: The secret method that the Demon Flame King spent 120,000 years researching is now yours.......

Three legendary lands!

2 props, one material!

Moreover, they are all related to the Demon Flame King!

The Demon King's Noble Phantasm can demonize a skill,"greatly" strengthen the skill effect, and also add a side effect!

The so-called"extreme" is definitely not bragging.

The information of legal civilization is very strict.

This extreme may be more than doubled!

Wu Tian's eyes flashed, showing joy

"Which skill is it used for?"

He did not hesitate and began to think about the use of this thing.

If we talk about the most important skills,"Laws, Light and Sword and Chain Angel" is definitely the first!


Wu Tian thought for a while, and then saved a file first, covering the save position 5, and then used it.

However, a prompt popped up on the panel!

"Warning:"Law, Light, Sword and Chain Angel" is already a unique legendary skill. After being demonized, it may be transformed into a weird skill!"

Weird type!?

Wu Tian was a little confused, thinking that it was saved anyway, so it didn't matter if he tried it!


"Ding! Choose success......"

In Wu Tian's palm, the Demon King's Noble Phantasm bloomed with light.

The Demon King's Noble Phantasm looked like a small mask.

The face on the mask was strange, very serious, but seemed to be laughing.

With a flash of light, the Demon King's Noble Phantasm turned into light and poured into the sea of ​​soul stars, all entering the skill slots of"Laws, Light, Sword and Chain Angel". after awhile

"Ding! Skill magicization successful!"

"New skill effects! When you use skills, you will receive 100% additional magic corruption damage!"

"Obtain a new side effect buff: every time you use this skill, your five internal organs will be corrupted by an inch and cannot be treated. After the corruption is complete, you will become a demon."......

"100% extra damage, okay......corrupt? There is no cure! ?"

Wu Tian looked confused.

Damn, it's really a scam!

"Change it, change it!"

Wu Tian hurriedly read the file......

Going back to the past,

Wu Tian changed into"Luling Yuyi"",

"Ding! Skill magicization successful!"

"New skill effects! When the skill is in effect, Hagoromo will be filled with demonic energy, corroding weapons, armor, soul, and body."

"Ding! Obtain a new side effect buff: Demonic energy knows no difference between friend and foe!"......

"The corrosive effect of magic energy is very good......Damn it, there is no distinction between friend and foe! ? This is of no use!"

Wu Tian's face darkened and he continued to read files!......

Read the file!

Read the file!

Read the file!......

If you don't use it, it's unforgivable.

In fact, professionals in the main world are very cautious about things related to demonization.

After all, everything in the Demon Land is very powerful, but it has terrible side effects, with both advantages and disadvantages.

But there is no doubt that people who are lucky will often get great benefits!

And Wu Tian,

​​through his own efforts and the help of the plug-in Yidiandian, finally loaded the file and found a good demonization skill!......

【Whisper of Light】

Level: 40 (Extreme)

Quality: Unique·Demon·Legendary!

Skill effect: Lock up to 1 skill, triple cast! Casting speed +40% (400%)! Cooling time -40%! Mana consumption -40%!

Locked: Law of Light, Sword and Chain Angel.

Cost: 50,000 magic points.

Duration: 1 hour.

Side effects: After using the skill, you must shout"shoot". The faster you shout, the faster the casting speed will be increased, up to 400%!

Introduction: Unlimited firepower, rush, rush!......


Wu Tian looked at it carefully, compared it with other skills of the previous demon, and decided!

That’s it!

Demonize, greatly enhance the effect of skills, and get a side effect at the same time.

After"Whisper of Light" was demonized, first of all, it changed from double casting to"triple casting", with double damage and triple damage. Needless to say, its importance!

Moreover, he can also increase his spell casting speed from 40% to 400% at the cost of just shouting a few words!

400%, that’s how fast the shooting speed is!

"Could it be that this is the legendary talking skill?"

Wu Tian's heart moved.

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