The scene was a little awkward for a moment, and Wu Tian didn't know what to say to Zhu Ling, so he could only remain silent.


Zhu Ling didn't say anything, he just nodded and looked at Wu Tian with a smile.

"why are you laughing?"

Wu Tian couldn't help but speak first.

Zhu Ling shook his head and said:"It just feels very dreamy. The childish and mischievous student a year ago has just awakened, but today he has become the leader of the college entrance examination."

"It feels like I'm in a dream!"

She was a little emotional.

But Wu Tian felt a little guilty. Looking back on what he had done, he felt a little embarrassed.

That day......

I am indeed a little reckless.

"Time flies easily. Maybe next time we meet, you and I will have become octogenarians."

Zhu Ling's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and for some reason, she said with a sad expression.

Wu Tian opened his mouth and said depressedly:"Maybe not."

"You do not understand! Zhu

Ling shook his head and whispered:"Just the day before yesterday, a universe controlled by our Zhu family was destroyed.""

"Went out?"

A universe will be destroyed if it is said to be destroyed?

Wu Tian was surprised and said in amazement:"What happened?"

"Yes, our Zhu family, or in other words, the Wu Dynasty were all shocked.

Zhu Ling continued:"That universe is developing on the technological side. Our Zhu family has secretly controlled that universe for tens of thousands of years, and there has been no problem.""

"The technological civilization that we support has developed from the planet into a galaxy civilization. After dominating multiple galaxies,......"

"They are very inflated and decided to use quantum constant weapons to break the boundaries of the universe!"

"They succeeded! Even if you just think about it for a small amount of time, even if that small amount of time exists for only a ten thousandth of a second!"

"Outside the universe, the void that could not be invaded suddenly found an opportunity. The endless void turbulence poured into that universe and dissolved the universe. No matter how advanced the technology, civilization, and black technology were, they were all torn apart by the void turbulence."

The void is not a monster.

In human understanding, the universe is like a ship, traveling in the void or chaos, and the void is an endless sea. If the ship breaks, the sea water will naturally pour in and kill Kill all crew members


Wu Tian's expression changed and he said nothing.

Zhu Ling spoke again:"The Zhu family couldn't react at all. By the time they knew the news, the void had already swallowed up the universe......."

"Unexpected disaster!

Wu Tian finally spoke, shaking his head and saying,"What a heavy loss!""


Zhu Ling sighed."So, the Zhu family is in chaos now. Mingyuezu can't even practice stably. He suppressed some people with iron-blooded methods. I must go back as soon as possible to take charge of some of the situation."

A family has been passed down for countless years, so it is naturally extremely complicated.

If the family is stable, Zhu Ling will naturally have many choices in her life. It doesn't matter if she doesn't go back.

The family does not lack her.

But now that there is a catastrophe, the Zhu family's interests have suffered heavy losses.

The family members who went to that universe were also in bad luck.

Naturally, the little genius Zhu Ling had to go back!

"So, today I...I actually......"

Zhu Ling opened his mouth, but hesitated.

She seemed to want to say something, but was too embarrassed to say it.

Wu Tian glanced at her doubtfully, his expression changing slightly.

At this time,

Zhu Ling gritted his teeth and whispered:"I wanted to ask before I left, does what you said before count?"


Wu Tian's pupils shrank, he thought of what he had said, and suddenly understood.

He smiled, nodded and said,"Forget it!"

"Pull the hook!"

Zhu Ling was obviously relieved. She stretched out her white little hand and raised her little thumb like a child.

Wu Tian did not hesitate, stretched out his little finger and hooked it with her.......

Zhu Ling left.

In fact, she had left long ago.

But in order to say goodbye to Wu Tian, ​​she delayed it until now.

Wu Tian was not sad, and followed Ouyang Qing to the playground with a calm expression.

At this time, the playground was already full of people.

There are freshmen from high school, sophomores from high school, seniors from high school, and people from various awakening classes.

There is no doubt that all the new students are very immature, and they all whisper with innocence.


On the high platform, the dean snorted coldly, and the students immediately fell silent.

Then, the dean coughed and said:"Now, we would like to invite our graduating students, your senior, Wu Tian, ​​to come and speak!"

Bang bang!

Ouyang Qing clapped vigorously and raised his eyebrows at Wu Tian. Wu Tian glanced at him speechlessly, looked around, took one step forward, stepped into the air, and walked step by step towards the high platform of the playground..

This hand"walked through the air" immediately attracted the attention of the students.

They understood that Wu Tian was the senior who wanted to speak, and they all looked at Wu Tian and whispered!......

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