"Hahaha! Zhu

Ling laughed, and after a while, he said seriously:"Okay, no more joking, do you want to go home?""

"Um! There are people waiting for me at home!"

Wu Tian curled his lips

"That won't work, just follow me to the academic building."

Zhu Ling smiled slightly,

"Principal Ouyang and the others don't know about you yet."

Ouyang Qing and others don't know about the leader's matter now, but they don't need to think about it.

They will get the news soon.

Wu Tian disagreed and said:"There is no need to make a big fuss, and I have no idea of ​​​​throwing a college entrance banquet or the like."

"your parents......"

Zhu Ling pondered slightly, remembering Wu Tian's background.

The next moment, she showed a trace of apology and whispered:"I'm sorry, I......"

"It's okay, I don't care about this."

Wu Tian shook his head.

After all, he came through time and space, so he didn't feel much sad.


Yang Yiyi and Yang Yiyi's parents were also good to him in this life.

"All right!

Zhu Ling nodded and said,"Let's go. We need to talk to Ouyang Qing and the others at least.""

Hearing this,

Wu Tian did not refuse.

It was just a waste of time.

He followed Zhu Ling to see Ouyang Qing.

At this time,

Ouyang Qing and other teachers were packing up records, materials and some students' documents.

Suddenly he saw Zhu Ling and Wu Tian, ​​they haven't reacted yet.

After learning that Wu Tian got the leader, the entire academic building......Exploded!

It was a real explosion.

An old professor couldn't hold back, and rained fire from the sky, blowing up the academic building!

On this day, everyone in Shuicheng saw beautiful fireworks set off in No. 1 Middle School, and a teaching building flew up. It was amazing!...... night.

Wu Tian finally escaped, got rid of the teachers who had many problems, and returned to his home.

Opening the door, a familiar and warm feeling hits you.

The house was quiet.

He raised his head.

In the living room, Aaliya was sleeping soundly with Lidya in her arms, snoring softly. She was very cute.

"Going to bed so early?"

"I guess I fell asleep after being tired from watching TV!"

Wu Tian's face darkened.

The college entrance examination area is outside the universe planned by the gods.

There is a gap in the flow of time in each world.

After all, the universe is different and the laws are different.

Wu Tian passed several times in the college entrance examination. A month, in fact, the time in the main universe is only seven days!

Therefore, there seems to be no difference between Aria and Lydia

"Where are Long Linger and Bai Xianxian?"

Wu Tian walked in silently, looked around, and sensed a few breaths.

He smiled, walked to the bedroom, and opened the door.......

In the room,

Long Ling'er sat cross-legged on the bed with her eyes closed and her"Dragon Ball" in her mouth, as if she was practicing.

Next to her,

Bai Xianxian was fast asleep, her sleeping posture was very ungraceful!

What surprised Wu Tian was that Bai Xianxian was still holding someone, Wei Hongyi!

Why is she staying at my house?

Wu Tian was a little surprised and knocked lightly on the door!

"tuk tuk tuk——!"

The sound suddenly alarmed several people.

In the living room,

Aaliya was still sleeping stupidly, but

Lydia woke up instantly and looked over there warily.


She exclaimed, and with a subconscious movement, she threw Aaliya in her arms.

In an instant, the little loli was thrown out, fell to the ground with a bang, and woke up with a confused look on her face.

At the same time , , in the bedroom, the three women opened their eyes at the same time and looked at Wu Tian!



"Um! ?"

With three exclamations,

Long Ling'er jumped into the air, swallowed the"Dragon Pearl" with his mouth open, flew directly over, and rushed into Wu Tian's arms.

Bai Xianxian also got up a little excitedly, and ran away with a red face regardless of her messy hair.

Come here.

Wei Hongyi didn't feel anything at all. She sat up lazily and said,"Is the college entrance examination over? so fast!"

"......My thoughts are with you, and my days are like years!"

Long Ling'er buried her head in Wu Tian's arms and said these words softly.

Her eyes trembled slightly and she breathed heavily, as if she wanted to swallow up all Wu Tian's breath.

"It's okay, I'm back."

As he said that,

Wu Tian looked at Bai Xianxian.

The latter snorted and said,"I don't miss you as much as Ling'er. I haven't even washed my face!"

As she said that, she was a little flustered and hurriedly walked to the bathroom.

The so-called concern is confusion.

Now Bai Xianxian's whole body is a little hot.

Unlike Long Ling'er, she likes to hide her thoughts and not show them to the outside.

On the other side ,

"Sister Lidya, what are you doing!"

Alia touched her head, got up, and looked at Lidya with a pouted mouth.

The latter looked calm and motioned to look towards Wu Tian!

Aaliya turned her head!

"Master brother!!!"

She was speechless, her eyes lit up, and she ran over with her bare feet!

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