
It turned into a fish head! ?

At this moment, the aunt and the woman named Xiao Tiandi were stunned, frozen in place, not daring to move!

However, Wu Tian smiled


"go to hell!"

He snorted coldly, grabbed his hand, and the light continued to gather!

Laws and Lights!


The next moment, the holy white light enveloped the two of them, and the fish head continued to exude the fishy smell of the sea, and suddenly made a sharp neighing sound.!



With a pop, the fish head was reduced to ashes in the holy light!

What’s interesting is that these two fish heads only have 100,000 blood!

Being pierced by the Holy Light Spear before, their"shell" should have been removed.

Compared to the shell, the inside of the fish head is quite fragile.

As soon as the fish head disappeared, the feeling of terror gradually left.

In just an instant,

Wu Tian felt light all over, and two prompts popped up on his panel!

"Tip: You killed the hidden evil god!"

"Tip: You killed the hidden evil god! Type: Parasitic species!"

"You gained 1 experience point, 1 law copper coin, and 1 evil god crystal (gold)"......

Mysteries are also diverse.

The one Wu Tian encountered can trigger a mysterious deep sea swallowing, which is irresistible.

But correspondingly, the mysterious body is extremely fragile.

Once found, even a weak professional can kill it!

As for the rewards for killing Mystery, experience points and law coins can be ignored. The Evil God Crystal is the most valuable thing!

On the Internet, a white evil god crystal can be sold for the price of 1 law gold coin.

Compared with other similar items, it is simply a sky-high price!

After all, secrets are not often encountered.......

It’s better not to die!

"This secret is actually golden, no wonder it can trigger deep sea swallowing......"


Wu Tian clicked his tongue and put the things away.

At this time, the shouts and lights here attracted the attention of many people.

Many people were watching the show, or were silent, and were not prepared to interfere.

It happened that several flight attendants ran away When I came over,

I saw the corpse on the seat and Wu Tian's tense appearance. I sweated on my forehead. I took out my weapon and looked at Wu Tian nervously!


"What are you doing?"

"Professionals kill civilians for no reason, but this is against the professional law!"

The flight attendants are all professionals, not very strong, but they are still ready to maintain order.

Wu Tian glanced at them, without explanation, and pointed his finger!

The water of light!

The resurrection skill surged out, washing the body and soul.

In the blink of an eye, the body was broken. The two young men began to recover. The flesh and blood on their bodies was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was a vigorously beating heart in the heart chamber!

This scene surprised everyone.

Some people looked at Wu Tian and understood. As for his identity as a priest, some people also speculated that Wu Tian was amazingly powerful, probably not just the part he saw just now.

And the flight attendants also breathed a sigh of relief.

With the"Resurrection Technique", killing is no longer valid.

It's just that......

"Sir, why do you suddenly attack others?"

A flight attendant spoke seriously.

Wu Tian glanced at him lightly and opened his palms!

In his palms, the Evil God Crystal exuded a faint golden light.

"This is......"

Everyone couldn't help but use the"identification technique" to look at it.

When they found out that it was the evil god crystal, everyone showed a look of horror!

"I am Cao, the Evil God Crystal!"

"Did he just kill a mystery?"

"Golden! I have read on the Internet that with golden crystals, even those who are strong in the Sun Realm will die violently!"

"This young man looks very young, but he solved a mystery quietly......"......

Everyone spoke with confused expressions.

Several flight attendants were startled, and after taking a closer look, they all looked scared.

It is conceivable that if Wu Tian did not solve this mystery, a whole car of people would be buried with him!

"Thank you sir!"

The flight attendants immediately showed grateful expressions and were no longer hostile to Wu Tian.

Wu Tian nodded slightly, sat down, and looked calm.

Seeing this, the flight attendants hesitated for a moment, but still did not disturb him and took the two young men to psychological treatment.

After a while, a middle-aged man wearing a train conductor's uniform came over and said with a smile:"Is this little brother going to Iron Eagle City to study?"

"Go there and take a spaceship."

Wu Tian nodded lightly."Haha, he is indeed a student who has entered the school. He is worthy of being the proud one of our emperor! The train conductor concluded that Wu Tian was a genius and said with a smile:"Sir, in order to thank you for saving everyone's lives, we have made room in the VIP room. Do you want it?"......"

"That’s okay!"

Wu Tian couldn't deny it. While playing with the evil crystal, he stood up and walked to the front of the car with the conductor.......

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