Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1017: The King of Yan seeks an opportunity to rebel and establish himself as king

"Subordinates obey!"

Pei Yan bowed to accept the order, turned around and walked out of the study.

"Hmph, worrying about nothing."

The sheriff watched him leave, and exhaled a disdainful breath from his nostrils.

"The guards of this county do not believe in evil. How can a 200,000-strong army make it through the natural moat of the Wusha River without warships?"


It's night, Yancheng, the City Lord's Mansion.

Lin Qingluo lit the lamp to read at night, flipping through the biographies of the Seven Kingdoms, and learned about the topography, customs and customs of the ten cities in the north of the Qi Kingdom one by one.

The little kingfisher flew back from outside and brought the latest news about the Northern Qi royal family.

"Master, the King of Yan really has a different heart. He used our conquest of Northern Qi to make some moves in private."

"Oh? What the **** is he doing?"

Lin Qingluo closed the book with some interest.

Little Kingfisher's investigation is very clear: "He conspired with Princess Yan to take advantage of the opportunity that we sent troops, and the Northern Qi monarch had no time to care about him, so he withdrew all his forces to the south and used the influence of the Ji clan on the southeast coast to look for opportunities. Rebel, occupy the four states in the southeast, and establish yourself as king."

"The four southeastern states?"

Lin Qingluo's eyes flickered, and he re-opened the biography of the Seven Kingdoms, turned to the topographic map of the southeast coast of Qi State, and frowned in thought.

"The four states in the southeast have fourteen cities under them. Compared with the ten cities in the north, although the area is slightly smaller, they have an excellent geographical location and are the most affluent area in Qi."

The little kingfisher landed on the master's shoulder, and poked its head to look at the topographic map, its black eyes flashed cunningly.

"Master, why don't we cooperate with King Yan, kill the Northern Qi monarch first, and then divide up his land. As for the future, King Yan is dishonest and dares to provoke Master, so he can destroy him at any time."

"He wants to rebel, which is indeed beneficial to us."

Lin Qingluo pondered for a moment, and then made a decision: "As for cooperation, there is no need for that. Our primary goal is to capture the ten cities in the north, take prisoners of war, build Kang in the capital, and have a final duel with the Northern Qi monarch."

"Master doesn't think it's necessary, he doesn't necessarily think so."

The little kingfisher thought in a jumpy way, and his mind wandered very quickly: "Ji Liuyun is Princess Yan's younger brother, maybe one day, a lobbyist will come to the door."

"you mean?"

Lin Qingluo had a keen mind, and instantly understood the implication of Xiaomengchong's words: "Will Ji Liuyun help his sister and come forward as a lobbyist?"

The little kingfisher did not deny his thoughts at all: "King Yan's self-establishment will be of great benefit to the Ji clan. He is the young patriarch of the Ji clan. He will also come forward to lobby for the benefit of the family."

"If he really raises this matter, he can think about it."

Lin Qingluo was concerned: "During these days, he helped appease the hearts of the people and persuaded the prisoners to surrender. He has done a lot of hard work. If you really want to cooperate, no matter what, you have to give him some face."

"Master, why don't we make a bet."

The little kingfisher immediately regained his spirits, and his small eyes brightened: "I bet that the baby beast will come forward to lobby and try my best to promote cooperation, so as to ensure that the interests of the Ji clan will not be damaged in the chaos of war."

"Are you going to bet again?"

Lin Qingluo listened to the music, and looked at Xiao Mengchong dotingly: "You are really addicted to gambling."

"Gamble, bet, master."

The little kingfisher's eyes were bright, and he kept urging.

"Okay, bet."

Lin Qingluo smiled teasingly, and fondled Xiaomeng's pet's head fondly: "The master will play with you one more time."


Cave heaven and earth.

One person and one bird entered it, and appeared in Taolin Courtyard.

-----Off Topic-----

Thank you little fairy for commit


monthly pass.

(? ̄▽ ̄)?


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