Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: Your Majesty Arrives

Ji Liuyun also came with them.

After the wound was treated properly, Lin Qingluo felt at ease, and only then did she feel in the mood to ask the ins and outs of the matter.

"Jin Xu accompanied me to take over the county guard's mansion. The soldiers under his command obeyed the military orders, and no one bullied, beat or scolded his subordinates, or harassed the women in the mansion."

Uncle Lin Wu was so angry that he gritted his teeth with hatred: "The sheriff is a coward, and he handed over the seal without any resistance."

"Jin Xu and I thought everything was going well, but his daughter hid a short sword and came to the front yard in the name of delivering medicine to her father. When she saw Jin Xu, she stabbed him with the sword without saying a word."

"Jin Xu didn't notice it for a while, and was stabbed by her with a sword. Fortunately, his skill was deep and he avoided the vital point, so his life was not endangered."


"This kind of thing is not accidental, and it will happen again in the future."

Lin Qingluo frowned, thought for a moment, and looked at Ji Liuyun.

"Senior Brother Ji also needs to be careful. Some people don't know the truth and can't understand why you want to be a lobbyist for foreign enemies. Maybe they will pass their grievances on you."

"I understand, I will be careful."

Ji Liuyun's eyes flickered, looking at the heroic little girl in black clothes and armor, her heart felt soft.

"Second brother's injury is not serious, and he won't recover in a short time, so he can't continue to go out with the army."

Lin Qingluo thought carefully, looked away, and turned to look at Uncle Lin again: "Uncle Wu, leave ten thousand elite soldiers to garrison Zhuo County, and arrange a lieutenant general to assist the second brother in handling daily affairs and keep in touch with the army. "


Uncle Lin Wu didn't have the slightest objection, and subconsciously recognized that the heroic girl was the supreme commander of the expedition.


The little kingfisher had been watching the show on the eaves, and when he heard the message from the bird, he sent a voice to the little master: "Master, your lord is here, and the distance from Zhuo County is less than ten miles."

"Hmph, he really dared to come."

Lin Qingluo's eyes dimmed, and a bit of hostility surged up.

"elder sister?"

Lin Yixuan was sensitive to the change in her breath, and subconsciously held her hand.

"Your father is here."

Lin Qingluo felt sad, and looked at him with complicated eyes.


Lin Yixuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and after a while, they gradually dimmed again.

"He's still ten miles away."

Lin Qingluo caressed his temples, and said softly, "Do you want to meet him in the barracks, or go outside the city and wait for him in advance."

"I want to go out of town."

Lin Yixuan blurted out without thinking.


Lin Qingluo agreed with a smile: "Sister will accompany you."


Ten miles outside the city of Zhuojun, there is the Yingke Pavilion.

The noble gentleman was dressed in scarlet clothes, and he was stunningly beautiful. Hearing the sound of horseshoes, he turned around slowly.


Lin Yixuan jumped off the horse, rushed over in two steps in three steps, and threw himself into the arms of the nobleman.


Your lord hugged the emperor's son tightly, and his charming and unparalleled face rarely showed any warmth.

Lin Yixuan cried bitterly: "Father, Mother is dead."

"Father already knows."

Your gentleman's eyes flickered, revealing a bit of apology.


When Lin Yixuan saw his relatives, he had been suppressed for a long time in grief, and just now he really vented out, hugging your nobleman and weeping endlessly.

Lin Qingluo couldn't bear it, she looked away and waited silently.

She can wait patiently, but no one can wait.

A Northern Qi attendant who accompanied him rubbed his ears impatiently, and urged in a sharp voice: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty has sent you here for important matters. The military situation is urgent, so it's better not to delay."

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Thank you little fairy Yzzmjqq for the monthly pass.

(? ̄▽ ̄)?


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