Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1319: War Demon Soldier is not the same person as the boy he knew

The three-eyed snow leopard was extremely fast, galloping between the cliffs, and arrived at the Black Rhino Valley after a stick of incense.

The black rhinoceros valley is filled with poisonous mist, and it takes only a few seconds to inhale the poison and die.

The three-eyed snow leopard kept wandering at the entrance of the canyon, no matter how urged by the little kingfisher, it did not dare to enter the canyon.

"You silly leopard!"

The little kingfisher is suspicious, this is really what Feng Yi said, the arrogant demon king who claims to lead an army of monsters to wreak havoc on the world and enjoy a feast of human flesh.

"Yin'er, don't worry, take the detoxification pill before going in."

Qingyuan clearly sensed the little kingfisher's mood swings, and softly comforted it.

"My baby, set the fire first, and burn those sneaky demon soldiers out."

The little kingfisher was upset, fluttered its wings and flew high into the sky, took a deep breath, and spewed out a mouthful of flames.

The fire is raging!

Qingyuan's mind moved slightly, and the sea of ​​consciousness was connected to the little kingfisher. From the perspective of the fire phoenix, he could clearly see the blazing Black Rhinoceros Valley and the bloodthirsty and murderous monsters lurking in the valley. figure.


He narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly a savage aura erupted around him.


Mu Fan was startled by the sudden change in his aura and looked sideways.

Qingyuan's evil spirit was overwhelming: "It's the demons, I sensed it."

"A secret method again?"

A flash of disapproval flashed in Mu Fan's eyes: "If you use too many secret techniques, you may be backlashed, and it will be extremely harmful to your body."

"Senior Brother Mu, a gentleman will do something and not do something."

Qingyuan's eyes were burning, and he was domineering: "The demons and I are sworn enemies, even if they are smashed to pieces, we will destroy them."

"Qingyuan, you?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Mu Fan's eyes.

The young man in front of him gave him an indescribable sense of strangeness, as if he was not the same person as the Qingyuan he knew.



The little kingfisher ate the antidote pill and didn't care about it anymore. The loud and clear bird song soared to the sky, and the feathers shaped like sharp blades, wrapped in hot flames, turned into flames and swords and rained from the sky.


The Black Rhinoceros Valley was filled with flames, and there were scorching sounds of the flames burning flesh, mixed with heart-piercing screams.

"Let's rush in."

Excited, Ye Kongming led a group of passionate youths into the valley.

Sword light and sword shadow, flesh and blood flying everywhere!

Wang Meng and others fought against the magic soldiers one after another.

Mu Fan mixed with it, holding a long sword, and rushed forward as if fearless of death, his blood-stained clothes did not flinch.

The two demon soldiers were caught off guard and fell under his sword one after another.


The rest of the demon soldiers were startled and turned into demons in an instant. They became extremely burly and tall, bared their fangs, waved their magic hammers, and rushed towards them viciously.


Wang Meng swung the Lightning Hammer and confronted a demonized demon soldier forcefully.

The two majestic mana collided fiercely, and one man and one demon retreated a few steps at the same time, spat out a mouthful of blood rushing to their throats, and rushed towards the opponent again.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Wind Wing pulled the Xuanbing Bow to the extreme, and fired three arrows in succession, shooting through the eyes of a demon soldier.

The third arrow, which came first, circled half a circle in the air and shot through his throat.

The demon soldier howled miserably, and his huge body fell to the ground.

"A Thousand Miles Frozen!"

Holding the Ice Emperor Spear, Lin Jinming fought with all his strength to fight against the demon soldiers. Where the tip of the spear passed, there was a bone-chilling chill, quickly enveloping a radius of several thousand meters.

The magic soldier's legs went from bottom to top, and a thick layer of ice surged up, imprisoning him in place.

"go to hell!"

Lin Jinxu mobilized all his mana and threw the Ice Emperor Spear with all his might.

The Ice Emperor Spear flashed with dazzling brilliance, and it went quickly, piercing through his chest.

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