Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1322: 1 person, 1 contracted spirit beast

"Hehe, you boy, wait for me here."

Ye Kongming listened to the music and poked his forehead.

"Master Uncle is wise and martial, with profound mana."

Shitou licked his face and flattered him: "As long as you are willing to make a move, the contract monster is still easy to catch."

"Your mana is still weak, and you can't control fifth-order monsters."

Ye Kongming frowned and pondered: "A third-order monster equivalent to the magic power of a human immortal cultivator at the golden core stage, you can try it."


"We can also have contract monsters."

When Wang Meng and others heard this moment, their eyes lit up and they raised their arms and cheered.


Qingyuan came back quickly, cleaned up the battlefield, and put away all the storage bracelets of the magic soldiers and generals.

The little kingfisher burned the body to ashes, and the group successfully left the Black Rhinoceros Valley and came to the deep mountain hinterland of the Monster Forest.

As Shi Shi said, Yekong Minguo used the coercion of the baby beast to coerce and lure the three-eyed snow leopard, forcing it to agree to sign a soul contract.

Wang Meng and others also gained something, and each got their favorite contracted spirit beast.

Shi Shi took a fancy to a black hawk.

Feng Yi wandered around the valley three times before he chose a Huo Mang Tiger.

Wang Meng immediately took a fancy to the Explosive Ape, and fought it with his bare hands.

Explosive Ape was terrified and signed a soul contract with his natural power willingly.

Yi Xian'er's favorite is the fire-type spirit beast, which is the same as Fengyi's choice, and it is a fire tiger.

For this, Feng Yi was quite critical.

That's all for the surname Yi, and the contracted spirit beasts have to be the same as him.

Women, it's really, really troublesome.

Lin Jinxu looked funny, but he was upset, so he gave up Huo Manghu and, like a stone, chose a black eagle for transportation.

Lin Jinpeng loves snow leopards, Lin Ruize likes lions, and the two of them, one leopard and one lion, are so happy from ear to ear.

Lin Jinming is a maverick, different from the rest of the brothers. He chose a red flame snake with a length of about 100 meters and a fourth-order peak.

At the moment when the soul contract was signed, Yi Xian'er was almost fainted by the scarlet flame snake's **** mouth, but fortunately Shi Shi's eyesight and hands quickly supported her, so that she did not collapse on the ground.

When Qing Yuan and Mu Fan hesitated, Bao Ya and Hu Nao jumped out from nowhere and jumped into their arms.

The little heads rubbed against their cheeks affectionately, acting cute and coquettish.

Mu Fan hugged Leopard Tooth, inexplicably feeling extremely close.

He who has always disliked contact with outsiders, hugged the soft and cute little leopard, and unexpectedly developed a bit of affection.

"That's it."

The moment he made up his mind, an indescribable joy surged in his heart, as if it was a lost and found treasure, worthy of his cherishment and care.

"Ah woo."

The leopard's teeth rubbed against its cheek affectionately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tears of excitement flowed from the leopard's eyes.

One person and one leopard signed a soul contract, and there was telepathy in an instant.

Mu Fan is sensitively aware that Baoya has a special affection for Qingyuan, and seems to be very close to him.

This feeling is also affecting him subtly.

He couldn't help but want to get closer and know more about him.


Hu Nao signed a soul contract with his master, and his mana soared, jumping from a second-level spirit beast to a fourth-level spirit beast.

The little cute pet jumped out of the owner's arms excitedly, turned into a fat and strong tiger, roared, and sprayed out a whirling wind blade, cutting off a towering tree a hundred meters away .


Ye Kongming was amused, and stretched out her fingers to express her appreciation: "It's okay, little guy, the wind ability has a bright future."

-----Off Topic-----

Thank you little fairy QQb719dd54691fa for the monthly pass.

(? ̄▽ ̄)?

The eldest daughter of the group favorite, she is full of luck https://

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