Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1560: Rong Li, fox ears, half human, half demon

"Father, the baby is dead."

The young man showed determination: "You spent a lot of spiritual stones to cure the child, and the relatives in the clan complained and rumors spread everywhere. If this continues, the congregation will betray their relatives sooner or later. The child does not want you to be criticized by the elders for me."

"Those old things, if you want to talk, let them talk, dad is fine."

The middle-aged man interrupted his words, his eyes showed determination: "Even if you lose all your wealth, father will hire famous doctors for you to cure your strange disease."


The young man's eyes were moved, and he wept sadly.


"Fox ear, half human, half demon?"

Outside the wall of Rong's courtyard, Lin Qingluo heard the voice transmission from the little kingfisher's mind, her heart trembled, and she had a bad feeling.

"Xianjun, there is a notice pasted at the gate of the Rong family."

With sharp eyes, Moy ran over on short legs, looking up at the notice with his small face up.

"What did you write?"

Jiang Feng couldn't wait, and kept urging him.

"A lot of money to hire a famous doctor to treat the dog..."

Moy read it word for word.

"No need to read."

Lin Qingluo understood, walked over a few steps, and tore off the notice.

"This fairy, please come inside."

Seeing that someone had lifted the notice, the guard at the door ran over to meet her and looked her up and down, as if he couldn't believe that such a young girl could be cured, so he was stunned for a moment.

"lead the way."

Lin Qingluo's eyes dimmed, and he was not angry.


The young servant shivered in shock, restrained himself, and led the way respectfully.


Rong Family, Fenghe Garden.

Rong Li returned to his courtyard, took a breath of relief, closed the courtyard door, and entered the room.

There was no attendant in Fengheyuan, so he took out some clean spring water from the storage ring, washed his face with water, and tidied his unkempt hair.

Washed up, changed into clean and fresh clothes, walked out of the house, sat down at the stone table in the yard, and read a book of anecdotes about strange people bought from Xiangongfang City.

There are many anecdotes of strange people recorded on it, and he searched them one by one, hoping to find cases with symptoms similar to his own.

"Li'er, open the door, a famous doctor will reveal the list and heal you."

His biological father, Rong Jue, knocked **** the door outside, with uncontrollable surprise.

So fast?

Someone came as soon as the notice was posted?

Rong Li looked surprised, and couldn't bear to ignore his father's kindness, put away the anecdotes of strange people, got up and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.


The courtyard door opened, and Rong Jue's pleasantly surprised smiling face came into view.

He passed his father, looked at the girl and two young children standing behind him, and couldn't help but sigh.

His father was so eager to heal him that he pinned his hopes on such a young girl.

I can't let my father waste spirit stones anymore.


Just as he was about to refuse, the girl suddenly spoke and interrupted him forcefully.

"Master Rong, the only person in this world who can cure your strange disease is this girl."


A gust of wind whirled past his eyes.

Rong Li was flustered by the wind for a moment.

He has been treating diseases for several years, but he has never seen such a righteous and confident doctor.

"Fairy please come in."

When Rong Jue heard Lin Qingluo's words, he was overjoyed, pushed his son away, and bowed to invite him.

"This fairy is seeing a doctor for him, and no outsiders should disturb him."

Lin Qingluo's pretty face darkened, and Jiang Feng and Moy stepped forward at the same time, blocking him.


Rong Jue blushed, swallowed in embarrassment, and forcibly took back his right foot that was about to step into the yard.

"This fairy, my father..."

Rong Li was furious, and just about to express his anger for his father, Rong Jue slapped him on the forehead and stopped him in time.



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