"Qin Feng, 18 years old, obtained the C-level profession [Berserker]! Obtained the C-level talent [Advanced Strength Enhancement】!"

"Qiu Shuier, 17 years old, obtained a C-level career……"

"All job changers have been notified! This year's top scorer in Binhai No. 1 Middle School, and even in Tiannan Province, is……"

"It's our Lin Chuxue! Everyone, welcome her with applause!"

On the rostrum, the principal excitedly informed the whole school of the results of this year's job change awakening.

Amid the applause of countless people, Lin Chuxue slowly stepped onto the stage and expressed her feelings about the job change on behalf of all the senior students of No. 1 Middle School.

Looking at Lin Chuxue who was speaking confidently on the stage, and then looking at the extremely excited teachers and students around,

Qin Feng felt that everything was like a big dream, not real at all.

Fortunately, the Supreme Will of [Divine Realm] covered me up...

I have to be a million times more careful in the future, in [Immortal Body]】、【Immortal Soul】、【Before these three talents are unlocked, I must not show [Endless Plunder] to others. I must hide it!

Having made up his mind, Qin Feng took a deep breath and walked towards the temporary warehouse next to the rostrum.

The temporary warehouse was stacked with basic professional supplies. Qin Feng was ready to leave after receiving the supplies.

Qin Feng received the passive skill book [Basic Sword Skills], the active skill book [Cross Slash], and a standard black iron-level long sword. The

Scarlet Hunter belongs to the warrior system, and Qin Feng can use these supplies.

"In 5 days, Binhai City will hold a grand martial arts performance, and all new professionals can sign up to participate."

"If you get a good ranking in the martial arts competition, you will not only receive generous rewards, but also have the opportunity to enter the summer camp organized by Tiannan Province."

"Now I have a mythical disguise of the Supreme Will of [Divine Realm]. Others cannot see my true talent and profession, but I can participate in this martial arts performance and get the initial funds for snowballing!"

"However, the top priority now is to improve combat power. Learning skills is the same, but more importantly, it is to plunder extraordinary genes and unlock the first branch of [God-killing Power] as soon as possible!"

"Well, there are people selling wild monster meat in Binhai City. Those wild monsters are all organic, and some of them have talents. They are the best targets for plundering at the moment!"

Thinking of this, Qin Feng put the supplies he received into the backpack brought by the professional, and then rushed out of the school.

Seeing that Qin Feng was leaving, Lin Chuxue no longer had the interest to give a speech.

She handed the microphone to the teacher next to her, then walked through the crowd, and walked quickly to Qin Feng in the envious eyes of countless students.

"Hey, Qin Feng, where are you going?"

Lin Chuxue lifted the hair beside her ears, then put her hands behind her back and jumped coquettishly in front of Qin Feng.

Seeing this scene, countless students of Binhai No. 1 Middle School were heartbroken.

In front of them, Lin Chuxue behaved dignifiedly, talked and laughed cheerfully, and looked like the daughter of a noble family.

But in front of Qin Feng, the goddess Lin Chuxue, who made people not want to blaspheme, acted like a playful little girl that was extremely inconsistent with her image and temperament.

The hands behind her back were flustered like a helpless deer.

The coquettish light jump seemed to be hiding the panic in her heart.

"Go home, I have to learn the skills first, and after I am familiar with them, I can go out to hunt in the wild and do dungeons."

Qin Feng was also a little flustered. He forgot all his usual tricks and answered Lin Chuxue's questions in a serious manner.

Lin Chuxue's memory was modified by [Divine Domain], but Qin Feng's memory was retained.

He remembered that when [Endless Plunder] was made public and aroused everyone's fear and aroused everyone's murderous intent, Lin Chuxue stood out from the crowd, stood beside him, and defended him righteously.

At that time, Qin Feng, who felt that he was going to die, was extremely moved.

But now, Qin Feng didn't know how to face it. Lin Chuxue's extremely thorough affection had been exposed.

He had a taboo talent and a taboo profession. Once exposed, he would be a global enemy.

Lin Chuxue looked righteous and upright on the surface, but in fact she was a woman who helped her relatives but not the outside world.

Once Qin Feng accepted Lin Chuxue's friendship.

Once the talent was exposed in the future, the global siege would have to be added.

In an instant, Qin Feng thought a lot.

But Lin Chuxue didn't know this. She smiled slightly and said happily:

"Ha, what a coincidence! I'm not going to level up either. Our house is on the same line as yours, so we're on the same route. Let's go and be a companion."

Lin Chuxue plucked up her courage and took Qin Feng's arm with an attitude that would not be refused.

Then, she took a step forward, and the dimples on her lips turned the spring breeze in April into an intoxicating wine.

"Ahhh! Damn Qin Feng! The hatred of having my wife stolen from me! I will never forgive you!"

"Qin Feng, you bastard! You deserve to die! This is worse than killing me!"

Behind him, Qin Feng's good brothers started to make a noise!

The other students' eyes were also filled with envy and jealousy...

The teachers of No. 1 Middle School couldn't understand why the peerless genius Lin Chuxue would like Qin Feng, an ordinary professional who had both strength and good looks, but only good looks in terms of grades.

But at this moment, Lin Chuxue was already an SS-level professional, a pillar of the country in the future, and no one could influence her love.


In the intoxicating spring breeze, Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue walked out of the school gate along the campus path.

"Qin Feng, my dad just sent me a message. He learned that I became an SS-level professional and is going to hold a celebration party for me. I want to take you there."

After leaving the school gate, there were no familiar people around.

Lin Chuxue plucked up her courage, suppressed the blush on her face, and invited Qin Feng.

In the past, she liked Qin Feng, but he was a submissive person. When they were close to each other on weekdays, she had to use tutoring with classmates as an excuse.

Now it's different. Lin Chuxue has become an SS-level professional and a pillar of the country in the future.

She has grown wings, and she wants to like Qin Feng openly. Her parents can't stop her. She whispered to herself.

"I won't go."

Qin Feng pulled his left arm out of Lin Chuxue's arms reluctantly.

Lin Chuxue's wings were hard, but his wings couldn't fly.

If he went to Lin Chuxue's house and made the relationship clear in front of her family, Lin Chuxue would be completely tied to him, and maybe she would also take a Lin family member with her.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid that my family will give you a hard time?"

Lin Chuxue looked at Qin Feng in confusion.

In the past three years, Qin Feng had touched her and kissed her. The two were classmates in name, but in reality, their friendship had long since deteriorated.

In addition, Lin Chuxue was very confident in her character, appearance, figure, and talent. She didn't think that Qin Feng would take advantage of her and deny it. Any man who met this delicacy would have to eat it for the rest of his life.

Qin Feng laughed at himself and pretended to be bitter:

"That's about it. Stop. Don't deny me yet. I know your family is well-educated, but in that kind of environment, if someone looks at me, I will feel that he is examining me, or even looking down on me."

"After all, you know, I am just a C-level professional. I can't get the sublimation scroll. The best I can do is nine revolutions."

Under the power system of [God's Domain]

E、D、The three C-level professions can only transfer 9 times at most.

The upper limit of B-level and A-level professions is higher, which can transfer 12 times.

S-level professions can transfer 15 times, and SS-level professions can transfer 18 times.

SSS-level professions have no upper limit of transfer, and their potential is unlimited.

Sublimation scrolls are the hope given by the Supreme Will of [Divine Realm] to low-level professions.

After using them, the profession's professional grade can be improved.

Different-level professions require different quality and quantity of sublimation scrolls for grade improvement. If a C-level profession wants to upgrade its professional grade to SS-level, it needs a huge amount of sublimation scrolls, which may not be enough even if all the stocks of a small country are emptied.

Knowing this, Qin Feng vividly interprets the inferiority of a C-level profession facing an SS-level profession.

In fact, Qin Feng is not as inferior as he appears.

Otherwise, when he was in the first year of high school, he would not have hooked up with Lin Chuxue, who had the best family background, the best grades, the best figure, and the highest appearance in the school.

He really couldn't bear to reject Lin Chuxue in a stern manner.

But he knew that Lin Chuxue was a considerate girl, so he used the best excuse of a man's self-esteem to start dragging it out, dragging it out until the last bit of window paper was broken.

"Chuxue, I'm going home. Give me some time, I will definitely get the sublimation scroll, and we'll meet at the top."

Qin Feng waved to Lin Chuxue and rushed towards his home.

Lin Chuxue kept repeating the words"see you at the top", and she could see the loneliness in Qin Feng's back.

""Miss, get in the car."

At this time, a black extended sedan inlaid with 81 enchanted gems and engraved with three sets of defensive rune arrays stopped beside Lin Chuxue and opened the door.

"Tell my parents and uncles at home���Voice"

"Qin Feng, I'm determined. I, Lin Chuxue, said that no one can change my mind. No one can do anything or use some low-class means."

"Also, I won’t be attending the celebration party today, I’m going to go do a dungeon!"

"Qin Feng said that he wants to meet me at the peak. OK, I will wait for him at the peak!"

After that, Lin Chuxue turned around and left, heading towards the Professional Building in the center of Binhai City.

There, there is a dungeon teleportation array leading to the peak.

She broke the record of the dungeon clearance and surpassed the previous SS-level professionals of Daxia.

She may also ask for the sublimation scroll from the official.

She plans to earn that thing as a gift for Qin Feng.

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