The second career change brought Qin Feng two improvements.

The first is naturally the attributes.

After the second career change, Qin Feng's level cap was raised to level 25.

The free attribute points that can be obtained with each upgrade have also been increased from the original 90 points to 180 points.

This is the unique advantage that the Scarlet Hunter brings to Qin Feng.

When other professionals are at the second level, they can only obtain 20 free attribute points each time they upgrade.

This is the case for E-level professionals.

The same is true for the Great Xia Military God who has two SSS-level professions.

In addition to the improvement of levels and free attribute points.

Qin Feng's biggest gain is the three cosmic taboo-level skills that he automatically obtained after the career change, as well as the unlocked Scarlet Hunter exclusive skill library.

Qin Feng opened the skill bar and checked the effect of [Blood Rage].

【Blood Rush (max)]

Grade: Universe Taboo Grade

Type: Active Skill

Effect 1: It will consume 1/2 of the current health value, double all attributes, and last for 30 minutes.

Effect 2: This skill can be released continuously, up to 12 times, and each release will extend the duration, and the doubling effect of all attributes will be superimposed. This skill gain can last up to 6 hours, and the maximum bonus multiplier is 4096 times.

Effect 3: After the blood burst state ends, it will enter a 12-hour weak state, which can be eliminated by blood bursting again.

Cooldown: None

Evaluation: The exclusive ability of the Scarlet Hunter, which cannot be used easily


When Qin Feng received the job transfer task, he had read the introduction of [Blood Burst].

But now that he has truly mastered this skill and felt the blood burst circuit in his body,

Qin Feng finally understood how terrifying this skill is.

To be honest,

Qin Feng at this moment already has the ability to compete with super professionals who have completed the ninth job transfer and possessed a mythical form.

However, this kind of strength burst is short-lived and cannot last long.

Qin Feng retracted his gaze from [Blood Burst] and turned to check another skill [Talent Melting].】

【Talent Forging (max)]

Grade: Universe Taboo Grade

Type: Active Skill

Effect: Activate the Talent Forging Furnace, forging similar talents into a unique talent for the Scarlet Hunter, greatly improving the talent effect.

Cooldown: None

Evaluation: Divine Skill! Absolutely divine skill! A divine skill that can mass-produce SSS-level talents!


Qin Feng was stunned when he saw the review of [Talent Forging]!

Talent Forging can actually mass produce SSS-level talents!

Doesn't this mean that in addition to the Scarlet Throne,

Qin Feng has another way to obtain SSS-level talents!

"I have to try it!"

Qin Feng was so excited that his breathing became rapid.

Then, he directly used the talent melting skill to build a talent furnace in his body.

After the furnace was built, Qin Feng learned how to put his talents into it without any instruction.

Qin Feng first put 12 four-dimensional attribute strengthening talents into the furnace.

He planned to use these 12 talents to test the waters.

"Ding Dong! You have consumed primary strength enhancement, intermediate strength enhancement, advanced strength enhancement, primary agility enhancement……"

"You have obtained the B-level talent [Advanced All-Attribute Enhancement] (All attributes +160 points, attribute strength increased to 5 times)"

Qin Feng was stunned when he saw the effect of [Advanced All-Attribute Enhancement].

Before smelting,

12 four-dimensional attribute enhancement talents can provide Qin Feng with a total of 105 points of all-attribute improvement.

And slightly increase the ratio of four-dimensional attributes to attack power, speed, defense, mana, and health.

But now it is very different.

First of all, the total attribute bonus has been directly increased from the original 105 points to the current 160 points!

The second is the attribute strength, which has doubled five times compared to before.

At this moment, Qin Feng.

One point of strength is equal to 5 points of attack power.

One point of agility is equal to 5 points of movement speed.

One point of constitution is equal to 5 points of defense and 50 points of health.

One point of spirit is equal to 5 points of magic power and 50 points of mana

"This is too strong. A B-level talent can increase my attribute strength by as much as the epic dragon gall fruit!"

Qin Feng had seen an epic treasure called dragon gall fruit in a textbook.

After taking it, the professional can get a 4-point increase in all attribute strength.

As an extremely rare treasure that can directly increase attribute strength, dragon gall fruit is extremely difficult to find, even harder to find than many legendary treasures.

However, Qin Feng only melted 12 talents that are extremely easy to collect.

He got an amplification effect comparable to dragon gall fruit.

This skill of talent melting!

It can be said to be against the sky!

After several seconds, Qin Feng recovered from the huge shock.

He adjusted his breathing and continued to put attribute talents into the talent furnace in his body!

"Ding Dong! You have used up Advanced All Attribute Enhancement, Red Night Run, Rage, Four-dimensional Attribute Madness, Advanced Physical Defense, Tough Skin, Forest Shadow.……"

"You have obtained the S-level talent [Fighting Body]"

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