Amid the applause of millions of people,

Qin Feng held Lin Chuxue's hand and walked up to the podium in the middle of the martial arts arena.

Lin Chuxue, who had never been afraid of any big scene, now lowered her head and huddled beside Qin Feng like a quail.

Qin Feng, who usually didn't talk much, took the microphone handed over by the host of the competition, and while speaking in a routine manner, he bought time for Lin Chuxue beside him. A long time passed.

The top ten people in the Babel Points Competition all gave their acceptance speeches.

At the same time, the official also counted the results of all the contestants and gave corresponding points competition rewards.

As the champions of the points competition,

Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue naturally received the most rewards.

Both of them received 50 million credit coins in cash, three epic treasures, and a non-renewable krypton gold item that can bring professionals back to life.—-—【Resurrection Coin].

Every time the Thirteen Provinces Joint Martial Arts Show, there will be three different forms of competitions: the Tower of Babel Points Competition, the Unlimited Battle Royale, and the Secret Realm Battle.

Among them, the Tower of Babel Points Competition has two purposes.

First, to give all contestants a chance to expose themselves, and give a certain amount of rewards based on their performance.

The second is to select contestants for the upcoming Unlimited Battle Royale and Secret Realm Battle.

At this moment, the Tower of Babel Points Competition has ended.

The top 99 of the 100 contestants.

Stand out from more than 100,000 people and get the qualification to participate in the Unlimited Battle Royale.

Looking at the 100 contestants standing on the grand martial arts arena.

Ye Nantian stood up and began the pre-match mobilization:

"Warriors on the field!"

"You are able to stand out from the Babel Points Tournament. You are all contemporary geniuses and the future of the Great Xia Nation!"

"I am proud of you, and Daxia is proud of you too!"

"But since ancient times, there has been no first in literature and no second in martial arts!"

"There is and can only be one throne that belongs to the strongest professional of the new generation!"

"In my opinion, the Babel Points Tournament can only test your damage ability and the smoothness of skill connection, but it cannot fully demonstrate all your strengths!"

"So! I have prepared an unlimited battle royale for you!"

"If you are ready, in 30 seconds, step into the teleportation array in front of you and go to the battlefield I have prepared for you. Shine to your heart's content!"

A 30-second countdown appeared on the light screen in the air.

At the same time, a huge teleportation array also appeared in front of the contestants.

Seeing this teleportation array, millions of spectators held their breath.

"Is it finally here? The most exciting and entertaining unlimited battle royale!"

"I remember the last time the Thirteen Provinces held a joint martial arts competition, the entire unlimited battle royale became a one-man show by Lord Longque of Daxia! I don’t know who will dominate the entire arena this time!"

"I think it's Lin Chuxue! After all, she is an SS-level professional! She is the only one among all the contestants who has mastered the eighth-level forbidden spell skills!"

"Back then, there was the Great Xia Dragon Bird Lord, who used the eighth-level formation to clear the field. Now, there is the SS-level newcomer Lin Chuxue, who is about to use a Heavenly Flame Funeral to destroy the entire map in one second! Such a scene is really exciting!"

"Hey hey hey! Why are you all talking about Lin Chuxue! I think Qin Feng is also someone who can clear the scene!"

"Yes! Yes! Qin Feng is the one who can summon 120,000 mechanical troops! The scene of him entering the first floor of the Tower of Babel and commanding the mechanical army to sweep the demon tide makes my blood boil when I think about it now!"

"Yes! Qin Feng still has more than a hundred diamond-level skills? Moreover, I think this is not Qin Feng's full strength, his limit is definitely more than this!"

"Qin Feng? He is very strong, but he is an A-class after all! How can he be a match for Miss Lin Chuxue, an SS-class class?"

"Haha! You stinky men are easily misled by women's gender! Didn't you hear the conversation between Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue before they passed the eighteenth level?"

"Lin Chuxue herself said that she wants to fight Qin Feng 1V1. Lin Chuxue has acknowledged Qin Feng's fighting ability, and you are still doubting him. You must have some bug in your brain!"


The no-rules battle royale had not officially started yet.

The audience began to argue over the candidate they thought would dominate the arena. His sky-high appearance and outstanding strength had won Qin Feng many female fans.

At this moment, the voices of Qin Feng's female fans arguing for Qin Feng were getting louder and louder. Lin Chuxue, who was beside Qin Feng, felt upset.

Lin Chuxue looked at the teleportation array not far in front of her, and asked softly with jealousy:

"Qin Feng, how do you feel when you hear so many women support you?"

Qin Feng smiled, stretched out his hand, and gently rubbed the back of Lin Chuxue's head:

"Jealous, ah, I've never seen you like this in school."

After being exposed by Qin Feng's words, the jealousy on Lin Chuxue's face was replaced by shame and anger, and then she became worried.

"After today, you will definitely be famous all over the world. No matter where you go, everyone will recognize your face. I am worried that you will be snatched away by other women."

"After all, after all, you are so shy. When we were in school, you always liked to put your hands on my thighs.……"

Qin Feng laughed and pinched Lin Chuxue's face:

"Haha, don't think too much. My heart is very small. It's already full just for you. There's no room for anyone else."

"Let's go! Let's get into the battle! Didn't you say you wanted to play a 1v1 with me? I just had the same idea!"

"After all, we have to make it clear who is on top and who is on the bottom in the future." After three years of getting along with Qin Feng,

Lin Chuxue immediately understood what Qin Feng meant.

She reached out and gently pinched the soft flesh on Qin Feng's waist, then whispered:

"You bad guy, you said something bad again!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly. He really enjoyed the intimate little actions between him and Lin Chuxue.

However, now is not the time to enjoy this kind of beauty.

"Come on, Xue'er, accompany your husband into the battle."

Qin Feng said softly, and then took Lin Chuxue's hand.

"Old, husband? We are not married yet! You are not allowed to say that!"

Lin Chuxue subconsciously defended herself, but she held Qin Feng's hand tighter.

At this moment, the debate between Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue over who would dominate the unlimited battle royale had not stopped, and it was getting more intense.

But the two people at the center of the debate, in front of more than one million people, held each other's hands tightly and stepped into the formation together.


After a brief dizziness,

Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue appeared in an ancient battlefield.

This place was desolate and lonely.

Broken weapons were scattered on the ground, telling the misery of the defeated.

Not far behind them, the dark iron curtain calmly and quickly advanced towards the center of the battlefield.

Wherever it passed, space was annihilated and everything turned into nothingness.

"Unlimited Battle Royale begins!"

"On this battlefield, except for not being able to use paid items, there are no other rules restricting you!"

"You can team up! But always be on guard against your teammates killing you!"

"You can also play solo! But if you stand out too much, you will be attacked by everyone!"

""Let's fight! My warriors!"

Ye Nantian's voice fell from the sky in the dead silence of the battlefield.

At the moment of the end, endless light flowed out and fell into the palm of each contestant's hand, turning into a token.

This token can withstand fatal damage!

However, once activated, it means that the owner of the token has lost the qualification to compete for the first place in the battle royale!

Lin Chuxue looked at the token in her hand, and then said to Qin Feng: (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Qin Feng, I will kill from the east, and you from the west. Before the final 1v1, let's see who can eliminate more people!"

Qin Feng smiled. He didn't want the duel between him and Lin Chuxue to be disturbed by other players, so he gave a direct answer:

"Sure, I'll count down to ten, the end is the beginning"


On the podium[]

After hearing the conversation between Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue in the ancient battlefield space, a group of disrespectful old guys opened the market directly.

"Come on! Place your bets! I bet Qin Feng can beat up Lao Lin's daughter! Nothing else, I just feel uncomfortable watching that bastard Lao Lin!"

"Haha! I also feel uncomfortable with Lao Lin, but I want to make money, so I bet on that little girl Lin Chuxue!"

"I also bet on Lin Chuxue! Although Qin Feng had an adventure, he was unable to bring out the magical power given by the adventure. He was not the God of War. With his current level, he could never be Xiaoxue's opponent!"

"I bet on Xiaoxue too! Although Lin Laogou is annoying, Xiaoxue grew up under our care and she calls me uncle!"

""Old dog Lin! Do you want to take part in the bet? Who are you going to bet on? Talk to your brother and I'll pay for you!"

Hearing the words of his friends, Lin Henian snorted and turned his head away.

Qin Feng's performance in the Tower of Babel directly conquered him, the father-in-law.

To him, Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue were like the back of his hand and the palm of his hand. He really didn't know how to choose.

At this moment, Ye Nantian, the military god of Daxia, came over.

0 Asking for flowers

Seeing this superior who had led them, or the superior who had led their superiors, these unruly people suddenly became serious, with infinite respect in their eyes!

"Lord God of War!"

"Lord God of War!"

Ye Nantian smiled and waved his hand gently:

"Don't be nervous, I just saw you guys started a gambling game, and I felt like betting."

At this point, Ye Nantian reached into his pocket and took out two hundred yuan.

"I bet on Qin Feng to win!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the room was shocked!


3! 2! 1!

The moment the countdown ended,

Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue turned into flashes of light at the same time.

They rushed in two completely different directions.

When rushing forward,

Lin Chuxue did not hold back at all. She directly summoned the eighth-level forbidden spell, the Heavenly Flame Funeral!

The majestic power of the fire element gathered towards Lin Chuxue.

The terrifying power directly dyed the sky around Lin Chuxue red!

Seeing the red sky not far away, and looking at the gradually boiling sea of clouds, several rich kids who formed a team to enter the battlefield were terrified.

When they were on the first floor of the Tower of Babel, they were suppressed by Lin Chuxue with the Heavenly Flame Funeral.

They knew very well how much lethality the eighth-level forbidden spell, the Heavenly Flame Funeral, could unleash in Lin Chuxue's hands.

"As soon as he arrived, he used his ultimate move! Lin Chuxue is not leaving us any chance to survive!"

"Brothers! There is no way we can defeat Lin Chuxue. Any of her skills can increase her power by at least 100 times!"

"We went to find Qin Feng! We surrounded him! Lin Chuxue wanted to kill us, so we killed her man and took down Qin Feng!"

"That's right! Although Qin Feng has more than a hundred level 7 proficiency skills, we have 7 people, 7 talents, and 7 epic suits!"

"With our strength! Even if we can't beat Lin Chuxue, we are more than enough to take care of Qin Feng!"

"Go, go, go! Let’s get away from Lin Chuxue first! After we get away from her, we’ll go find Qin Feng!"

"Let me tell you first! Before we eliminate Qin Feng! We are not allowed to fight among ourselves!"

After discussing this, these rich kids took action.

They originally looked down on each other, but now they unexpectedly united together.

The assassins contributed the props in their backpacks to hide their bodies, hiding everyone in the blind spots of perception. Those who have the ability to quickly teleport took their people and quickly moved away from the red cloud in the sky that was getting hotter and hotter, and began to search for Qin Feng all over the world.


In a corner of the ancient battlefield,

Qin Feng slashed at Lao Liu, who was hiding and ready to attack passers-by at any time.

Looking at the knife light slashing towards his neck,

Lao Liu, who was hiding in the sand and casting an invisibility spell on himself, was stunned.

"Damn it! I didn't move at all! I didn't let out any breath! How did Qin Feng find me!"

The shocking thought just came to his mind.

The Wild Hunter's Blade in Qin Feng's hand fell on his neck.

With a clang!

The moment the blade touched Lao Liu's neck, the protection order card attached to Ye Nantian's spirit was immediately calculated. The terrible damage of Qin Feng's knife was activated directly!

A white light lit up from Lao Liu's body at this moment.

It offset the damage of Qin Feng's slash for him.

At the same time, a teleportation array appeared in the sky.

A beam of teleportation light fell directly on Lao Liu.

Lao Liu, who had an expression of disbelief on his face, was teleported out of the ancient battlefield.

"That’s six already!"

"In this kind of unlimited battle royale, the Dark Walker's Thorn is really useful!"

Qin Feng said in his heart.

Nine seconds ago, Qin Feng relied on the danger perception ability of the Dark Walker's Thorn to discover this old assassin who was hiding in the sand and was ready to attack him in three seconds.

"I don't know how many people Xue Er eliminated, will it be more than me?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if there are more than me. Although her Sky Flame Funeral is powerful, it makes too much noise. People with teleportation abilities will run away in advance and stay away from her before the sky fire falls."

"And once they get away from Cher, they'll run into me"

"Xue'er, Xue'er, you are in a hurry. You use your ultimate skill right at the beginning. Aren't you just giving me a head?"

Qin Feng thought so, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

But at this moment, the danger foresight given to him by the Dark Walker's Thorn���The force gave him a warning.

The danger comes from twelve seconds later. At that time

, a group of nine people will break out of the invisible state.

They will burst out with skills and attack him in an extremely orderly manner.

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