【Kill the level 10 Goblin patrol and gain +300 experience】

【Kill a level 11 Goblin soldier, experience +350】

【Obtain Goblin Bones】

Tips are flooding in like a swipe at the screen, and experience is also rising rapidly.

44 bronze-level skeleton warriors were killing monsters in the forest.

As his skills improved, Lin Moyu once again enjoyed the thrill of instant kills.

These bronze-level skeleton warriors kill level 10 and level 11 goblin monsters with one blow.

The efficiency has been improved again. Starting from level 10, the experience requirement for upgrading has been increased again, and has increased by nearly three times.

Upgrading is getting slower and slower.

Based on this calculation, Lin Moyu must kill at least 5,000 goblins to level up.

The skeleton warrior was tireless and killed all the way, but still fell short.

Until night fell, Lin Moyu was still 30% experience short of level 11.

Lin Moyu built a bonfire in the forest and ate the food he brought from home.

He has no intention of going back. Time is limited and cannot be wasted on the road.

"According to the current upgrade speed, I can almost reach level 13 tomorrow. It is not clear whether I can reach level 15 the day after tomorrow."

"After level 15, the upgrade speed will further decrease, and it will take a day to get back. This way I can reach level 16 at most."

"How was my sister upgrading at that time? My sister’s upgrade speed couldn’t be faster than mine."

"My sister is a rare professional elf summoner, and her leveling speed should be about the same as Xia Xue's."

"I must have overlooked something."

Lin Moyu was thinking in his memory, thinking about the knowledge he learned in school, combined with Lin Moyu's thoughts at that time.Judgment based on Han's action path.

Suddenly he realized something.

West Sea Mine Copy

"Could it be that my sister teamed up with someone to download the dungeon?"

"And it’s at least a nightmare-level copy"

"The nightmare-level dungeons are full of enhanced elite monsters, so they must have a lot of experience."

"So my sister was injured when she came back and was treated."

"Yes, that must be the case."

Lin Moyu clenched his fist, feeling that his guess should be correct.

"I'll go check it out tomorrow."

He made up his mind.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and all the monsters in a radius of 500 meters with him as the center had been cleared.

The skeleton warriors hid in the dark night, and he began to meditate.

There were 44 skeleton warriors protecting him, plus With the existence of passive skills, there is no need to worry about safety issues.

The forest is not completely quiet at night. Occasionally, there are distant wolf howls.

There are also some wind blowing and rustling leaves, which is a bit eerie.

Lin Moyu The temperature in the place where he was located was lower than other places. The presence of the skeleton warriors turned the night wind into a gloomy wind. In the middle of the night, a skeleton warrior suddenly issued a warning, and Lin Moyu woke up from his meditation.

The skeleton warrior discovered that someone was heading towards Come to where you are

"Are you a professional who comes to level up?"

"Not many people came to the forest to practice leveling in the middle of the night. Could it be that they got lost?"

Lin Moyu didn't move, but he was already on guard.

Outside, nothing should be taken lightly.

A fire is the best guiding light at night.

Soon the person appeared in Lin Moyu's sight.

"is her."

Lin Moyu saw her in the afternoon, the escaped man in black.

"Is there anything to eat?"

The voice of the man in black was very nice.

A pair of big eyes were very bright and clear in the firelight.

Lin Moyu took out a piece of sweet potato and handed it over.

The food he prepared was only sweet potatoes and some water.

The man in black didn't Disgusted, he took off the mask and ate big gulps. It looked like he was really hungry. Behind the mask was a very delicate and delicate face, which looked like he was only 18 or 9 years old, with an air of youth.

Lin Mo Tiao did not use the detection technique. Using detection technique on strangers is very impolite and may even arouse hostility.


Before he could say a single word, he started coughing violently.

She choked while eating sweet potatoes while talking to Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu took out a bottle of water and handed it over.

The man in black drank a few sips and then felt relieved.


She finally spoke clearly. Lin Moyu just nodded slightly and said you're welcome.

The man in black ate the sweet potatoes one bite at a time. Lin Moyu had no problem with anything, and the atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

She didn't eat quickly, Her movements were very elegant.

While eating, her beautiful eyes looked at Lin Moyu from time to time, with a glint in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After eating, she finally said,"What's your name?" Seeing that

Lin Moyu didn't answer, she continued,"Don't like to talk?" How about this? Let's use detection techniques on each other."

Lin Moyu thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

The fingertips of the two of them shimmered at the same time, and they used the detection technique towards each other.

Lin Moyu was stunned for a moment, the detection technique failed, and no information was obtained.

Black The man in clothes suddenly smiled coquettishly, as if his trick had succeeded,"Hehe, is there nothing?"

"It turns out your name is Lin Moyu, level 10, and your occupation isNecromancer? I've never heard of this profession. It's so strange."

"I saw a skeleton next to you this afternoon. Is that your summon? Undead summons are rare."

She suddenly started talking more, one sentence after another.

"Why don't you speak? Don't tell me you're mute, it doesn't look like it. Lin

Moyu looked at her and asked lightly,"Why?""

She seemed to have seen a new world, her little face was full of surprise,"It turns out you can really talk."

"Why? Lin Moyu looked at her and asked again.

Her smile remained the same,"Tell me why the detection technique failed. It's because of this."

She took out a prop that looked like a badge and said,"This is called a shielding badge. As long as you are wearing it, anyone whose level is not higher than 10 levels will be ineffective if they use detection techniques on you.""

She put away the shielding badge,"I'll try using detection on me now."

Lin Moyu nodded and threw out a detection technique.

It was successful this time.

【Ning Yiyi, level 19, shadow assassin. 】

A breeze blew, Ning Yiyi's smile disappeared instantly, and Lin Moyu also looked to one side.

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