The moonlight falls like snow on the earth.

The smell of blood in the air became even stronger.

In just a few minutes after Bai Shen finished speaking, all the candidates were ready to fight.

There are no auxiliary professions here, only main combat professions.

The candidates formed a battle formation.

The knights are in the front, followed by the mages and archers.

Knights followed their own beliefs.

If you want to kill a teammate, step over your own body.

"Tsk tsk tsk, very good"

"It's a pity that you are all going to die"

"One hour is enough to kill you all"

"It's a pity that I can't take your body back. The flesh and blood of young people are the most delicious."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The cold voice accompanied by the bloody moonlight made people shudder.

A hint of disgust flashed across Lin Moyu's expression.

This kind of sneaky guy is the most despised.

Xia Xue was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she turned towards Lin Moyu again She came closer.

It seemed that Lin Moyu could bring her some sense of security.

Not only Xia Xue, many people were frightened, and all of them looked unhappy.


Someone yelled.

A huge figure appeared in the moonlight.

The detection technique flew over immediately, blowing up a stream of breeze.

【Phyllin Orc Warrior (Abyssal Infestation)】

【Level: 19】

Someone suddenly shouted,"I remembered, the battle space has a level limit, the highest is level 19."

When he shouted, someone also remembered this matter

"That's right, why did I forget that the highest battle space is level 19, it can't be any higher."

"I was shocked just now. It is indeed only level 19."

"Then there is nothing to be afraid of, there are so many of us"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly shut up, unable to finish the next sentence.

After that huge figure, another figure appeared one after another. There were at least a hundred of them as far as the eye could see.

They are all level 19 monsters, all infected by the abyss.

Each monster is three meters tall and exudes a terrifying aura.

They walked collectively towards the candidates, and the ground was shaken by their footsteps.

Under the moonlight, the monster looked extremely ferocious.

The tail is covered with dense barbs.

After being infected by the power of the abyss, the appearance of the Felin orc warriors has been greatly changed.

Becoming more terrifying.

Strong pressure came overwhelmingly.

After all, the candidates are only eighteen years old and have never experienced a real battlefield.

When have I seen so many scary monsters?

Everyone was so frightened that their legs became weak.

I lost most of my courage just now.

Xia Xue also turned pale, and unconsciously grabbed Lin Moyu's clothes,"What should I do?"

Lin Moyu's eyes were solemn,"Looking at the size, it's not an ordinary monster."

"At least it's an enhanced elite monster"

"It's troublesome, but manageable."

It was rare for him to say so many words, as if he wanted to make Xia Xue feel at ease.

But his words did not make Xia Xue feel at ease at all, and instead made her even more frightened.

"They are all enhanced elite monsters. Aren't they the same as the monsters in nightmare-level dungeons?"

Suddenly, a faint arc appeared from the corner of Lin Moyu's mouth.

"Being infected by the power of the abyss and mutating, will there be any experience?"

Lin Moyu thought of a possibility.

If it was as he thought, would these monsters allow him to advance to the next level?

The huge monster was approaching, not running, but approaching little by little.

It's like he's trying to trick everyone, and he's not in a hurry to kill them all.

The cold voice from the abyss demon appears again

"Are you scared?"

"Are you afraid?"

"These monsters have been strengthened by my power. Each one is equivalent to an enhanced elite monster."

"The quantity is not large, just 100."

"Shirakami said that if you unite together, you can defeat"

"Now look, is it really possible?"

"Hey, there are more than 100 of you, just one for each of you."

"Should we fight alone or in groups?"

"Do you want to have a martial arts competition like your competition?"

"Is it better than a hundred games? The winner lives and the loser dies."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The demonic voice once again hit everyone's ventilation.

The monster was approaching, but these candidates were retreating.

The team was suddenly pulled out of two levels.

Wang Zihao's face was pale at this time, and his legs were trembling. Back away.

The holy swordsman Feng Xiu held the sword. Although his face looked ugly, he did not take a step back.

The same was true for Zuo Mei, who was holding the dagger and was ready to fight to the death.

There were many others like Feng Xiu Zuo Mei. The candidates were in a fighting posture.

Lin Moyu glanced at them, and he moved.



The skeleton warrior rushed to the front, and Lin Moyu followed.

Xia Xue looked anxious,"What do you do? Well, come back soon"

"What are you going to do!"

"It's like this every time, nothing is said."

Xia Xue stamped her feet and followed.

At this time, Lin Moyu suddenly shouted in a low voice,"Go back."

Xia Xue paused,"I don't want it."

"what ever."

Lin Moyu didn't say anything else. Just follow if you want. It won't affect anything anyway.

Lin Moyu's sudden movement attracted the attention of many people.

"What is this man going to do?"

"He actually rushed up"

"There are so many skeletons, are these his summons?"

"Is this person a summoner?"

"Does anyone know him?"

A series of detection techniques fell on Lin Moyu.

【Lin Moyu, level 16, necromancer】

"Necromancer, what kind of profession is that? I’ve never heard of it."

"I don’t know, I’ve never heard of this profession"

"Could it be some new profession?"

"What should we do? Should we go together?"

Only a dozen people rushed over with Lin Moyu.

Feng Xiu and Zuo Mei were among them.

Holding the will to die.

Even if you have to die in battle, you must die like a warrior.

People of Shenxia are not afraid of fighting or death!

The abyss demon sneered,", someone finally came to die!"

"You are very courageous, you deserve praise!"

"You have great courage, I really don't want to kill you, why don't you come to the abyss and become the slave of this devil."

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