However, even though several shadowy men were swept away, Bai Yi's determination could not be stopped. "Kill if you can." "Retreat if you can't!" As Bai Yi waved his hand, all the shadowy men swarmed over! In an instant, Bai Gui Zhengyi used his ability again, and a new layer of Crazy Bone Armor was added to his body. The next moment, 'Crazy Bone.' A silent cry appeared, and a tall skeleton shadow several meters tall appeared, appearing above many shadowy men. Next, the ghost shadow named Crazy Bone disappeared. Instead, each shadow subordinate was equipped with a mad bone armor!

This ability can actually be used by a group!

Looking at the back of Baigui Zhengyi, Bai Yi couldn't help but nod secretly. As expected of an SSS-level shadow, this auxiliary ability is beyond words.

The next moment.

The half-dragon directly occupied the sky and began to spray black dragon flames towards the head of the 'Lord of Extreme Decline'.

The head of the Lord of Extreme Decline is composed of several huge purple decay cores, which look dense and terrifying.

But this black dragon flame doesn't care about these, and it just sprays it all over.


The Lord of Extreme Decline did not launch an attack, but instead stretched out two huge white bone arms and gently stroked the many decay cores on his head.

It was as if these attacks were not painful at all for him.

'Swish! ’

A sharp tentacle under the Lord of Extreme Decline swung at such a fast speed.

In just a blink of an eye, the half dragon was knocked down from the air.

‘Boom! ! ’

The half dragon fell heavily to the ground, and the mad bone armor on his body was slightly broken, but not completely broken.

This shows that.

This Lord of Extreme Decline is not invincible!

“Kill it.”

A cold light flashed in Bai Yi’s eyes, and he immediately gave a powerful order.


The many shadow subordinates used whatever skills they had.

As many shadow subordinates as the natal shadow had, they were released from the Black Shadow Kingdom.


Even the elite ‘Shadow Iron Armored Bear’ that Bai Yi almost forgot was released all at once.

Although it has the buff of the Shadow Kingdom to increase its level and strength, this Shadow Armored Bear is only level 29, which can barely be considered a slightly inferior combat force.


There are many shadows like this.

For a moment.

In the entire cave, the Lord of Extreme Decline seemed so isolated and alone.

And around him.

There were thousands of shadow subordinates, attacking him together.

After glancing around and confirming that the Lord of Extreme Decline would not suddenly drill out of the ground to attack him, Bai Yi let his natal shadow participate in the battle.

After all, the immortal characteristics of the natal shadow can kill it even if it is worn down!


A breath spread out again, which seemed to contain the disdain of the Lord of Extreme Decline.

Feeling this breath, the surrounding shadow subordinates' attack movements stagnated.

But it was only a stagnation.


Attacks like a hail of bullets were launched on the Lord of Extreme Decline.

Even though the Lord of Extreme Decline had countless flesh tentacles under his body, he still couldn't attack them all.

This is quantity versus quality.

For a moment, it was not possible to clean it up at all!

Even though the strength of each shadow subordinate was too different from that of the Lord of Extreme Decline, each attack could only leave a little damage, but... as long as there was damage, it was enough!

As long as it could lose blood.

Spend some time, spend some shadow subordinates, and even God can be worn down!

Adhering to this concept, Bai Yi watched the battle from a distance, and from time to time controlled the shadow subordinates to change the battle strategy.

The situation seemed to have no chance of winning.

Under Bai Yi's command, there was actually a slight advantage!



The Lord of Extreme Decline seemed to come to his senses and finally had some fighting spirit. He was seen...slowly floating in the air!


The two huge white bone arms clenched and began to become thicker and bigger!

'Buzz! '

The eyes composed of many decay cores suddenly looked towards Bai Yi.

Bai Yi also noticed it.

For a moment, the two eyes met, and both noticed

the opponent, and raised his vigilance to the maximum.

"Is this guy still going to attack me?"

Bai Yi frowned slightly, as if he had not expected that the Lord of Extreme Decline seemed to have determined to kill him, and now he actually took himself as the main target.

'Swish! ! '

The Lord of Extreme Decline floated in the air, and the many sharp tentacles below were like a bloody skirt, dancing in the wind.

The next moment!

The Lord of Extreme Decline raised two white bone arms and floated towards Bai Yi!

The speed was so fast that it was like flying!

When diving, it was difficult for many shadow declines to stop it!

'Swish! ! ! '

The air was blown up into turbulence, and the Lord of Extreme Decline, which was visible to the naked eye, was full of oppression, and dived towards Bai Yi in an instant!

However, at this moment, Bai Yi was not panicked at all: "Heh..."

There was even time to laugh at the arrogant Lord of Extreme Decline!

'Buzz! ! !'

The Lord of Extreme Decline swooped down, and his huge arms formed a sharp contrast with the tiny Bai Yi.

But even so, Bai Yi did not show a trace of panic on his face.

Just before the attack arrived.

Bai Yi, disappeared!

Replaced by a small shadow decline.

'Boom! ! !'

The shadow decline was instantly smashed and dissipated, turning into a prompt from the professional system:

[Your shadow subordinate [Shadow Decline (weak)], has died]

"???" The Lord of Extreme Decline stopped in mid-air for a moment, and did not react for a while.

Although it did attack.

But it seems...

Completely different from what expected?

"Hey! Look here." Bai Yi's frivolous voice came.

The center of the Lord of Extreme Decline's entire body, his consciousness turned around, the back became the front, the front became the back, and it was completed in just a thought.

The moment Bai Yi was seen, the huge shadow under him could also be seen.

And that shadow,

It was the super-large special shadow decline that had completed several times of the same origin!

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