It was night.

The wind wheel aircraft never stopped, but time waits for no one.

When Bai Yi arrived at the beach.

The sky was covered with a layer of night color early, which hindered people's vision.

But these were not a big deal for Bai Yi.

The beach he came to was above a cliff, and there were only ten steps of shallow stone land below where you could stand.

The surrounding situation was sparsely populated, not to mention that there were few people, even if you gave others money, it was estimated that few people would come.

Of course.

If you can erect a stone tablet horizontally, write a few historical stories, and promote it as a tourist attraction, it may be completely different.

When Bai Yi arrived at the sky above the beach.

He changed the wind turbine aircraft's autopilot to manual, slowly reduced the speed, and hovered steadily over the sea.

As usual.

Bai Yi opened the aircraft's door, walked out, and then folded the wind turbine aircraft.


Bai Yi slowly landed on the stone ground under the cliff, without any extra movements, and directly mobilized the [Water Cube] from the storage backpack.


A splashing sound of a heavy object falling into the water sounded.

The palm-sized prop [Water Cube] was indeed quite heavy, at least much heavier than it looked.

Bai Yi did not understand the knowledge of creating props, so he only thought that this prop had a higher density.

This prop.

After being touched by Bai Yi, it was already in a state of random control.

This prop had no other function, and its only function was to store water in its internal space.


Bai Yi's mind moved, and the [Water Cube] that had been buried under the sea level in front of him began to operate.

In an instant.

The sea surface shook violently, and a large ripple appeared immediately.

[Props: Water Cube]

[Quality: Purple +]

[Capacity: 0.8 tons\9450 tons]

It turned out.

Below this sea level, this [Water Cube] instantly draws seawater from the surrounding space, rather than only collecting from a single direction.

The seawater below was instantly missing.

And every second of absorption was faster than the speed of the previous second.

'Hua La La~! '

Just like the sea water hitting the beach, this calm sea level has already presented such a posture.

[Props: Water Cube]

[Quality: Purple +]

[Capacity: 390 tons\9450 tons]


As the [Water Cube] speeded up its absorption, a small vortex appeared above Bai Yi not far away.

Just like the flushing of an ordinary toilet, it was clockwise and constantly converged towards the bottom.

Seeing the vortex getting more and more intense, Bai Yi did not pay too much attention.

Instead, a thought flashed through his mind.

The vortices in the northern hemisphere are all clockwise, while the vortices in the southern hemisphere seem to be the opposite?

Raising his eyebrows, Bai Yi thought it was a little interesting.

Time passed slowly, and Bai Yi came back to his senses from his infinite reverie.

Looking at the vortex on the sea that had become the size of a small boat, he glanced at the current situation of the [Water Cube].

Data presentation:

[Props: Water Cube]

[Quality: Purple+]

[Capacity: 3429 tons\9450 tons]

In just a hundred seconds, more than 3,000 tons of seawater were absorbed. This speed is not slow.

After about one or two minutes, the [Water Cube] has reached its capacity limit:

[Props: Water Cube]

[Capacity: 9450 tons\9450 tons]

Seeing that the collection was completed, Bai Yi immediately used his professional skill - [Power of the Ruler] to fish out the [Water Cube] from the bottom of the sea.

The [Power of the Ruler] upgraded to the fourth level is easier and faster to use.

If the third level is like a patient waving his arms, then the fourth level is like a strong man swinging his arms quickly.

The difference in the actions is the same, but the latter is undoubtedly easier.

Then you can see.

The [Water Cube] was fished out from under the sea and slowly floated towards Bai Yi.

There was not a single trace of water on it.

I think it is because of the effect of the [Water Cube] itself. Even if there is water, it will probably enter the storage space.

It took about 3 minutes to fill up the entire storage space of the [Water Cube] props.

Although it sounds like a long time


But you have to know that the amount of storage is close to 10,000 tons.

Bai Yi took the [Water Cube] in his hand. Although the surrounding light was dim because of the darkness, his vision was obstructed.

But with Bai Yi's current extraordinary body, his night vision ability has also been greatly improved.

It is not difficult to see things clearly in the dark.

Of course.

If the sky is completely dark, there is no light source at all, and the [Water Cube] prop itself is a dark prop, then even Bai Yi will find it difficult to see clearly.

At this time.

The [Water Cube] was suspended in front of Bai Yi's eyes by his ability.

It can be seen that in the prop, through a layer of translucent hourglass-shaped barrier, outside the two-dimensional figure inside, there are layers of floating vast sea water.

Although it looks like a few fingers in size.

But Bai Yi knows.

That represents a large amount of water, nearly 10,000 tons of sea water.

Having seen the speed of this item's absorption, but not its release speed, Bai Yi immediately began to experiment.


Bai Yi's mind moved, and the [Water Cube] immediately released a large amount of seawater according to his idea.

'Splash! '

'Splash! ! '

This speed.

It was just like the opening of the lifting, the release of the torrent, which was out of control.

The blowout momentum even had the tendency to release more and more as the opening time went on.

In just a few seconds.

It might fill up a small swimming pool.

"That's it." Bai Yi waved his hand and immediately stopped the [Water Cube] from releasing seawater.

The [Water Cube] absorbed very quickly, at least 40 or 50 tons per second.

And the speed of releasing water was not to be underestimated, and it would obviously be faster and not even a little slower.

After seeing this effect, Bai Yi was very satisfied.

In his heart, he could not help but have a little more appreciation for the prop creator named ‘Qi Yutang’.

If there is a chance.

Bai Yi might go to him for the next few props.


In the studio far away, Qi Yutang, who was closing the window, turning on the projector to play a movie, eating snacks and watching the movie immersively, felt a little tired.


“Why do I feel like I have to work again?”

“Forget it, let’s continue to rest.”

Qi Yutang stuffed a braised duck wing and continued to watch the movie, putting his premonition behind him.

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