The incident happened in Farasis, a country with a large population.

Just based on this point, it is not easy to launch a peace bomb.


In addition to this, there is another big reason.

That is:

The entire Farasis network has been completely blocked, and the entire country has fallen into a state of no network access.

After all.

The enemy is an intelligent machine! Don't let the other party have any chance to access the network!

Once it parasitizes on the global network, it will become a needle in a haystack, and there will be no trace at all.

Even the other party who has mastered the global network can easily come back again and again, until humans are worn out and have no patience at all.

But fortunately.

As a technological power, when the source of the omnic crisis broke out of the vortex of the copy, Falanxi decisively blocked the national network, not allowing the other party to take advantage of even the slightest opportunity. Otherwise, the crisis of Falanxi would have turned from a crisis of one country to a global crisis of the entire Blue Star. It was precisely because of Falanxi's awareness that the world did not hesitate to send reinforcements, and more or less sent a lot of people to suppress it. That's it! The entire omnic crisis sounds very scary, but it has been suppressed to a terrifying scale like the flu! "So, this time we go there, just to suppress the source of the omnic crisis?" Zhi Qiufeng was stunned for a moment, and asked with a trembling mouth. He originally thought that this time it would be a good fight. But now it seems that it's just that the group of combat ceilings on the front line are tired, so they sent their first echelon to take over? "It is."

"Completely cut off the complicated energy lines of the source of the intelligent machine crisis."

"Then destroy the building it is possessed by."

"Everything is over." Ye Yufan said lightly.

"Ah this..." Zhi Qiufeng instantly became depressed.

At this moment, Yun Binglu suddenly asked: "Why? Do you like disasters so much?"

Hearing this, Zhi Qiufeng immediately said quickly like a robot that triggered a keyword:

"First of all, I only represent myself and have no intention of offending humans."

"Secondly, I am not gloating, I don't hope for any disaster to humans, and I don't have any slander against any individual."

"If there is any offense, it is purely a misunderstanding."

Raising three fingers, Zhi Qiufeng skillfully made this declaration.

You can imagine.

How many times has he said this.

"..." Huo Zuo was silent for a moment, without saying anything.

"Here we are." At this time, Ye Yufan slowly said.


Wide Silence S2 slowly slowed down until it completely stopped on the top floor of a tall building.

From this height, you can see a scene in the distance.


Montparnasse Tower, 209 meters high, was once the tallest modern building in Farnese.

It is second only to the Eiffel Tower.

But now, it is tightly entangled by several steel-colored veins, which looks quite airtight.

Outside the Intelligent Vein Building.

A large sword like a door panel is suspended in the air.

On it, an old man with white eyebrows and hair stands as steady as a pine tree, with one hand behind his back and the other hand.

Holding a slender cold sword in one hand.

The next moment.

The old man used 70% of his strength and swung the sword out of thin air.

‘Swish! ! ’

An invisible sword energy flew out instantly, directly slashing the Montparnasse building covered by the intelligent machine veins.


One after another, shields made of clear crystals appeared in the form of energy fields, reducing the sword energy by more than 80%.

But this sword energy, which still had some power, still slashed across the intelligent machine building.

A deep horizontal gap appeared.

But within a few breaths, the severed intelligent machine veins slowly moved and reattached themselves.

“Hmph, as hard to kill as cockroaches.”

The white-haired old man snorted coldly, looking at the intelligent machine building very unhappy.

Just then.

A loud shout came from a tall building in the distance: “Lao Wu! Lao Wu! This way, this way!”

The white-haired old man, who was called Lao Wu, slowly turned around, and the giant sword under him carried him slowly towards that direction.

“What are these young people?” Lao Wu smiled and touched his beard.

"Finally I'm here. I need to rest for two days. Phoenix Dancong has

I haven't had a drink for a while..."

Lao Wu waved his hand, without much nonsense, and flew away on his sword.

Ye Yufan and other committee members went down the stairs and glanced around.

The nine governors of Falanxi were also here. These nine people with the same strength and position as the Dragon Kingdom Hanxia committee members were also worried during this period.

Looking at their helpless expressions, I think they have not had a good time in the past two days.

I looked at the hundreds of people on the surface again.

Germany, Switzerland, Tulip Kingdom, Spanish Bandeli People from many countries are here.

But think about it.

The neighbors' houses are on fire. If you don't come to put out the fire quickly, what if your house is burned down in a while?

I don't know who among this group of people has used an inexplicable skill.

So that during this period of time.

In the territory of Falanxi, no matter who you are or what language you speak, anyone can directly understand what you want to express, which is equivalent to advanced simultaneous interpretation.

"Everyone, the energy pipeline within 800 meters underground has been cut off."

"Take me as a representative and block the mechanical regeneration! Thank you all!"

A governor of Falanxi shouted.

"Brothers who are attacking, don't stop. The energy of this intelligent building is limited!"


"There are still some energy pipelines in the deeper underground. Those who have the skills to open up the ground, please look over here!"

Although there are many people here, it seems to be in order.

It seems that at this moment.

No matter which country people are from, no matter what skin color, they can live in peace.

"Go over to help? "Huo Zuo asked.

"Of course!" Zhi Qiufeng shouted without looking back, and then ran down from the tall building.

The rest of Ye Yufan and Yun Binglu followed closely.

With the assistance of the first echelon of each country, the crisis of the entire Falanxi is slowly being resolved.

It seems that if the "matrix building" representing the crisis of intelligent machines is removed, everything will be solved.

But just when the first echelons of many countries were busy.

The face of a governor of Falanxi suddenly changed, as ugly as it could be.

"Ermen fBaudouin, what's wrong with you, why do you look so ugly?" A German with a small black beard asked.

"Feint! This guy was feinting before!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"The previous waves of mechanical armies were easily destroyed, all planned by the matrix!"

"That was to launch a second attack under the cover of the public! ”

“This Omnic Crisis…”

“It’s not about to end, but…it’s just beginning!”

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