The gun was fired, and the gun was fired.

‘Boom! ’


A strong smoke burst out and spread across the sky, and a buzzing sound burst out from the air.

Just from the performance ability.

It was completely different from the previous instantaneous blue lasers. Not only was there a violent sound, but there was even a cloud of smoke and dust from the invisible.

At this moment.

Tianji's external display was interfered, but this did not hinder its conscious judgment.

Even from the perspective of ordinary people, this attack was a hit, right? In any case, it was a hit, right? This large piece of smoke and dust directly explained the matter.

Not to mention.

According to the analysis of Tianxie, a silicon-based life form, this attack may have been a real hit and caused considerable damage.

"It seems... I overestimated the opponent?"

If Tianxie had a face at this time, he would probably show a smug expression.

It initially expected that Bai Yi was an absolute strong man.

But now think about it carefully.

After its detector detection and its consciousness system analysis, it came to the conclusion:

-The carbon-based human in front of it, in addition to having extraordinary characteristics, is still far inferior to it now!

It can be said that.

Attacking and defending aliens!

Originally, from the moment of being on guard, after catching the opponent's tiny flaw, it suddenly launched a long-accumulated attack, and instantly became the attacking and dominant party!

Even, this attack can hit!

It was all unexpected by Tianxie!

Although it was quite confident in its own attack in combat form, it did not think that this attack could hit.

At best, it was just to make the opponent reveal a flaw, and then analyze it.

But now.

This attack actually... hit directly? !

This harvest also made Tianxie have a fluctuation in consciousness, and even began to despise Bai Yi for the first time.


The fact is not what it thought.

Not long after, according to the principle of smoke without injury, two unexpected things happened to Tianxie again.

The first one hit, but did not cause much damage!

The second one...

The opponent hit by this powerful attack seemed not to be the carbon-based human just now!

In this quiet.

The smoke and dust quickly dissipated.

In this mid-air, a figure slowly appeared.


It was not Bai Yi!

Instead, there was a shadow that was exactly the same as Bai Yi, but was made of black shadows:

——The natal shadow!

"What? How is it possible?!" Tianxie's consciousness was a little confused.

'Forced to calm down. '

'Forced to calm down. '

'Forced to calm down. '

The secondary system began to operate, and as an auxiliary in Tianxie's consciousness system, it began to force itself to calm down.

Everything in front of it seemed that it had never expected and could not understand it for a while.

But the greatest advantage of silicon-based life is that it can face everything calmly!

Face it calmly, analyze the flaws, analyze it, and fight again!


On the ground.

Bai Yi was doing two things at the same time.

Holding the token given by Huo Zuo in his left hand, he listened to the sound of the token while using [Power of the Ruler] to lift his own shadow in the air.

Bai Yi was not familiar with the sound of the token just now.

It can even be said that he had never heard that voice at all.

It was neither the slightly cold voice of Commissioner Ye, nor the slightly rough voice of Commissioner Huo.

What was the last sentence I heard?

‘This is Zhi’?

The unclear half sentence didn’t let Bai Yi know what information was. Perhaps the committee member was interrupted when he was introducing himself.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yi picked up the token. He didn’t give up and tried to connect the communication again.

“Hello?” Bai Yi called out when he heard the token lose its voice.

But all he got was silence.

It seems that it was the laser attack of the heavenly machine just now, or the influence of [Shadow Swap], that caused the communication of the token to be interrupted.


Bai Yi lightly clicked his tongue and looked up at the sky, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

He was already very unhappy just by looking at it.

The heavenly machine in the sky, which should have been calm, actually attacked him when he took out the token to speak?

Can this be tolerated?

I won’t say much else. This token that was finally connected to the communication, now

The connection was also inexplicably interrupted, which directly made Bai Yi extremely unhappy.

Can you bear it? You can't bear it at all!

The next moment, as Bai Yi stretched out his hand, the body of the natal shadow instantly "expanded".


The Tianxie in the air felt a great threat, which made it alarm loudly.

This sentence may be just a metaphor for others, but it has become a fact for Tianxie, a silicon-based life form.

'Warning! '

'Warning! '

'Detected individuals with a third-level threat level, and issued an early warning! '

In the long-established secondary program, Tianxie immediately received this prompt.

Then carefully use the detectors all over the body to observe.

It is not difficult to see.

The blocks that continue to extend around the natal shadow are actually small parts of different individuals!


It is simply terrifying!

What kind of concept is this? While you are fighting your enemy, another bunch of them appear from his body? !

Just as Tianxie's detectors were constantly scanning, and he was considering whether to charge up another laser cannon...

In an instant.

Those shadow subordinates, using their natal shadows as the exit of the black shadow kingdom, descended into the air here!

Same as the natal shadow! All of them are special existences constructed by black shadows!

But according to Tianxie's analysis.

These existences have different strengths. Except for one or two extremely powerful ones, the rest are not even as good as the natal shadows encountered at the beginning.

At this time.

These newly appeared shadow subordinates suddenly floated in the air for a while, forming an opposing trend with Tianxie.

Some shadow subordinates themselves do not have the ability to fly, so they are lifted in the air by Bai Yi using [Power of the Dominator].

But this situation did not last long.

The next moment.

Just then, Baigui Zhengyi, who had just emerged from the Shadow Kingdom, made hand seals with both hands and directly used his skill - [Borrowing Hundred Ghosts].

In this instant.

Several shadows appeared in the air, directly covering Tianxi's slightly huge body.


Compared with the shadow minions such as Jidao Decline and Shadow Giant, Tianxi is at best just a small Karami.


At this time, Tianxi seemed to have returned to the beginning when he was weak, pitiful and helpless.

What did it see? !

What kind of monsters are those in front of him? !

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