The big shadows were so big that they looked like the boss in the doomsday movie. They looked easy to mess with.

That's just a small salary a month.

What's the point of playing with your life?

In an instant.

Boom--! !

Boom--! !

The huge shadow group took a step forward in an instant, chasing at a speed not lower than the mechanical body in front, and instantly passed the first layer of border guards in Falanxi.

It's not that this layer of guards didn't want to stop them, but they were powerless.

Although Falanxi is a powerful country, it has not managed foreign invasions well, resulting in the overflow of the cabinet in the region, and only 40% of Falanxi is local.

Once they encounter this kind of big trouble of the intelligent machine crisis, those cabinets will definitely run away.

Now the military strength of Falanxi is really not much.

Let alone the 40% of the strength before, it is a bold decision of the top leaders to put 1% of it on the border for warning.


Dozens of people watched the two directions running away, but they could do nothing.

But it is still possible to report to the upper level. The call was directly connected, and the voice of the upper level came, and a soldier directly explained the current situation.

And this situation was also directly known to the combat units going to Falanxi for reinforcement through the upper level.


The direction of everything changed.

All the people in the mechanical factories in various locations in Falanxi were destroying, and the goal became to pursue the intelligent machines that had passed the first border.

Based on that description, there is a 99% certainty that it is the intelligent machine boss.

No matter who is the boss between the robot and the black shadow group, one of them is definitely the boss!


The location of an intelligent robot factory.

Zhiqiufeng's speed was like a flash of lightning, and he destroyed most of the robots in the factory in an instant.

A++ level skill—speed!

After destroying all the intelligent robots, Zhiqiufeng breathed a sigh of relief, took out a chocolate bar and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

While eating, he raised his watch and sent a message to his teammates.

[“Hey, Xiao Huozi, how many have you killed? Have you killed as many as I have?”]

[“I tell you, I must be the MVP!”]

[“Sister Yun, have you eaten? After the fight, go to Xiao Parisi's place for dinner, and call Brother Ye, that Odyssey. By the way, I don’t know if it was saved. Forget it, let’s go back home to eat.”]

In one breath.

Zhiqiufeng sent a 60-second voice message to all his teammates, and among all the teammates, only Huo Zuo replied.

[Huo Zuo: “Okay, okay.”]

Replied in seconds.

Zhi Qiufeng was 100% sure that this guy definitely didn't listen to the voice message he sent, but it was okay, better than reading it but not replying.


Ye Yufan sent a message, Zhi Qiufeng was stunned, and immediately opened the message bar to see the message from this guy.

But when he opened it, he was stunned, and then his face changed drastically, and the whole person became more serious.


He turned on his watch, confirmed the direction, and immediately finished eating the chocolate bar, posing in a professional skating posture in one direction.


Swish--! !

A bright yellow current created by ions appeared, and Zhi Qiufeng disappeared instantly.

Indistinctly, the residual sound of "faster" and "faster" could still be heard.



Bai Yi chased the complete body of Tian Ji in front, and launched some attacks from time to time to try to slow down its speed.

But it didn't have any substantial effect.

I have to say.

Tian Xi is not very good at fighting, but he is very good at escaping and protecting himself...


Bai Yi, who was in pursuit, vaguely saw a bright yellow lightning appear beside him, and its shape was particularly eye-catching.

Bai Yi stared at it, concentrating?

What the hell...

The Flash—Barry Allen? !

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