After the first person to enter, the first person to enter the room was a big mess.

197 Three Teppanyaki

After that.

One person entered first, and then a space fluctuation disappeared.


The other two glanced at each other, and there was tacit understanding between their eyes, nothing else.

As the other two people also stepped in together, the space fluctuated again,

The next moment.

These three envoys who were going to visit China not long ago actually entered a copy of a not-so-famous small country.

And now.

Several people have entered the copy and successfully locked themselves in this stuffy jar,

In the copy.

Looking at the empty copy, only the warm temperature of the mantle is spreading.

The three of them were all a little confused when they saw this.

If they said they were not dumbfounded, it would be fake.

"What's going on? Didn't they say that the boy entered this dungeon?"

"I didn't see anyone."

As they said that, the two of them all cast their eyes on the gunsmith-Ryan Remizzi.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"My skills will never go wrong."

"This is my unique scent-seeking hound, it is 200% accurate in finding people!"

Looking at Ryan Remizzi's explanation, the other two were also half-believing and half-doubting.

It's not that they don't believe him.

It's really that this dungeon is simply desolate, as if there is nothing at all!

"In that case..."

"Maybe the boy has some secret means."

"Let's look for this dungeon first."

In short, we still have to search it first, after all, the three of them are helpless here.

Not everyone can get out of the dungeon at will.

Not everyone.

All of them have the ability to endure the heat.

After dozens of minutes.

Galahad's face was covered with sweat, and every step he took had beads of sweat falling to the ground.

Although their physiques are different from ordinary people.

Even if they jump from a building hundreds of meters high, they will not be hurt at all.


This copy is too hot!

Strength and heat resistance are not linked.

On the contrary.

The stronger the professional, the more obvious their perception of the surrounding environment.

In other words.

The stronger the strength, the hotter it will feel!

Just like the same pepper, the spiciness felt in the mouths of the elderly and children is different.

Children will definitely feel twice as spicy.


Children's taste buds have just been born not long ago, so they are particularly sensitive, and this feature makes them feel more spicy.

It is precisely because of this.

The more the three walked, the more they felt sweaty, and their whole bodies were almost soaked.


There was nothing around, and the few people became more and more panicked.

"What's going on?"

"We walked for so long, and we didn't see a single monster?!"

"Strange... Strange..." Johnny Tepi touched his face and slapped a slap of water directly.

The slap of sweat flew out and almost splashed on Ryan Remiz's pants.

"Fuck! What's going on."

"Aren't you a Heiren? Why are you sweating so much." Ryan Remiz's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help asking.

"Heiren provoked you."

"I'm not from Feihei, I grew up by the sea! Do you understand?!"

"Oh my God, it's so hot..." Johnny Tepi put his hands on his hips and kept panting.


Even so, the air inhaled into the body is still hot, and there is no coolness at all.

You know.

There is a way to grill meat that does not require a high temperature.

Just put the charcoal fire that is still warm and the meat to be grilled together, as long as a certain temperature is maintained.

Then in the end.

This piece of meat will definitely be grilled.

And now.

Although Ryan Remiz, Johnny Tepi, and Galahad are very strong, they will not be hurt by the flames of hundreds of degrees.


In this hot temperature, several people are really unbearable.

It hurts.

But the heat is really hot!

"I... I can't stand it..." Johnny Tepi almost fell to the ground.

His mind was not clear.


B+ level skill-strait element summoning.

A simple skill was used to solve Johnny Tepi's urgent need.


The next moment, no

Countless creatures made of seawater appeared out of thin air and surrounded Johnny Tepi.

There were seagulls made of blue seawater.

There were also walruses and small unicorn whales.

In the past.

These summons were used to assist Johnny Tepi in fighting, but now...

Johnny Tepi took out a machete and killed these summons directly.

The seawater was scattered all over the ground.

Johnny Tepi pounced on it fiercely, and felt cool for a moment.

But unfortunately.

After these seawater came into contact with the hot mantle, they evaporated and turned into water vapor.

The rest of the water seeped into the ground, which was much faster than ordinary soil absorbed.

In this way.

Although Johnny Tepi felt cool for a moment.

However, as the steam rose up...


"Hiss! What's going on?!"

Ryan Remiz and Galahad covered their bodies and ran away in a few steps.

Under normal temperature and pressure, water is only 100 degrees.


If it turns into steam, the temperature will rise sharply, and it is not impossible to cause damage to ordinary people.

But these injuries will obviously not be effective on a few people, but it will bring a deeper burning sensation.

In a moment.

The three of them ran away in unison, trying to escape from this copy.

But this copy of the small world is exceptionally large.

No matter what method is used to escape, it will not reach the end.

As long as there is no special way to escape, everyone will have to stay here for at least 8 hours.


These 8 hours are not fixed. If the level of the copy is higher, it may be longer.

The principles and rules of this have not yet been analyzed.

It's like people know how mouth ulcers are produced, but they haven't created a specific medicine.

All the medicines that produce mouth ulcers only relieve pain.

So far.

Everyone knows that there will be a retention time in the dungeon.

But why this retention time is produced, and why it becomes longer or shorter, are all unknown.


Until now, the three guys are still running wildly in the dungeon.

Little do they know.

The more they run, the hotter they will get.

Four hours later.

The three have become a red man, even Johnny Tepi is black and red.

All hot!

"Damn, how long do we have to wait!" Johnny Tepi was so hot that he had no strength, but he still shouted angrily.

Not long after.

The three had given up struggling, found a piece of ground that was slightly less boiling, and lay down directly on it.

Just like three pieces of teppanyaki.

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