The first time, the last time.

224 Explore the dungeon boundary! The home of Shadow Water

What I touched was not the touch of reefs, but the feeling of flesh and blood!

What is in front of me.

It has never been a black reef, but a genuine confused sea monster.

This group of brainless monsters.

Actually used their skills to the fullest, and had great confidence in it.

And this blind confidence.

Also caused them not to dodge or evade, and naively thought that the Shadow Naga King would not hurt them.

Actually thought.

Those illusions could successfully block the Shadow Naga King, so that it would not cause harm to itself and could not find them.


Never thought that once wrong, it would go wrong to the end.

At this moment.

After seeing that their joint skills were ineffective, this group of confused sea monsters began to scatter instantly.

This scattering.

It made it easier for the Shadow Naga King to attack.

He had an advantage to begin with.

The opponent's chaos made it easier to use his attack methods.

In a short while.

The Shadow Naga King completely moved around the seabed, constantly killing this group of confused sea monsters.

[Copy: [Island of Hardship]]

[Level: LV.42-LV.50]

[Degree of Danger: Very Low]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Confusing Siren], experience +6W980]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Confusing Siren], experience +6W980]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Confusing Siren], experience +6W980]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Confusing Siren], experience +6W980]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Confusing Siren], experience +6W980]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Confusing Siren], experience +6W980]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Confusing Siren], experience +...]


As a large number of confusing sirens were killed, this illusion became overwhelmed.

Without the support of those confusing sirens.

This illusion became as thin as paper and collapsed without attack.


The group of confused sea monsters began to run around, perhaps they were not good at attacking.

In this [Island of Distress] copy in the Iberian Strait.

Their survival instinct.

Perhaps they just used the illusion to make the prey have no means of resistance, and finally they were killed in a weak posture.

If they encounter some powerful monsters.

They can also use the illusion to escape, and they don’t have to participate in the battle at all.


In the long-term survival, the means of fighting was gradually eliminated by them.

This also made.

This group of confused sea monsters had a level and strength, but they did not resist at all.

If they raised their fangs and claws, they might be able to delay some time.

But it’s like this now.

Just knowing to run around blindly can only speed up the slaughter of the Shadow Naga King and speed up Bai Yi’s experience acquisition.

In the end.

The ending is obvious, none of these confused sea monsters escaped.

All of them were brutally killed here by the Shadow Naga King!


The Shadow Naga King made a move, and a Shadow Naga came forward and carried away the bodies.


The Shadow Naga King rushed to the distance, constantly exploring the surrounding sea.

And at the extreme edge of this sea.

An invisible barrier stood here, not like some skills, but completely like a space confinement.


Like the barrier of the world, there is no way to cross it.


This is the boundary of the [Island of Misery] instance in the Iberian Strait.

In this world.

Some instances have small worlds inside, and the space inside is very large, so large that it cannot be explored in a day.

And some.

But it is very small.

It is so small that it will take a short time to reach the edge and come to this space barrier.

Now the Shadow Naga King has come here.

He stretched out his big webbed hand and stroked the barrier at the edge.

That is an invisible barrier.

It is like an extremely smooth glass placed there, which can be touched but can never be crossed.


That invisible glass always exists and there is no way to cross it.

At this moment.

The Shadow Naga King measured the distance, determined the maximum range that the island could leave, and fed back to Bai Yi.


The Shadow Naga King took this place as the radius and began to explore.

After his detection.

Under this sea area.

Except for the deep seabed, and some dispensable monsters and weak creatures,


Basically, there are only sand and stones on the seabed, and there are no other abnormal things.

In other words.

In the sea area explored by the Shadow Naga King, there is no trace of the second key.


You can only adjust your perspective to the other half of the sea area, Shadow Water.


[Island of Distress] in the Iberian Strait, the other half of the sea area.

Shadow Water has been silent in the Shadow Kingdom for too long.

There is no other reason.

There is not much room for him to play, after all, his appearance must be coordinated with the prop [Water Cube].


The Water Cube can hold nearly 10,000 tons of water, which sounds a lot, but it is not a lot in fact.

It is just the amount of water in a few standard swimming pools.

And here.

——The sea.

It is the real home of Shadow Water. Only here can all his skills be fully used.

After arriving in the waters.

The Shadow Water did not move, but used its own skills directly.

A-level [Cluster Thinking]!

S-level [Water Transfiguration]!

Two extremely powerful skills were used, and the surrounding seawater was instantly assimilated by the Shadow Water.

Almost in an instant.

The surrounding seawater was changed in all its properties, and the Shadow Water had perfect control over it.

In general.

The surrounding seawater is no longer the seawater of this copy, but the transformation and clone of the Shadow Water.

As long as the Shadow Water wants.

The surrounding seawater will not be considered as the seawater in this copy.

At this time.

The Shadow Water's skills were used again, and the surrounding transformation continued to expand, and the speed of diffusion was immeasurable.


Almost occupied a large area of ​​the sea.

And the surrounding sea monsters on the road were also directly cleared.

Bai Yi's side.

I heard a wave of prompts again and again:

[Dungeon: [Island of Hardship]]

[Level: LV.42-LV.50]

[Degree of Danger: Very Low]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Poisonous Sea Clam], experience +5W2980]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Hurricane Water Dragon Snake], experience +6W1239]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Poisonous Sea Clam], experience +5W2980]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Rock Turtle], experience +7W9222]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Hurricane Water Dragon Snake], experience +6W1239]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Confusing Siren], experience +6W980]

[Congratulations on killing the monster [Confusing Siren], experience +...]

With the expansion of the transformation.

Countless sea monsters were killed by the poisonous hands and directly killed by the Shadow Water in the main field.

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