The more the shadow of the natal star fights, the more fierce it becomes, just like a ghost.

There is no trace of it at all.


The speed of the shadow of the natal star is getting faster and faster, and Ryan Remiz's defensive rhythm is completely messed up.



Ryan Remiz's eyes are red, and he wields the giant blade frantically, trying to get rid of the weird enemy in front of him as quickly as possible.


Ryan Remiz can't do it at all.

He can only watch the enemy in front of him constantly consume his physical strength.


Ryan Remiz's eyes were no longer crazy, and he almost collapsed to the ground in despair.

His heart was full of despair!

Lost? !

He was wearing a set of Beast God's special-grade distorted symbiotic mecha, but he actually lost to a mere monster? !

Or a monster that he had killed once! ?




Ryan Remiz felt the last bit of strength in his body dissipate, and his heart began to beat violently.


Boom! Boom!

Once, twice...

A rapid heartbeat sound came, and Ryan Remiz's breathing became heavier.


As the frequency of his heartbeat became faster and faster, Ryan Remiz actually felt vaguely that his heart seemed to jump out of his chest!


Ryan Remiz uttered a sentence with difficulty.

Then, Ryan Remiz's eyes slowly closed.

"Cough... Hoho..."

"I... don't... want to..."


"Hoho... Hoho..."

Blood kept flowing from Ryan Remiz's mouth and nose.

And in this blood.

Ryan Remiz seemed to hear the sound of his heart breaking!




Because of the constant fighting, his heart was damaged in the repeated shocks? !

Ryan Remiz was shocked at the first time.

This conjecture is impossible.

After all.

Even if he was wearing a beast god super-deformed symbiotic mecha, his original body was not a defensive one.

He was a combat one!

Or the kind of combat one who stood behind others and continuously used technological weapons to output remotely!

Defense or something.

It was really not what he was good at.

Thinking of this, Ryan Remiz's heart tightened.

If the heart is really damaged, then it's probably very dangerous.

If the heart is gone.

Then Ryan Remiz can only move for six minutes at most, and will immediately enter a state of physiological death.

Even if the professional is very powerful.

But it is still within the scope of human beings, not to the point where it can live without a head and a heart.

Of course.

Some skills and talents can still be exceptions.

But the key is...

He Ryan Remiz doesn't have such means!

"Damn it."

"I have to treat it first."

"My physical strength is almost gone..."

Ryan Remiz was worried about himself, and the madness in his eyes gradually decreased, but he was worried about his life.

But at this time.

The two people behind him began to discuss.

"No way, why are you standing still all of a sudden?"

"Are you not injured?"

"Oh, no, no, you have to be strong, it's my turn as the strongest to go on stage!"

"Well, let's go together."

Hearing the discussion of Johnny Tepi, the defender of the Strait, and Galahad, the Knight of the Round Table, Ryan Remiz couldn't bring himself to do it.

He didn't want to admit it either.


Johnny Tepi, the defender of the Strait, and Galahad, the Knight of the Round Table, did have some truth in what they said.

"Forget it."

"I'd better go down honestly."

"Take a break first, it's not too late to fight again."

"Damn it..."

Ryan Remiz gnashed his teeth, he was really unwilling to accept it.


This is the reality, even if he still wants to continue fighting, the only remaining reason is also persuading him.


This beast god super-deformed symbiotic mecha began to change again.

Inside the mecha.

Countless black substances condensed into a needle-like shape, ready to pierce Ryan Remiz's chest.

"What is this...?!"

Ryan Remiz was horrified and

The consciousness controlled this Beast God Super Deformed Symbiotic Mech.


Ryan Remiz found that these things were still within his control.

He did not let these black needles pierce.

Actually, they did not pierce.

After careful thinking.

Ryan Remiz felt that these things would not hurt him, but instead responded to his other ideas.


"Strengthen me!"

Ryan Remiz shouted in his heart, and did not continue to stop the action of this Beast God Super Deformed Symbiotic Mech.


A sound of entering the flesh and blood sounded, and this Beast God Super Deformed Symbiotic Mech began to move inside.

At this moment.

Ryan Remiz was like being locked in a set of torture instruments.

Countless deformed objects similar to needles penetrated directly into the body.

And among them.

Including the heart.

Ryan Remiz's heart was instantly entangled by black deformed objects, which instantly acted as sutures.

No matter how small the wound was, it was sutured in an instant.


This part of the deformed object directly replaced the original flesh and blood, forming a stronger structure.

Ryan Remiz, got a new life!

"This... this is!?"

Ryan Remiz only felt that he was full of power.


His body was more integrated with this set of Beast God Super Deformed Symbiotic Mecha.

It seemed to be more handy and easy to operate.


He, Ryan Remiz, could feel every detail of the deformed mecha.

Whether it was the eight sharp thorns behind him.

Or the three pairs of special glands on the body, and the capture foot blades on both sides of the forearm, all seemed like part of the body.


"God helps me!"

"God is with me! God is with me!"

Ryan Remiz shouted excitedly, feeling surprised by his own changes.

He knew.

This was the left and right of the Beast God Super Deformed Symbiotic Mecha, and he remembered every monster in that mysterious copy.

Those monsters.

But with the help of the Deformed, with a mere level 40 strength, he could fight against him at level 70 at that time!

According to common sense.

It is impossible to exist at all.

But from this point of view, the Beast God Super Deformed Symbiotic Mecha can indeed achieve this excellent quality.


It can do better!

And now.

The Beast God Super Deformed Symbiotic Mecha directly helped him, Ryan Remiz, to repair his injuries.

Even actively merged!

Let his injuries heal and become stronger!

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